Kindred Spirit Lodge Presents

The Breeding

by Rider & Ikarias
January 2005


A gloriously warm day, a leisurely ride through the beautiful meadows surrounding the Lodge and a long soak in the hot springs restored the Rider’s good humor after a rough night of Beastly dreams. A cocky Rider smiled at the eyes she felt follow her as she sauntered into the Lodge for a pint and a bit of lunch.

Sirius was holding court in the corner, amused as she watched her wenches shoot furtive glances at the stranger. Sometimes the wenches were worse than the warriors about checking out fresh meat.

The Rider wondered absently if maybe she could interest any of the warriors in a knife-throwing contest later to amuse themselves.

Suddenly, the air felt different. The Lodge held their collective breaths and all eyes turned toward the huge staircase.

The Lady Aria gracefully descended the stairs just as Rider was draining her mug and signaling for another. Her entrance brought smiles – more like a smirk in Sirius’ case – to the faces of the warriors present. Aria kissed a few cheeks and squeezed a few hands as she made her circuit around the room and took a seat next to the half-dragon. To the Rider, whose eyes followed her around the room, the lady offered only a small nod. The Rider grinned at Lady Aria’s display.

Securing her second mug of ale, Rider approached the table. She gave a courteous half-bow to the pair. Rider wanted to get to know the half-dragon better. She felt a kinship of sorts. She felt the dragon half of the warrior was much like her own Beast … something that had to be kept under control.

“Lady Aria,” the Rider began. “May I speak to you on behalf of a friend? It’s matter concerning your mare.”

The Lady raised an elegant eyebrow. Her reply was as exacting as an assassin’s knife. “My Renaissance is not and never will be for sale.”

Rider cocked her head, eyes twinkling. “You misunderstand, my lady. I am not proposing a purchase, but a liaison…a tryst, if you will.”

The Lady’s eyes widened at the Rider’s boldness. “I beg your pardon!” she protested.

Rider’s grin widened, showing white teeth against her tanned face. She did love to tease the women.

“Well, let me be more precise. My stallion has informed me that your mare is in season, and he wants to breed her. I am here to present his case.”

The Lady stared at Rider. She wasn’t entirely sure if the warrior was being truthful or playing her. This woman’s horse talks to her? Well, maybe that isn’t unheard of…there are others who can understand animals.

“You expect me to whore out my fine bred mare to just any horny stud?” It wasn’t that she was uninterested. It just went against Lady Aria’s nature to appear too compliant.

“Of course not! Wind Walker comes from the finest of Arabian lines. The Arab is one of the oldest and purest breeds on this earth, valued for its superior speed, agility and stamina. Arabian blood has been infused into many more modern breeds in hopes of improving their bloodlines.”

Lady Aria drummed her fingers on the table. “Maybe my mare would prefer another stallion in the stable. Maybe she doesn’t want to breed at all.”

Rider nodded slowly, making a display of thinking over the Lady’s words. She relished this verbal dance with the beautiful Lady Aria. Rider knew the rest of the lodgers were eavesdropping to see if Lady Aria would spurn the proposed arrangement. They were enjoying the dance, too.

Rider wrinkled her brow and tapped her chin with a long finger, as if in deep thought. “Well, um, your mare has been rather forward about her interest in my stud. Seems she slipped the latch on her stall last night and paraded in front of his stall for hours, teasing him. Wind Walker says you would never know she was maiden by the display she put on.”

“Well, I never!” The Lady was indignant. Then she asked hesitantly, “What do you mean by ‘maiden?"

“Virgin, my lady. She’s never been bred.”

“Never? Oh, well, I knew that.” But it was obvious she hadn’t considered it before. Rider smothered a chuckle as the Lady’s chin jutted out and her lips formed a cute pout.

“So you are asking my permission to let your stallion brutalize my sweet filly?”

