Kindred Spirit Lodge Presents

Take It As It Comes

by killian
March 28th, 2002


The day started out as a day like any other. The sky was clear with a light eastern breeze. The trees rustled, as if happy to be getting to flex and sway in the midday sun. The trail was clear, and the sometimes annoying dust, had been dampened down by the previous nights light rain. All was well with the world.

The sun reflected lazily off the lake, as the little hunting party rode by. Klancy took the lead, as was her custom. Not that she felt the need to always be in front mind you, she didn’t actually. She rather preferred to take up the rear, so as to get a better look at the backsides of the lovely wenches, who occasionally rode along on hunting outings. No, Klancy was in front for two reasons. She was by far the tallest of the party, and she had the sharpest eyes. Killian, who rode just behind Klancy, had amazing eyesight as well, but she stood a full foot shorter than the tall warrior, and was not as quick with a sword. So not quick, in fact, that the athletic sub carried no sword at all, but a staff, and a small knife sheathed at her waist.

Lady Alison rode behind Killian, her arm still not right after the fight with the crazy Tantalas, and her gang. Lady Alison was jovial and lighthearted, even through the ongoing pain. She had come up with the idea of this hunting party, as a way of getting out into the spring air, while filling the food coffers at the same time. It was she who added Killian, as a reward, to the often beleaguered lass.

Behind Alison, Lord Nessa brought up the rear. Nessa relished being in the fresh air and quiet of the trail. The dark warrior had been having nightmares of late, so was more than happy to join, when approached by Alison for this task.

Their journey, took the Kindred of the Lodge, deep into the forest. All four women were excellent hunters, and by the end of the first day, they had bagged two deer, several geese, and one large trout. Killian caught the trout accidentally, when she fell off her horse, mid stream. The trout found, not unlike many warriors before her, the lovely subs britches to be quite compelling. The large fish swam in for a look, just as Klancy reached down and plucked the screeching lass from the water. Killian had managed to grab a hold of the giant trout, even as she was carried, haphazardly, under Klancy’s arm, to rest on the shore. The gregarious sub was delighted, after the fact, which she had added so splendidly, to the hunting parties cache.

The trouble could not have been foreseen by the quartet of travelers. Spiders of this kind had been told of, in tales shared late at night, to frighten children from venturing too far from their homes. Yet, none had ever actually been seen by any in the Lodge, during their stay in their new home.

This spider would also not be around to tell much of a tale. After it did its damage to Klancy, who had encountered it, while foraging for wood, it was smashed in a wild, un-characteristic jolt of frenzy, from the often-stoic warrior. Klancy did not like spiders. This was known far and wide. Mistress Ikarius had fashioned a fake tarantula, to torment her friend, on more than one occasion, since her arrival at the Lodge. Warriors took secret bets, trying to guess how high and far, Klancy would jump, when faced with Icky’s spider. No one was laughing this night.

Klancy dropped the wood from her arms, as she shook off the offending creature, stomping it into oblivion with her pointed black boots. The warrior fell to the ground where she stood. Only her loud curse was left floating in the air, as the proud warrior lay crumpled in a heap on the darkening ground.

Nessa was first on scene, with Killian hot on her heels. Lady Alison stayed behind, briefly, with their horses, in case the attack was human in nature. Killian screamed when she saw Klancy, lying unconscious, with blood gushing from one side of her face. The light was still good enough to show the paleness of the warrior’s features, as Killian fell to the ground beside her. Nessa stood guard, still uncertain what had caused the warrior to fall. Killian, a quick study, and fair healer in her own right, looked the warrior over before gently rolling her onto her back. Klancy had cut her head, just above the eye, in her fall, so it took Killian a little while to notice the swelling hand.

“Sweet Artemis, Nessa, she was bit.” Killian pulled out her knife, and pointed to the dead spider for the dark lord to see. “I have to get out the poison. Call Alison, Nessa, I need your help, and we have to get her to camp before dark sets in.”

Nessa watched momentarily, as Killian cut into Klancy’s hand. The lass put her mouth over the cut and sucked. Nessa yelled for Alison to come, and immediately dropped to a knee to see what she could do to help.

“Nessa, put pressure on her head wound, do not stop the bleeding, just keep it out of her eyes.” Nessa looked around for something to work with. Finding nothing, she ripped off the sleeve of her shirt, and got to work stemming the blood flow.

Killian took Klancy’s palm into her mouth. She sucked, and spit, and sucked and spit, until all that was left was blood. By this time Alison had joined them.

