Kindred Spirit Lodge Presents


by Lord Nessa & the Kindred Lodgers
November 28th, 2001


Tuttle relaxed into her walk now that they had entered the forest. The beach didn't set quite right with the mare. Too much soft sand. She couldn't get any speed up and she felt restricted. 

Nessa also preferred the forest. She was at home with the sounds and sights of it. She and Tuttle had been given a turn at patrolling the property for the inn and it's sinners. She was pleased to have the responsibility of seeing to the safety and privacy surrounding the inn. After all, she would be calling this home for a while.

She watched Tuttle's ears pull up stiff as the mare lifted her head and stopped. The warrior had learned to trust Tuttle's senses as much as she trusted her own. Listening, Nessa picked up on a sound unusual to the forest. "Breathing" she thought, "hard breathing." She dismounted and dropped the reigns.

Winding softly around trees and brush, Nessa followed the sound. It had changed now from raspy breathing to sobbing. She knelt down at the edge of a small clearing and spied the source. A twisted log served as a bench to a small figure huddled over knees. Nessa saw thin arms wrapped around those knees as if life depended on it. Head down and shoulders heaving the crying continued. Looking around the rest of the camp, Nessa got the picture. This person was alone and very nearly inept at survival judging from the state of things.

Nessa stood. She left her sword where it was. "This is no threat" she thought. She walked up to the poor thing and stood silently for a moment then, "Ahem." It was her best low and deep. Without warning Nessa was suddenly grabbing at flailing arms and avoiding kicking feet. She twisted and swung a leg under the kicks catching behind knees. She pivoted as the small body lost any footing it had. The Celt jumped to straddle the stunned figure and pinned small wrists to the ground. It wasn't much of a battle to subdue the twisting kid. Nessa grabbed both wrists in one hand and slapped a dirty face hard with the other. She heard a cry of pain and felt the young body go still beneath her.

She had her own bout with surprise when she looked at that face. "It's a bloody girl!" she thought. Nessa held the girl still and let her eyes wander from the sparkling brown eyes. Hair was matted and unkempt. The rags that once were clothes barely covered the swelling of breasts rising and falling with the girls breathing. "Oooh" thought Nessa, "this is definitely a girl... but not a child." She looked back at what might be a sweet face under all that sweat and forest grub. She smiled and said most politely, "I am going to let you up. Don't fight. I'm not going to hurt you." Then she thought, "yet." 

Slowly they unwound from the ground and stood to face each other. The warrior spoke firmly. "I am Lord Nessa. I live at the inn by the beach. This is the property of those who reside at that inn and you are a squatter." She looked around the pathetic site and said, "I think." She noticed the young one flinch at her words. "When did you last have a bath lass? she asked and then, "It looks like you could use a meal." She lifted the edge of the tattered cloth at the girl's shoulder and smirking she said, "And some clothes." She could see that this young woman was fighting to keep a civil tongue now. Nessa was delighted. She smiled and asked, "Do you have a name?"

Eyes that flashed resentment glared at the tall Celt and said. "You can call me Squatter!" She didn't have much feeling left at this point. She really hadn't eaten for a long time and this intimidating bitch was adding insult to injury by pointing out the obvious. She couldn't hold her eyes to those of this Lord Nessa. She dropped her gaze to the ground. She hoped that the very small rabbit she had managed to snare was not in the warrior's view. She didn't want poaching to be added to her crimes.


(Part 2 of 13, by Nessa) --

Nessa raised her eyebrows at the insolence if the filthy creature standing before her. "I don't need an excuse to use my belt on you...squatter," she hissed. "I just don't want to get it dirty." With that she picked the little brat up at the waist and hauled her over her shoulder. She could tell that this one needed food soon. It was that kind of weakness she sensed as the squatter attempted to wriggle away. "A bath before anything." she thought. Fewer things disgusted the warrior more than an unwashed body. Especially such a wickedly nice body.

Nessa spied the little pond she had been looking for and headed there with the captive girl over her shoulder. There was Tuttle, sipping from the pond, peacefully awaiting her master's call. Nessa put the girl on her feet and walked over to Tuttle and removed the saddle bag. She was rummaging through it as she walked back. She stood before the squatter and held out a piece of dried beef. The warrior decided that she wanted a little fight in the girl and nourishment would help bring it back. She knew that a piece of beef would not be enough but it was a start.

Tentatively, squatter reached for the jerky. Her eyes seemed to dilate at the sight. Once she had a bite of it in her mouth, she dropped to her knees and devoured the rest while watching the warrior take a biscuit from that wonderful pack. Soon, she had eaten three more biscuits and another piece of beef. Life seemed to seep back into her. She looked up at the tall woman who loomed above her. She noticed how confident the warrior was, standing with her arms folded waiting. "Waiting for what?" she thought. She got her answer soon enough.