Rider smiled. “I’m asking your permission to introduce them properly in the paddock. If they are still enamored with each other, then we’ll need to supervise the breeding so neither of our valuable steeds are injured.”

The Lady considered this. She cocked an elegant eyebrow, her eyes unconsciously sliding over the Rider’s athletic form. Horses breeding. Hmm. She hadn’t observed such a thing before. Her mind flitted briefly to picture a horse sized … oh, this could be interesting. “Well, I don’t suppose it could hurt to let them get to know each other – as long as you can keep that randy stud of yours under control.”

Rider bowed and swept a muscled arm toward the stable. “As you wish. Shall we adjourn to the stables?”

Lady Aria turned to the Ikarias. “Will you escort me, my friend?” She didn’t want to appear too available to the mysterious and flirtatious Rider. The half-dragon understood, smirking at the Rider as she extended her scaled arm for the Lady to take. “Of course, my dear. It’s been a while since I watched a breeding.”

As the trio left the Lodge, the other sisters exchanged glances, but hesitated only a brief moment before getting up from their seats to follow. Sirius watched them leave before she, too, rose and sauntered in the same direction. ‘Hell, why not? There’s no other entertainment going on at the moment.’


(Overheard by Ikarias) --

Asher the Percheron swiped up a bit of straw and looked askance at the smaller Wind Walker.

"Araby eh? Long way from home."

"Home is where my woman is," Windwalker replied snuffling for that lost bit of carrot he'd dropped.

"Yeah, though a warm stall and a nice filly 'o ass to check out never hurt either. You serious in that Renaissance?"

"You've been around her long enough, is she?"

"I grew up in the Highlands, pee freezes before it hits the ground in winter. Gotta smash your water trough with your hoof to get a drink."


Asher snuffled at the handsome but dense youngster, "Compared to that Renni makes my youthful time a hot summer day."

"What about her 'lookit me now, my fine lines, my mane, my--' "

"Ass, yup and teeth sharper than the North wind. See her stall, back corner? That ain't from being a scratching post for the barn cats, boy."

Wind Walker stretched his neck and peeked as if Asher didn't see it all. He held back a shiver. "Flies, terrible this time of year."

Asher snorted, breath white in January, "Yup, flies." He pulled out another clump of hay. "She's like her lady, grow it, show it, picky on who gets it. Now there's a farmer nearby, three hills over. I buck loose and visit him every spring. Got several mares who just LOVE a good time. He don't mind the strong, long-legged children I leave'em with either. All play, no work." Asher reared, his massive head scratching the roof beams 5 yards overhead. He came down soundless like a feather, his bulk all one bundle of control.

Wind Walker sighed. "A stallion has to have a dream, else what is life for?"

"My woman Ikarias keeps the salve in the far bucket for the bites. I think she got stitching material too. Slather you down, sew you up, then, boy, you can tell me alllll about it. Just don't let Miss High n Mighty get under with those choppers of hers."

"Oh?" Came out in a mid-swallow.

"See Romeo over there..."(indicating a male chestnut with three white socks in the 2nd to last stall) "She gelded him." Asher dipped his muzzle into the feed bucket for leftover oats.

Wind Walker sprayed carrot bits all over the stall.


(Chapter 2) --

“You’ll make sure my Renaissance isn’t hurt in any way, won’t you,” Lady Aria asked as the entered the stable. This whole thing was making her a little nervous. Or was it just excited? She tightened her grip on the half-dragon’s until Ikarias raised a puzzled eyebrow at her friend.

The mare whinnied when she heard her mistress’ voice. ‘I’m here, mistress!’

Rider turned and looked deep into Lady Aria’s beautiful eyes. “I promise, no harm will come to your mare. The safety of these fine animals is my utmost concern,” the warrior assured her gently. The Lady’s breath hitched at this small crack in the Rider’s cocky persona, before the usual arrogance quickly slid back into place.

“I think we should let your mare into the paddock first, before she breaks down the door of that stall,” Rider grinned.