“What in Hades happened?” The shorter warrior yelled, as she came upon the three. Klancy, passed out, the side of her face covered in blood, and Killian over her with blood dripping from her lips.

“Aye, she was bit Ally, by this thing.” Nessa pointed to the yellow backed remains on the ground.

“I think I got out all the poison I can, right now.” Killian said as she wiped off her mouth. “We need to get her to camp, where I can make up a poultice to get the rest, and I need to get this cut sewn up before she loses too much more blood. Lady Ally, can you help move her?”

Alison looked briefly, with disdain, at her shoulder. “Let’s do it.”

The three Kindred half dragged, half carried the tall warrior to their camp.

“Lord Nessa, we need water, fire, and right now.” Killian had shifted into healer mode, and moved now with a grace and calm that belied her years on earth.

“You got it, lass.” Nessa was off in a shot.

“Lady, I need dandelion roots, a lot of them, and several leaves from a yew tree. There was a stand of them where Klancy fell. I have to stay with her in case she stops breathing. Can you get those things for me.”

“Of course, Killian. Here is your staff, just in case. I think the area is clear, but it is always good to be aware. I will be back as soon as I can. Killian, I need you to drink some water from my pouch, and spit out the rest of that poison. We don’t need it getting into you now. Ok?” Alison put her hand on Killian’s cheek, as she handed her the water.

“Ok, warrior. Will do.” Killian took Alison’s hand, and kissed the palm.

All was quiet as Klancy rested her head on Killian’s lap, eyes closed, blood still oozing down the side of her face. Killian checked for swelling up the arm, and found it only to the forearm. Maybe I did get it after all, she thought.

“Ok, warrior. Now you listen to me. No tiny little eight-legged hairball is going to get you down. We are in need of some of your famous bravado now. I would like to hear how you are gonna explain away you hitting your self in the head.” Killian laughed, a nervous, ‘You damned well better not die on me’, laugh.

“Shoot.” Killian said to Klancy, though she didn’t expect an answer. “Warrior, I need to go to my saddle bags, and get my kit. You stay here, and, don’t move.” Killian couldn’t stop the tears, though she shook them off as soon as they came. She bit her tongue, trying to refocus her attention, and reached down and gave her wounded friend a kiss on the forehead. “I will be right back.”

Killian noticed for the first time, as she reached her horse, Dancer, Caitlin’s horse, that her hands and upper body were coated in blood. Dancer snorted, shaking her head in disapproval of the smell. “I know girl.” She said, as she patted the dark mare. “If it helps to know, it isn’t mine.” Dancer seemed to understand this, as she head butted her owner. “I love you too, Ya old softy.”

The tears slowed to a stop as Killian returned with her saddlebags. She kneeled down by Klancy, and gently took the warrior’s head into her lap. “Sorry about the blood. I am sure I look a fright. I blame you, warrior. Bleeding all over a poor, stunning, wench, like me. How very Un-Courtly of you.”

Killian rummaged through her bags, and came up with some cloth. “This is my second best top I am sacrificing for you. Luckily, I left my very favorite one at home.” She began tearing strips off, and wiping at the cut, trying to stem the blood flow. “You owe me, warrior, and don’t think I won’t make you actually go with me while I shop for the new things, that YOU are gonna buy. I will be slow about it too, I promise you. And you will just have to bear it, or I will make Nessa dump you in a trough. Ok, well, Nessa, and Alison maybe.”

Alison and Nessa bounded back into camp together, both carrying a load of wood, and a pot of water. “How is she?” Nessa knelt down, dumping the wood and getting to the business of making a fire. Alison dumped her load, and set the water pot down while she set about removing her pack, and pulling out the desired foliage.

“Same as when you left, but her heart is racing faster than before. I am worried we didn’t get enough of the poison out in time.” Killian dipped her hands into one of the pots, turning the water immediately red. She pulled out the wet cloth and cleared away the mass of blood from Klancy’s head. “Come on warrior. You bleed like a stuck pig.”

“Well she was hit on her hardest part, lass. Good thing it wasn’t her rear end. We’d a never heard the end of it.” Nessa laughed, as the other two groaned in unison. “What? I can be witty now. Don’t be making me need to turn ye two over my knee now.” Killian and Alison looked at Lord Nessa, then at each other. Everyone burst into laughter. “Damn lucky warrior that we were with her.” Everyone nodded silently as they got back to work.