Nessa saw that squatter was finished. She saw a little vitality enter that had not been there before. She saw the eyes go wide with trepidation and she felt happy! Lord Nessa reached down and pulled the girl to her feet. Her voice was clear as she spoke. "You will undress now and get into the pond. I have soap for you." Squatter didn't move. Nessa took the little chin in her hand and lifted it close. She spoke with a seriousness not used before. "Now, either you undress and spare what is left of these rags, or I tear them off you and you will be left with nothing at all... you choose." She loved how the girl swallowed and lowered her eyes in compliance. "Now squatter!"

Squatter jerked at the harsh command. She wanted her clothes. She knew they were tatters but they were her only tatters. The warrior woman gave her a choice that was no choice at all. She stripped carefully and stood waiting for further instruction. The strength of the warrior's way of being sent a thrill through her that landed down in her core. She took the bar of soap from the hand that she thought might be trembling just a little and headed for the water. "Actually" she thought, "a bath will feel good."

It was Nessa's turn to swallow as she watched creamy breasts jiggle and sway while squatter removed her boots and pants. She gazed hard when the girl turned and walked into the water. Her eyes held to that pretty round ass until it disappeared under the water. She imagined what it was going to feel like with the small pretty girl draped over her lap struggling, sobbing and sore. Oooh, she could hardly wait.


(Part 3 of 13 - by Lord Nessa) --

Lord Nessa was waiting with a large drying cloth to drape over squatter when she came out of the pond. It seemed to take forever but the girl had dirt caked on her and probably had some searching and scrubbing to do that required time. Nessa had time.

Finally squatter sloshed to the shore. Her movements were fluid now that she wasn't weighed down with filth and starvation. She felt real again and knew that she had a certain warrior to thank for that. Her long, light brown hair clung to her skin with it's wetness. She was aware of how Lord Nessa was intent on helping her dry... everywhere. She bent down to retrieve her clothes when a large hand grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

Seeing that squatter was about to get those awful clothes back on, Nessa just had to stop her. She had to stop her and she had to have her. She had been feeling the heat rising up in her for an hour now. She was passed the point of patience. She wanted and she would have. "No, no, no little one, not yet," she snarled. "You seem to be forgetting something." How beautiful this creature was! How delicious it was to see the fear creep into her and shine through her eyes.

"Wh..what am I forgetting?" Squatter couldn't seem to speak very well all of the sudden. The look on Nessa's face was wild. She was afraid and incredibly attracted. The grip on her wrist hurt. She leaned into it and whispered, "Please, Lord Nessa, you're hurting me." But the grip remained. Squatter felt a rush between her legs that astonished her.

"What you are forgetting sweet girl," Nessa growled through her teeth, "is your whipping. You know... the whipping I'm going to give you." Oh, how she loved the trembling, the frightened sob.

"Oh, Lord Nessa, I wasn't really squatting." Squatter felt her legs weaken. Attempts at explaining herself sounded useless even to her and she began to plead as the highly aroused warrior drew her toward a fallen tree by the bank. Stopping at the tree, squatter watched Nessa pull her belt from her waist with her free hand. Now she cried.

Nessa could feel the beast straining within her. "Oh, I'm not going to redden your beautiful ass because you were squatting little girl." she explained, "I'm going to do it because I love to do it." Her grin was positively evil as she pulled the pretty girl down over her lap. She wielded the leather strap perfectly. She listened to the whistle of it as it came down, then to the sound of the slap against the tender skin. She listened to the sweet screams of her little captive and she felt a joy that had languished for too long. Again and again she whipped down on that now welted and scarlet ass. She didn't stop until squatter's screams turned to moans.

Nessa stood and pulled squatter up with her only to push the girl down to the grass and command her to lay still. Squatter obeyed without protest. She was burning so badly that her legs were still kicking and she had to will them still. Nessa pulled her shirt off with a yell. She reached into her britches and revealed a large leather phallus to the amazed eyes of the girl. The Lord fell on the struggling girl as she tried to scoot away. "Oh no my little squatter. You may go when I am finished." With that Lord Nessa pulled the girls legs wide open and pushed the thing hard into her. She rocked with abandon. Her orgasm rose up in her and took her like a tidal wave. She dropped over the whimpering girl and did her best to catch her breath.

Lord Nessa mounted Tuttle and thought about what a peaceful afternoon it was. She turned to face the little squatter on the ground where she left her. "You need to be gone from here when I return tomorrow squatter." her voice was oddly calm as she spoke. "If you are still here I will whip you again." Nessa smiled slightly and said, "I will bring more food and some clothes when I come." 


(Part 4 of 13 - The Storm - by Nessa) --

The Celtic warrior liked that her room was toward the back side of the inn. It faced the forest and the window was large. Nessa sat in a big straight back chair and smiled as she noted that it had no arms. She looked out at the expanse of trees and took in a deep breath. Long, strong legs stretched out as she leaned back and locked her hands behind her head. 