She strode quickly over and slid the door back on the mare’s stall. She waited at the door, halter in hand while the anxious mare whirled in stall. Her display of temper had fooled more than one young stable hand into stepping back from the doorway and giving her the chance to bolt to freedom on her own. But this horse master stood her ground.

“You’re not getting out of here until you stop that nonsense and give me your head,” the Rider calmly told the mare. “Behave, and I promise to introduce you to a very handsome stud.”

Lady Aria snorted. Did this woman really think the horse would listen and understand?

The mare kicked out, slamming an impatient hoof against the oak wall of her stall. ‘I’ll run you over if you don’t move!’

The Rider cocked her head and stared at the mare. “Aren’t we a temperamental little bitch today?” Rider held out the halter. “This halter is your only ticket out of here.”

The horse stilled, then hesitantly walked forward and lowered her head to accept the halter. Rider quickly fastened it and led her toward the paddock.

Lady Aria released the breath she didn’t realize she was holding. Rider winked at Ikarias as she led the mare past them. “Just like some women I know. All spit and hellfire until you get a rope on them, then they are compliant as a wench.” Lady Aria sputtered at the Rider’s insolence and swatted at half-dragon who laughed heartily.

The lady dropped her grip on the half-dragon’s arm and huffed out of the barn after the Rider.

Rider released the mare in to the empty paddock. Savoring her freedom, the mare spun several laps around the circular enclosure, stretching her legs. She was magnificent. A fiery chestnut red, she had the long fine head of a Saddlebred and a sweeping tail that nearly touched the ground. Head and tail raised, she flew around the paddock in a high-stepping gait.

The Rider’s eyes followed the mare as Lady Aria stomped up, preparing to verbally filet this over-confident, over-muscled, over-bearing… “She is, indeed, a beauty. Just like her mistress,” the Rider said before Aria could speak.

The Lady opened her mouth, but words failed her. She closed her mouth, and also turned her eyes to the paddock. “Thank you,” she murmured after a moment. A true lady never forgets her manners.

They watched the horse silently as the other lodgers began to take up positions along the paddock fence. As the mare settled down, Rider pushed away from the fence. “Time to bring her date out,” she announced.

Wind Walker paced, churning the wood chips that lined the floor of his stall. ‘Finally! What have been doing out there? I saw you take her out a candlemark ago,’ he grumped at the Rider.

“Hold your horses,” Rider quipped, then laughed at the ridiculous use of this saying - given that she was talking to a horse.

Wind Walker snorted and shook his head. ‘Cut the jokes. My wench awaits!’

“Ho-ho, my arrogant one. She changed her mind. I was heading down to get that black stud at the end,” Rider teased.

Wind Walker rained a series of kicks against the wall. He wasn’t in the mood for humor.

“Okay, okay. But you have to promise to settle down and be a gentleman. When is the last time you bred a maiden mare? Don’t embarrass me in front of the entire lodge.”

The stud shook his head to clear it. ‘You’re right. I’ll be good. Just, you bring the hobbles. I don’t want to get kicked in the balls like the last time I took a maiden. And, uh, do you have a muzzle or something like it?’ Wind Walker cast a quick glance at a smirking Asher. ‘I heard she was something of a biter.’

Rider chuckled as she led the stallion from his stall. “You just be your charming self. I’m sure she’ll stand for you like whore trying to make rent.”

‘Watch it, that’s my lady love you’re talking about.’

“Yeah, yeah. She’s the love of your life this week. Next week it will be another,” Rider teased.

Wind Walker danced and pranced as Rider nonchalantly walked him out to the paddock. Renaissance stopped and gave a shrill whinny when she spied her stud headed her way.

"Slut!" Lady Aria hissed under her breath as Ikarias chuckled.

Rider let the two touch noses over the paddock fence. The mare squealed and kicked out with her front hoof.

Lady Aria frowned. "I don't think she likes him."

