Kindred Spirit Lodge Presents

Nessa's Return

by Shasa and Lord Nessa
January~February 2003


(Shasa) --

The stone was cool on her cheek. The view from this transom was of the forest tree line, and Shasa had spent many days now, wearing the surface smooth. Killian, Caitlin and Aria had returned several days ago; Jan arrived a day later. Shasa now waited, with increasing apprehension, for the Celt that never materialized.

“Perhaps a run would ease your mind for a time?”

Shasa smiled at the sound of the quiet, and now delightfully familiar, voice behind her. “I don’t need an excuse to go looking for her…though I thank you for your diplomacy.”

Lou stepped forward and wrapped strong arms around Shasa’s belly. “Mmm…then what stops you?”

“Sometimes I know exactly what Ness needs, but I’m not sure this time. Should I go to her, or trust that she will return when she’s ready?” Shasa let her head fall back against Lou’s shoulder. She sighed, and it felt as if a large burden briefly lifted from her heart. “Discretion…well, maybe it’s more like prudence--.” She stopped short, as if all thought had been erased; her brows suddenly contracted to match the scowl of her lips. “Oh, hell!”

Lou chuckled, and tightened her hold on the sailor. Soon Shasa felt lips at the edge of her ear. “It’s hard to watch our loved ones suffer, but it’s harder to not be able to lend comfort.”

Shasa turned in the embrace and buried her head in Lou’s chest. She accepted the support of her newest friend and lover, and simply absorbed her strength and love. Lou smiled in wonder at Shasa’s apparent comfort in demonstrating her own vulnerability.

“A warrior is sometimes unable to ask for what she needs, Shasa.” Emerald eyes looked into blue, searching for verification of her meaning. Lou understood and answered, “Go find her.”

A dazzling smile was seen on Shasa’s face for the first time in days, as she heeded counsel and ran into the woods.

“I hope she knows how lucky she is that you love her as you do.” Lou whispered, as she watched the dynamic form disappear.


The sailor could not find stillness. To do something, anything, proactive felt incredibly good; she had been waiting and worrying too long. She hadn’t wanted to wander away from the Lodge, in case the Celt returned in need of her. But she could no longer wait passively. Shasa needed to see, to feel within her own heart, that her beloved friend was at peace. Only then would her own turmoil end.

Running was such a release. In all her years as a sailor, Shasa had been denied the pleasure of such physical independence. To be able to feel her muscles carrying her over the terrain, to pull the air deeply into her lungs, to feel the pounding of her heart--these were childhood delights only rediscovered in the past decade of land-living. And she reveled in them. Diverting the mind with all its overactive thoughts, into one objective: to run. It didn’t matter where, or for how long. All that mattered was that she ran.

Today, Shasa added a foreign element to her pastime: intent. Today, she focused her very soul on Nessa, with the intention of finding her warrior. She never considered the possibility that her search would be fruitless; doubt never entered her mind. They had always found each other, always looked with loving compassion into one another’s hearts, and always shared a healing that was innate to them. This time would be no different.

She ran through the woods in her light deerskins, as easily as a whitetail, the soft leather deflecting the more prickly particles of the forest. Soon she heard a familiar crashing behind her, and the happy bark of Meika verified that her four-legged companion was glad to be frolicking again with her human. Shasa ran with a smile on her face and hope in her heart.

Until both the sun and doubt began to set.


Fear was not an issue. Shasa had complete confidence in her own ability to defend herself, and with Meika along as well, it didn’t need to be a worry. But food and fire was, and water was becoming a seriously immediate need. Shasa, normally a very prepared traveler, had none of these essentials. She hadn’t anticipated the need. After all, she had thought to be entwined in Nessa’s blankets this eve.

Blankets. Damn. That’s another thing.

Shasa stood with hands on shapely hips, looking at the final remnants of sunlight, as her heaving breath formed puffs before her face. She was disgusted with herself, and after a few colorful metaphors were uttered, she looked to Meika to provide one essential before full dark. “Find water, girl.”

Meika bounded off, with a seriously aggravated human following close behind.

The yellow lab could find water in a desert. She had an uncanny way about it, which Shasa never questioned, but always appreciated. And even though Shasa stumbled and groped in the pre-moon dark, to follow her canine companion, she knew it would end with her thirst sated. She did wish, however, it didn’t also end with her leather britches wet.

Shasa crawled up the bank of the small creek, and tucked her back against a large tree trunk. “This is like sleeping on deck in an October squall.”