Killian had cleaned the cut by now, and revealed a long, ugly gash from Klancy’s hairline to her temple. “Goddess, I hope she wakes up soon, so we can know the extent of this head injury, and that spider bite.” The small sub was thankful for the fire. She was freezing, and shaking, even though it was a mild night. It took her three tries to get the gut through the needle.

“Look, I need to sew up this cut, before it sets this way. But I have to make that poultice soon, before the poison settles. I can’t do both at the same time. Can either of you do either thing?” Killian looked up at her two friends with fresh tears in her eyes.

“Aye, lass. I ain’t as good as tris, mind ya. But I did mend me own clothes long before she came into my life. If you need me, lass, I can do it.” Nessa swallowed, and stirred the fire.

Alison gave her arm a shake. “I can’t do much with this gimp arm I am afraid, but I can keep the fire tended, and get some food ready for all of us. We are gonna have to eat sometime. And if I know that Big lug, she’s gonna be hollerin’ for dinner just as soon as those baby blues open.”

Killian wiped the fresh tears away. “I’m just gonna say it. I love you guys. I won’t be getting’ all maudlin on ya. I just needed to say it.”

“She’ll be ok, lass. She’s as strong as an ox, and just about as stubborn. We’ll make her ok. You hear me?” Nessa moved and pulled the girl into a hug.

“She always beats me to the mushy stuff. You’d think SHE used to be a wench, not me.” Everyone laughed again, as they shifted positions, allowing Nessa to sit, with Klancy’s head in her lap.

The next few candle marks passed quickly as the three carried out their business. Everyone was grateful that the warrior slept through the sewing. They had all had head cuts before, and had remembered the hardest part was holding their head still while the sewing happened. Nessa made quick work of the gash. Closed it with a neat tight row of stitches. “It does a lot for her looks, if’n I do say so myself.” Killian and Ally chuckled. “Tell her that when she wakes up,” Alison added. “But let killy and me take bets first, as to how long you get to keep standing.” Now it was Nessa’s turn to chuckle.

Killian had Klancy’s hand soaking in one of the pots, softening it up for the poultice. The warrior’s hand and forearm had swollen to twice the size. Killian bit her lower lip as she concentrated on mixing up the poultice. The x size cut the sub had made in the warriors hand had open up, and was now large enough to take the large damp packet. Killian placed the pouch into Klancy’s hand, and wrapped the cloth around her wrist to hold it in place. She would change the dressing every candle mark, until she felt all the poison had been removed. Sitting up all night, if necessary.

Alison had put together some delicious smelling stew, which she forced on Killian and Nessa. “You two gotta eat. Klancy would have my hide if I let you two get sick over taking care of her. I don’t want to get beat up by Klancy, so you two eat up. Got it?” Nessa and Killian looked at each other a tad sheepishly before accepting the bowl of stew, and torn bread.

Everyone ate in silence, as they watched Klancy sleep, her head now resting on some rolled up clothing, and her arm laying, wrapped at her side. Every candle mark or so, Killian changed the poultice. The warrior would stir, but not open her eyes. They held vigil like this all night. None of them would go to sleep, and none of them had the heart to order any of the others to sleep, when everyone knew they couldn’t.

They passed the time telling stories about their friend. Killian had not heard some of these stories. The sub felt like she had been allowed into the private warrior club for a night. She ached with pride at being allowed to see this camaraderie the warriors usually held only for each other. Killian knew instinctively that she would not be able to repeat any of the stories she had heard about Klancy, especially the more ribald ones. These were kept in the circle of warriors. A circle she was, now, sitting inside of.

Klancy’s eyes opened just as the first birds began chirping good morning, high above them. Her mouth followed suit.

“What is this, a party? Did I have a good time, before one of you dolts conked me over the head? I sure hope I look better than you all. I’ve seen better lookin’ centaurs. From the rear.” Klancy’s hand started up to her face, but was gently caught by Killian’s. The warrior looked at her bandage, and the swelling, still there, but much less then the previous night. Klancy nodded at Killian, and gave the lass her hand, so she could change the poultice again.

“Well, as I suspected,” Lady Alison began, as she handed the warrior a pouch of water. “Your humor bone, was NOT jostled into any working order by your self inflicted head injury. I had really hoped we wouldn’t be stuck with your brand of what passes for jokes, any more. I say, if you’re gonna dive head first into a pile of wood, let it at least improve something in your character.”