Rider smirked. "She's just playing the tease. You know something about that, don't you?"

The roar of laughter from Sirius caught everyone by surprise.

"She's got you there, my obstinate one," the Dark Lord smiled a leering grin.

Lady Aria opened her mouth to retort when Renaissance suddenly whirled around and presented her rear to her suitor who still stood on the other side of the fence. She lifted her tail as though she was going to urinate, and expelled handfuls of liquid that ran down her legs.

"W-w-what is she doing?" Lady Aria stuttered, a scarlet blush creeping from her creamy breasts upward toward her cheeks. She wasn't at all sure, but it did look like a come-fuck-me pose.

Rider grinned. She was enjoying the embarrassment of this sometimes very bold lady.

"Well, she's letting him get a smell of her perfume. The urine she is excreting has female hormones in it that stoke the stallion's fire."

Wind Walker leaned over the top rail of the fence and sniffed at the mare's butt, then curled his upper lip in an almost comical fashion and lifted his nose to the sky.

"Well! I never. Is he saying she smells?" The scowling pout on the lady's face was almost as funny as the stud's response.

Klancy smothered a smirk. She was well-versed in horse breeding, and like the Rider, was enjoying Aria's first experience at it. The move didn't get past Aria's sharp eyes. Was everybody enjoying this at her expense?

The courtly butch shrugged in response to the former assassin's glare. "She does seem quite taken with Rider's stud," she offered.

"Actually, although it looks stupid, he is exhibiting typical stallion behavior. When he curls his lip like that, it opens his olfactory cavities and lets him get a really good whiff of what she has to offer," Rider explained.

Rider led Wind Walker to the gate and turned him loose with his prospective conquest. The stallion whirled and galloped around the large paddock, tail raised high and hooves fairly dancing along the ground. Renaissance followed him as they made several turns around the pen.

They watched while the two beautiful equines executed a dazzling mating dance, bucking and prancing around the enclosure together until both were breathing hard - more from excitement than exertion.

When finally they stilled, Wind Walker reached over to nuzzle the mare's flank. The mare reflectively spread her stance as an invitation, but at the same time squealed and sank her teeth into Wind Walker's gleaming white hide.

Lady Aria winched at the blood seeping down Wind Walker's shoulder and cut her eyes over to see Rider's reaction. Rider shook her head. "The lady does like to play rough. Asher told him that she was biter."

"Damn straight." Klancy offered. "She gelded poor Romeo." The warriors present groaned and the wenches tittered at the thought.

"She just no pushover!" Aria glowered. "She's letting him know who's really in charge."

Wind Walker only grunted his discomfort, and began to circle the mare. She squealed again and stomped her hooves.

"It's the wench who is always really in charge," Rider whispered into Aria's ear, "because the warrior is always a slave to their need to feel power."

Rider reached for the hobbles she had earlier hung on the fence, and pulled a twitch that was hanging from her belt. "Give me a hand?" she asked Klancy.

Klancy nodded and followed Rider through the gate. After a moment, Aria followed them. She wasn't sure she trusted this Rider.

"What are you doing now?" she demanded.

Klancy grabbed the mare's halter and held her tight while the Rider pulled on the horse's upper lip and pinched it solidly in the twitch.

"Now just a minute!" Lady Aria protested, striding over to the Rider and slapping at a muscled bicep. "You unhand her right now!"

Rider adjusted her grip on the twitch and turned toward Aria while keeping one hand securely on the twitch. "It's OK," she said with a cocky half-smile. "The twitch is only painful for a short time, then it begins to release endorphins into the horse's brain."

Lady Aria stood with her hands on those curvaceous hips, looking every skeptical. Rider leaned close and explained in a low voice. "It's not all that different from the feeling you get from a pair of hard clips on those delicate little nipples of yours." Rider quickly snaked out a hand and gave Lady Aria's right nipple a hard squeeze. Aria gave a half-hearted slap at the Rider's very presumptuous pinch, clinching her thighs at the jolt that went right to her center.