Meika lay against her chest, to share whatever warmth she could, and both sighed deeply from exhaustion. A thought invaded the sailor’s mind right before she drifted off, and she shook her head and snorted as she whispered, “Why didn’t I just tell you to find Nessa, huh Meika?”

The lab’s only response was a long, wet lick to her human’s cold cheek.


Instant terror is the only way to describe it, so many thoughts bombarding at once. Where’s Meika? Who is it? Why can’t I move? Why can’t I scream? What’s happening? Shasa’s body shook violently, and she couldn’t determine if it was from cold or fear. Yet, all the terror ended as instantly as it had begun, when she heard the word “Caraid” uttered into her ear.

Shasa stopped struggling, looked up into gray eyes reflecting moonlight, and began to cry in relief. Well, that was before Shasa found productive use of her limbs a moment later, pressed back against Nessa’s chest, and smacked her soundly across the cheek for scaring the piss out of her.

The shock registering on the warrior’s face was mirrored back to her on the sailor’s. Both simply stared at one another for several heartbeats…one to slow her anger, the other to gather her wits. The latter began to babble.

“Nessa, I am so sorry! I was disoriented, love-” Shasa felt an ominous dread rise within her; she came to comfort the Celt, and now feared the warrior would fortify the door to her heart instead of opening it. “Please forgive me. I’m so glad you found me.”

Silence was the only response she received, and Shasa searched the gray eyes before her, for any sign of her friend’s thoughts. The Celt immediately looked away, taking in the form of the wet and shivering sailor. Shasa tried to still her limbs, suddenly embarrassed to be caught in the cold, and so unprepared.

Finally, a quiet voice spoke, “You’re soaked.”

Relief poured from the sailor, and she briefly smiled as she berated herself. “I was stupid.”

“No argument here.”

Shasa was suddenly glad of the dark, knowing that she was furiously blushing. “I came out to look for you, and didn’t even consider the possibility of not finding you.” Nessa looked sharply at the sailor, brow raised. It was Shasa’s turn to avert her eyes. “I know…like I said, I was stupid…I just felt…”

“What?” The quiet voice held an icy edge.

The normally strong and sensual voice seemed to disappear altogether, and all she could manage was a whispered response. “My heart would guide me to you.” Shasa sat up and pulled her knees to her chest, as if that would protect her from the vulnerability she felt raging inside. But she couldn’t expect the warrior to open up to her, if she wasn’t willing to do the same. “I just needed to find you…you’ve been gone so long, Ness.” Shasa’s sat hugging her knees, barely in control of her trembling limbs, and feeling completely exposed.

Suddenly Shasa realized what a sniveling cub she was being. She gave herself a shake, summoned the remains of her dignity, and faced the Celt with a steady gaze and voice. “Listen, Ness, I came to see if I could help. Granted, this wasn’t ideally what I had in mind, but I’m here. If you want anything at all--to talk, yell, fight, fuck, or whatever--I’m here. If you want me to leave you alone, I will. But to maintain my own sanity, I needed to find you and see if there’s anything I can do.”


(Nessa) --

“Listen, Ness, I came to see if I could help. Granted, this wasn’t ideally what I had in mind, but I’m here. If you want anything at all--to talk, yell, fight, fuck, or whatever--I’m here. If you want me to leave you alone, I will. But to maintain my own sanity, I needed to find you and see if there’s anything I can do.”

The sailor stood straight, green eyes gazing up at the Celt. Nessa thought she had never seen such sincerity in anyone. Shasa had walked with her through one emotional adventure after another for little more in exchange than a hard fuck and a walk in the woods. The warrior wondered why her beloved friend could still care enough to worry about her like this. “I am just glad you are here,” Nessa said “I feel like I have been wandering between the worlds and have no real place anymore.”

Shasa blinked. A sudden sense of alarm hammered at her. It was the defeat she heard in Nessa’s voice. The beautiful sailor knew love and she knew heartache, neither of which kept her down very far for very long. But this big Celt fell in love only once and the loss seemed to be taking her places Shasa had not known her to go before. She lifted a ringed finger to Nessa’s face and brushed a tear away. “Hold up there sweetheart,” she crooned “You have a very real and warm place any time you need it. I thought you knew.” She felt Nessa’s strong arms wrapping around her, big hands pressing against her back. It felt good, yet something wasn’t right about the feel of it.