“She’d of had to fall from a lot higher up than that, my friend.” Nessa looked the sorry looking warrior over. “I suppose we could hoist her up that tree there, and drop her again. If nuthin’ else, we’d have some fun.” The warriors all chuckled.

“Ha, and ha.” Killian silenced them. “We aren’t hoisting her anywhere, but onto that travois you both built last night. So we can get her home, so Amber can get a good look at her.” Killian moved to redo the bandage on Klancy’s head.

Klancy pushed her hand away, and tried to sit up. “I am not riding in any stinking travois I will ride Bracken if its the, whoa………….” Klancy fell back down, landing perfectly in Killian’s lap.

Killian sighed in frustration. “Welcome to the real world, warrior. Now, you will be riding in the travois, if I have to hit you with a log to knock you out again, MYSELF.”

“Watch yer tone, lass.”

“Watch my tone! Watch my tone? I will not- mmmmmmmmmmph” Alison held tightly over Killian’s mouth, knowing that the fiery lass could bite a finger off, at any moment.

“Klancy.” Nessa began. “That lass saved your stinking life last night, so if she wants you to ride in that stinking travois, you are gonna do it, if Ally and I have to sit on you the whole way home. Your choice. I know you may kick my ass later, but you will not be able today, and today is what counts. Now, take it easy with her, she’s been carin’ fer you like a new born babe, for near on a whole day, no sleep.”

“Doesn’t look like any of ya got any sleep. I apologize to ya, Killian; I would just rather ride if I were able. If I can’t, I promise to shut my yap, and ride in that thing you two strung up for me. I am much obliged to ya.” Klancy lay back down, her outburst having winded her good.

“Klancy, I will be needing to change this bandage on your head. Do you mind?” Killian now felt self-conscious, where she had recently felt so secure.

“Sure, Killian. Do what you must. You are obviously in charge around here. If you can get these to lay abouts to make this such a fine camp, and to give me such fine care, I think you gotta have something good goin’ on. I am not about to mess with it. I am under your spell, lass. You tell me, I will do it. Period. End of story.” And more quietly, under her breath, as she reached out to take hold of Killian’s hand, “thank you, lass. Ye know I trust you with my life. Seems like you took that seriously, last night. I owe you one.” Killian started to protest. “No, lass, give this to me. I owe you one.” Cloudy blue eyes met fierce brown. They held like that for a second. Killian finally blinked. “Ok, warrior. Now, let me see to this bandage.”

By midmorning, Klancy had recovered to a point of being able to travel. She was queasy, and dizzy from both the bite, and the head injury, but not enough to get her off of her horse. Killian knew not to fight her on this. This was a warrior’s way, and you had to let them be who they were. A compromise was set. Nessa would take lead. Klancy would follow directly behind, with Killian riding shotgun, just in case the warrior felt the need to pitch herself off of Bracken during the trip home. Alison would bring up the rear with Killian’s horse, Dancer, in tow.

Killian insisted on one more change of both bandage, and poultice, before they began the full days ride home. Killian had become quite self-conscious since the warrior woke up, and it showed. “Klancy, I am sorry I couldn’t do more for you. Amber will have a better sense of what to do for you.” Killian fiddled around the area.

Nessa over heard, and stepped in. “Killian, lass. You listen to me. There is no one, not even Amber who could have done a better job than you did, with what you had to work with. You ought to be damn proud of yerself, little lass. You saved this Oxe’s life, and we are deeply grateful to ya. Don’t sell yourself short, shorty. You got the goods. You got em’.

“What she said.” Ally chimed in.

“Who knew the Crazy Celt had some poetry in her.” Klancy chuckled, and it nearly toppled her off the horse. Killian had to hold her upright.

“Whoa, well. Killian, you are a healer. I have seen it in your work with me. You have been holding out on us Killian. You secret is out now. Amber will welcome the help.”

“Oh, thank you all, but I am no Amber. I just know a few things is all.” Killian blushed at all of the attention.

Ally shook her head. “Killian, it is simple, you accept that you are a gifted healer, OR, we three will take turns blistering your ass, until you do. AND, not in a good way.” Ally raised her eyebrow, along with Nessa and Klancy.

Killian sighed. “Warriors.” She sighed again, knowing when she was outnumbered and outmatched. “Ok, I am an ok healer. That is the best you are gonna get. Take it or leave it.”

Three voices chimed in, “We’ll take it. “ Chuckling ensued, as the quartet of weary hunters made their way back to the Lodge.


The End - 'Take it as it Comes' - by killian

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