"Your horse doesn't look very big," Aria said to draw attention away from herself and back to the horses. It was true that Arabians, although strong, were not a large breed. They were valued more for their agility and stamina.

The mare's eyes began to droop as the endorphins kicked in and the pain in her lip turned to pleasure. Wind Walker circled and stopped to sniff her and raise his nose to the sky again while doing that funny lip thing. He walked around behind the mare. She was ready, legs splayed and tail up. The stallion paused and extended a five-foot cock from his sheath.

"Oh!" Lady Aria breathed.

"He's big enough where it counts," Rider grinned.

Rider turned back to the mare and grasped her halter. "I've got her," she told Klancy. "Can you put the hobbles on?"

"Hobbles?" Aria's eyes grew wide as she watched Klancy fit the leather harness to restrain the mare's legs. Her face was growing flush.

"Just for safety's sake. You don't want her to get excited and kick out, maybe injuring the stallion or herself," Rider said, eyeing the little beads of sweat that began to collect on the lady's heaving breast.

The mare grunted as the stallion mounted and settled his weight upon her back. He trust once, twice and a third time before giving her a rough nip on the neck and climbing down.

Klancy began to remove the hobbles as Rider loosened the twitch.

Sirius chuckled at the shocked expression on the feisty Lady Aria's face.

"That's it? That's all he does?" Her voice rose in volume with each question. "He's got a five-foot cock and only lasts 30 seconds?"

Klancy laughed along with Sirius.

"It has to be quick," Rider explained, "because in the wild they don't want to be hooked together like dogs if a mountain lion comes along." Rider laid the mare's lead line in Aria's hand before leaning close. Her breath was hot on the lady's fine neck as she growled her message.

"Now on the other hand, some of us can ride all night long."


(reported by Ikarias) --

Asher saw the perky pony practically dance into his stall.

"I'm too sexy for my stall, too sexy for them all, too sexy..."

"Yo, Windy, you did Renni?"

Windwalker flashed a HUGE horsey smile and kept on humming, "I'm too sexy for my stall, too sexy for them all, too sexy..."

A long yawn and longer drawn out passage of effluence came from a certain sometime lady, "Could have been the WORST 30 seconds of my life but SOMEONE twisted my lip and the BASTARD took advantage of it. I left him a little something to remind him of it though."

Asher snorted and hawed 'til he sounded like a donkey, he stopped shaking the laughing tears from his eyes as Rennaisance and Windwalker glared at him.

"By the way, pony boy, here's my woman to sticth you up. You're purty white coat is ripped real bad."

Ikarias walked by and pulled an undercoat hair from the middle of Asher's tail, the softest more pliable stitching hair came from there. She scratched Windwalker's nose and slathered some cool numbing cream on his shoulder.

Windwalker's eyes went wide and glazed at the sight, he leaned heavily against the stall.

Ikarias sewed eight fast small stitches, one hand feeling the stallion's heartbeat slow and steady. It increased as she bit the last end off and she vaulted the stall.

Asher snorted as the Arabian bucked and kicked then settled down shivering. A ripe apple took his mind off the wet cloth wiping away the blood.

"Care to try me, House on Hooves?" Renni flirted at Asher, cool and nasty.

Asher reared up, let his manhood show the thickness of Ikarias' thigh and settled back to get a nose rub from his woman.

"You're lucky you're too small for that hunka hunka burning love," Ikarias knickered and stamped in horsespeak back at Renni. "All you can do is want what you'll never get."

Renni flared her elegant nostrils and bared her teeth in the horsespeak of "I'll bitchslap you through the barn."

Ikarias laughed and held another small apple to Windy. She whispered, "It's okay lover boy, I faint at needles too."


The End - 'The Breeding' - by Rider & Ikarias

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Lodge Entrance