Nessa held her friend close for a few moments just feeling the softness of her. She thought of how nice it would be to not be a warrior any longer, to just be free of being strong. How long had it been since she gave up control? Why did she always have to be in control anyway? It wasn’t something anyone asked of her. She just assumed it. She felt the dear body she held shiver. “Shasa, come with me to the cave I have been staying in. There is a fire and food.” She said. Pulling away, Nessa was able to see Shasa’s moonlit face. It seemed more beautiful, thoughtful, older in a gracious sort of way. She wondered how she could have missed the way her friend had been growing and changing from the fiery, carefree slut to the mature and beautiful woman standing before her now.

An old Willow stood just outside the opening to the Druid’s cave. Warm sunshine had long since faded from the forest. The Druid was usually here at this time. She felt the approach of her friend and that of a lighter stepping other. This one had hair the color of the Flaming Maple in pre-Winter. The old one sensed a strong full heart in the Druid’s friend. She opened her cascading tresses to give entrance to the sacred one and the visitor.

Shasa stopped when the huge green drape of the tree rustled open. It was unexpected but not surprising to the sailor. Nessa always had such influence on the forest around her, especially the trees. Shasa allowed the Celt to lead her. They passed under the Giant Willow and into a fair sized cave. The smaller woman felt the warmth immediately. The fire in the center of the space was casting a flickering light onto the walls. She was amazed to see signs of human inhabitance about the area. Furs were piled nicely to serve as a large pallet close to the fire. Wood was stacked against a wall. Strips of meat were hanging to dry on a rack. Water skins lay in a line on a ledge. Nessa’s sword and scabbard leaned into a niche in the wall.

Shasa watched the warrior pull a large fur from the pallet. The sailor stood in silence while Nessa brought the pelt around Shasa’s naked, shivering shoulders and closed it in her fist, holding it there while looking down into the sailors green eyes. They stood there for a few packed moments with unwavering gazes. Each saw into the other as they always could. What Shasa saw, excited and concerned her. She broke the gaze and walked to the fire. Dropping to the pallet, she sat staring at the fire for a moment before the tears welled up too far and too fast to stop. Suddenly she spoke with a voice she almost didn’t recognize as her own. “Why aren’t you wearing your sword Nessa?”

“What… my sword? I don’t need it right now.”

“Okay, why weren’t you wearing it when you found me? It isn’t like you to go into the forest or anywhere without it?” Shasa felt anger and grief but wasn’t clear why. “What is happening to you?” she sobbed.

Nessa edged closer to her friend. “I am safe. Look around you Shasa. There is nothing to fear here.” She said as she swept an arm around in gesture of the surroundings.

“Yeah, nothing to fear and nothing to do.”

“I have never had nothing to do my love. Why are you upset?”

“Because you are closing up and choosing loneliness! Because you have no passion for what you are and who you are! Because I don’t want to lose you Nessa!” Shasa’s voice rose with every word. Suddenly she realized the fear she was having now was the fear she had when she first saw that Nessa was letting go of Killian. The fear was that the Celt would let her own life go and lose the fire that defined her.

“You will never lose me little one.” Nessa said. “I just don’t want to kill anymore or to fight anymore or to hurt anyone anymore.”

“Or to love anymore.”

“No, I do love.”

“Love without passion? Bullshit!”

Shasa knew she had to do something. She knew something was not right from the minute she met up with Nessa earlier in the forest. She kept struggling with it in her mind, thinking that there was something there that made Nessa different. But what she realized now was that what was wrong was not something there, but something no longer there. Nessa was a warrior minus the fight, a Druid minus the spirit and a friend minus the heart. Shasa rose to her feet and sprang at the Celt. She pulled back a fist and drove it forward into a shocked warrior face.

Nessa reeled backward. The punch landed square on her left cheekbone. The force of it knocked membranes loose and her nose began to bleed immediately. She glared unbelieving at the blood on the hand she cupped her nose with and then back at Shasa. A knee-bending pain gripped her as Shasa landed a fierce kick to her solar plexus. The sailor kept coming with furious blows, screaming insults and a frenzied prayer that this action would serve to challenge her dearest friend back into the full person she knew. “C’mon Nessa FIGHT!”


(Shasa) --

Shasa knew she had to do something. She knew something was not right from the minute she met up with Nessa earlier in the forest. She kept struggling with it in her mind, thinking that there was something there that made Nessa different. But what she realized now was that what was wrong was not something there, but something no longer there. Nessa was a warrior minus the fight, a Druid minus the spirit and a friend minus the heart. Shasa rose to her feet and sprang at the Celt. She pulled back a fist and drove it forward into a shocked warrior face.

