Kindred Spirit Lodge Presents

Keeper of the Souls

Part 3 by killian


January 11th, 2002
Relaxation Part 3 - by killian


killian leaned back in the spring, and sipped on the Xenabrandy the Lord Kit had brought her.  rach nearly swatted her when she saw the Warrior actually waiting on her, but she remembered killian had hurt her back, so she just laughed, and shook her head at her friend.

tris was rubbing killian's feet, and doing a lot of smiling even though she was pretty sore from her trip into the forest.  killian and rach exchanged knowing looks.

On down the path came sarah, pulling on a tired dj's good arm.  killian had to smile.  If anyone could get dj to relax it would be that persuasive sexy sub sarah.

The hot springs were teaming with Lodgers now.  It was a cool clear night.  You could see your breath floating above mixing with the steam from the hot water.  And the sky was crystal clear, and astounding.

Klancy and Dory, Kit, Sirius and Hunter along with Lady Alison, all came traipsing down the path to the springs with their arms full, and twi and merry angel in tow.  Lord Nessa brought up the rear, holding back to make sure all were safe.

The Doms arms were full of cheese platters, with breads, and fruits and crackers.  A second and third tray were full of warm drinks for everyone.

The subs mouths dropped open at this service.  Each lass thought of just what nice way they could thank their sweet Doms.

Some stayed in the water, while others bundled up in their robes.  The Lodgers ate, drank, and told stories of their lives to each other.  It was the first time in their new home that all the Kindred Spirit Lodgers were assembled at the hot springs.

The soaking and talking, and a spanking or two, just for fun, went on into the wee hours of the morning.  Everyone but Xena and gabrielle were there, but they expected them back in a few days.  The Warrior had a mission only she and gabrielle could deal with, so they had gone during the crisis, and were moved by the rest of the Lodgers.  Klancy had remembered at the last second that Xena needed a room with an outside exit, like a balcony.  The Warrior liked to keep her options open should they get attacked.  So a second floor room with a view of the lake, and a balcony, awaited the duo, upon there return.

All was well in the world of the Kindred Spirit Lodge.


End Part 3 - by killian

Keeper of the Souls Index

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Lodge Entrance