Nessa reeled backward. The punch landed square on her left cheekbone. The force of it knocked membranes loose and her nose began to bleed immediately. She glared unbelieving at the blood on the hand she cupped her nose with and then back at Shasa. A knee-bending pain gripped her as Shasa landed a fierce kick to her solar plexus. The sailor kept coming with furious blows, screaming insults and a frenzied prayer that this action would serve to challenge her dearest friend back into the full person she knew. “C’mon Nessa FIGHT!”


The stone was cool on her cheek. Emerald eyes closed slowly, and Shasa wanted to dissolve into the floor of the cave. Instead, she grimaced and pushed her aching body upright.

Lunging at the raging Celt once more, the sailor endured a crushing blow to the abdomen followed by a backhanded slap that spun her ‘round. Her body came to a jarring halt, as she was grabbed by the arms and slammed against the nearest cave wall. There was no doubt left in her mind that she’d gotten the fierce warrior to resurface. The jagged rock bit into her flesh, and she yielded to the pain and cried out, “Stop!”

Large fingers closed around her throat, effectively silencing the smaller woman, while allowing her ragged breathing. Burning gray eyes encompassed her vision as Nessa pressed close; the sharp smell of fresh blood, reminding Shasa of the bloody nose she’d given her friend; lips of the angry warrior so close that the hot breath from an exhale became Shasa’s focal point. “Stop? But you started this, my love! It seems only fair to me, that I be the one to decide when it ends.”

A sharp pain that shot from Shasa’s nipples to her sex, registered in her mind, as did the quiet growl of her large companion. “You dance nicely, my slut. Perhaps you’ll do more than start fights tonight.” Celtic hips thrust hard, pushing Shasa even deeper against the cutting rock.

The sailor groaned in agony. Had she awakened the powerful passions of her lover, or was she in danger? The pain was certainly real, as was her growing excitement. She tried to speak, yet a tightening of the fingers around her throat instantly stopped her attempt.

“You’ve said enough, don’t you think?” Nessa lips crashed into Shasa’s, demanding she yield everything to her needs. As the kiss lengthened and deepened, the sailor no longer found herself trying to push the large Celt off her, but instead, pulled her closer.


(Nessa) --

The sailor groaned in agony. Had she awakened the powerful passions of her lover, or was she in danger? The pain was certainly real, as was her growing excitement. She tried to speak, yet a tightening of the fingers around her throat instantly stopped her attempt.

“You’ve said enough, don’t you think?” Nessa lips crashed into Shasa’s, demanding she yield everything to her needs. As the kiss lengthened and deepened, the sailor no longer found herself trying to push the large Celt off her, but instead, pulled her closer.

Nessa pulled away from the bruising kiss. She peered into Shasa’s shimmering green eyes. The volcano of white hot pain and fury that was seething inside her for days under the cover of serene face and form, was now forced into eruption by the attack from the sailor. She wanted to lose control on her young lover. She knew how far she could go… knew what Shasa could take. She wanted to hurt her and hear her cry for mercy. That was the way of this Celtic warrior. “You’re lookin’ a bit scared little slut” Nessa hissed furiously. “What then did ye think would happen when ye laid your hands on me in such a way?” She jerked Shasa away from the wall, slinging her across the cave.

Shasa hit the hard stone floor and tumbled, doing her best to keep her bones intact. Cooking utensils, wooden cups and runes laid out on a cloth by the fire scattered as she crashed through them. The beautiful slut was woozy from the choking so that standing and gaining any balance was definitely a challenge. Shasa was a hell of a good fighter but she was no match for the imperious warrior and she knew it. It was too close in here, she couldn’t run. The glittering rage in Nessa’s eyes was enough to make her shrink back in very real fear. She stood wavering and put her hands up as a signal of surrender when she saw the Celt moving ominously toward her. “No… wait. Please, Nessa” she croaked. But the towering warrior kept moving.

“I told you that I will be the one to make the decisions, lass and I have decided that you need a good lesson.” Nessa spoke evenly. She suddenly realized that her soul was famished for the ecstasy that giving pain gave to her. She wanted to be more than rough. “Get your clothes off little slut” she said as she came to a stop in front of Shasa’s wide, bright eyes and beautiful trembling body.

Shasa felt this spell of fear and pain before. Nessa would not have to beat her into submission, because she was already there. The Druid’s eyes were mesmerizing, her voice hypnotic. Shasa swayed as if bent by a wind. She felt sensuous. She felt her own seductive power as she unclipped wrist and armbands. Slowly and deliberately, she undid the tiny buttons down the front of her shirt. She shrugged her shoulders from the satin fabric. Her beautiful breasts shook, naked and delicious with each movement. Soft leather boots pulled off easily. Tight velvet pants peeled down over her perfect round ass and shapely legs. Shasa knew she was beautiful, standing naked and submissive before the wild eyes of the wild Celt.

Then, Nessa undressed. Shasa felt an electric surge shudder through her. Every part of her was alive. Her own nipples felt as though someone was rolling them, squeezing them. She was drawn into a circle of intense sexuality. She was compelled to obey when Nessa pointed to the pallet of furs and commanded her to get down on all fours. Shasa’s clitoris began a swelling throb.

Once the lass was down on the furs, Nessa walked to the front of her. She gazed down at Shasa’s naked body and spoke in melodic, low tones. “Stay just as ye are slut. I’ll be tellin’ ye just how ye will suffer.” Her brogue thickened with her rising lust. “First, I’ll have ye suck me,” she crooned as she picked up the belt from her discarded breeches. “While your pouty little mouth is busy with that, I’ll be whipping your back and your ass. Ye’ll want to run away but ye’ll stay put with that slutty little mouth workin’. Ye’ll be screaming right into my cunt while I whip ye.”

Nessa bent down at the knees. She grabbed a handful of Shasa’s red hair at the back of her head and jerked back to make the slut look at her. She glared menacingly into those deep green eyes, her voice still even and low. “When I am finished with that, I will ask ye if ye learned.” Nessa brought her lips to Shasa’s, barely touching them and growled, “Your answer had best be NO.”

Not letting go of her grip on Shasa’s hair, Nessa stood and brought the now crying slut up on her knees. Without further words or ceremony, the angry warrior spaced her feet apart and jammed the slut’s face to her sex and held it there. The hand holding the belt rose high. She waited until she could feel Shasa’s sweet tongue mashing against her clit before she slashed the leather down on the slut’s beautiful bare ass. She watched the girl struggle and listened to the muffled screams, feeling sheer bliss. She held hard and whipped hard. When Shasa’s entire backside was covered with burning red welts, Nessa pulled away and screamed, “Did ye learn!”

Shasa drew a breath of fresh air. Her whole body felt like it was on fire. Tears streamed down her face. Her shoulders moved and heaved as she sobbed. Yet her sex was dripping with her own sweet juices. Her nether lips felt like they were swollen shut. The desire for more from Nessa and the fear of it wrestled inside her. “I… I don’t…” she stuttered.


“Please, Nessa”

“Answer me!” Nessa yelled.

Shasa had no choice anymore. She knew her warrior was not finished. “No, I learned nothing” she squeaked.

Nessa pushed Shasa’s head down to the floor and held it there. “Keep your ass up slut” she demanded. Finally, she untwisted Shasa’s hair from her hand and moved around behind her. She could see the glistening inside those gorgeous thighs. She walked to her leather pack and pulled out the phallus and harness. She was furious, hot and ready to fuck her insolent lover.

Shasa heard the Celt behind her. Her back was arched. Her face and breasts lay flat against the fur rug. She thought haphazardly that she was grateful that it was not the cold stone floor. Then she heard Nessa say, “Reach back and spread that ass for me.” She obeyed as if the command was a simple request that had some trivial meaning. Then she felt Nessa’s strong arm reach around her and hold her in place. She felt the leather phallus rubbing up and down across her drenched sex. Oh how she wanted it inside her. She moaned with desire. Her hands held her ass cheeks wide as if she expected what happened next. Her moans turned to screams as she felt like her ass was being split open by the cruel phallus.

Nessa drove her hips forward. She went so deeply into Shasa that she felt the hair of her sex against the girl’s ass. She held her screaming lover still while she rocked in and out of her. The act was lifting her to the heights of ecstasy. She put fingers down on the slut’s swollen clit and listened while the crying turned to moaning and her slut began to beg for more. The sound of Shasa begging for what she was getting thrilled Nessa. She jammed into her with rhythm and force. Within moments the Celtic warrior remembered exactly who she was and how she was in the world. It was no longer lost to her.

Nessa had Shasa the slut to thank for bringing her to her senses. She was determined that she would take her time thanking her young friend in every way possible. It might take days or even weeks before she displayed all the gratitude that her beautiful friend had coming. But Nessa was always sure to take responsibility. Shasa would be thanked properly, no matter how long it took.


The End - 'Nessa's Return' - by Shasa and Nessa

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