It had been active at the inn all morning. She chuckled at the sounds of wagering in the hallway. Something about how long a certain wench could hold out on a hot cum. Somewhere in the inn someone was getting strapped. She heard the sound of leather slapping hard on someone soft and wailing. Oooh, so good this place.

Nessa looked from the trees to the sky. It looked gray and dark and getting darker. Lightning flashed in the distance. She frowned in disappointment that she may have to cancel her patrol of the woodland this afternoon. Thoughts of that little runaway jutted into her mind again and again. She didn't think she had had enough of those young charms because the heat at her core had not left her. Each time she thought about squatter she had to squeeze her legs tightly together for some ease. But there were other ways and means to get the release she needed. This one little wench was not the begin-all and end-all of sexual pleasures... especially here at the Sin Trade.

Thunder rolled. Nessa felt a twinge of something like guilt thinking of the little one left to fend for herself in the cold and wet forest. "Bloody hellhounds!" she thought, "I'll not be savin' every waif that walks the world." She closed her eyes and tried to shake all thought of squatter from her mind.

After a very stiff walk back to her little camp, squatter managed to get a small fire going. She pulled the one thin blanket she called a bedroll around her sore body and fell asleep. All night she slept. Food from Lord Nessa, a bath, a jarring ass whipping and a severe fucking all served to exhaust the poor girl. But sleep was not without dreams. She dreamed of pale gray eyes that pinned her down and held her with their power. She dreamed of strong arms cradling her, hands that gripped then caressed then left her alone... empty. She dreamed (or thought it was a dream) of that abandonment and then awoke trembling.

Squatter figured that she'd best be moving before the sun was high. Lord Nessa had promised a whipping that she wasn't sure she could take if she was caught here today. She felt hunger creeping in on her again. The little rabbit she killed yesterday lay stiff and useless on the ground where she dropped it.

Squatter couldn't seem to stop thoughts of yesterday spent with the beautiful and strident warrior. She wondered why she didn't hate Lord Nessa. She hated all the others who had taken her, stolen her away from safety, beaten her, raped her. Something about the Lord made her feel safe... oddly safe. "Gods!" she thought, "It looks like rain." She had to leave before Lord Nessa found her. She picked up the shabby bedroll and walked into the forest.


(Part 5 of 13 - by Nessa) --

Rain. Drizzling, sprinkling, pelting. It was something Nessa only liked if she could watch it from a warm dry room. Just like the room she left at the inn to go out on the all important patrol. Pulling that one off was a complete failure when she saw the looks of "You are either crazy or driven by something else warrior" in the eyes of the sinners. She felt their wonder as they watched her duck into the rain and head for the stables... she wondered herself.

Tuttle was less caring one way or the other. She plodded as easily in the rain as in the sunshine. Tuttle had seen many a battle with her beloved companion Nessa on her back. After chopping and bloodletting and filthy stenches of screaming death, the mare was content with rain. Now, as Nessa tugged left and right on the reigns, threading them through thick forest, Tuttle could sense the urgency in the warrior. She picked up her ears and her pace in readiness. When she heard the warrior cry out, she understood that they were looking for someone.

"Squatter!" Nessa was tired of this sloshing misery. They had been out here for two hours now and the little bitch was not anywhere. She was angry with the girl because it had not yet occurred to her to be angry with herself. This is something that hardly ever occurred to the warrior and it wasn't likely to happen now. 

"Where in bloody Britannia are you girl?" she shouted out through sheets of water. Tuttle stopped. "What?... where girl?" said Nessa as she peered through the torrent. There just ahead was something out of place. Nessa dismounted to get closer for a better look. There on a low limb hung a limp, dripping... thing. Nessa figured it to be a tent cloth or... A BLANKET! Right at her feet sat squatter propped up against the tree trunk. Her legs were damming up a small rivulet that was rapidly trying to become a stream.

Nessa crouched down for a look. "Great Bridgit! squatter!!" Nessa shouted. The girl's lips were bluish. She was unconscious. In one sweeping move the Lord had squatter in her arms and both of them on Tuttle's back. Without prodding, the mare headed for the warmth and shelter they had left hours ago. She would have them back there much more quickly.

Holding that little body tight against her, Nessa gave Tuttle full reign and held to the saddle with her powerful legs. The girl was shivering. Nessa pulled her cloak around them both. They rode through the storm and the approaching darkness looking like Eponia's demons. At last Tuttle pulled up and braced in front of the doors of the inn. Nessa swung to the ground with squatter clinging close and strode to the doors. She lifted a booted foot and kicked. The doors flew wide. The inn dwellers froze in surprise and then several of them ran to the drenched warrior to help.

Sarah came up quickly and pulled the dripping cloak away. She looked at killian who was there in a flash and said, "killian, I'll get dry blankets and towels and hot tea for the girl." Killian nodded and said, "I'll go up with Lord Nessa and help get their things off and start a fire in the room." Nessa heard someone say they would tend to her horse. She took a deep breath and headed for the stairs with squatter shivering in her arms. She was grateful for these friends.


(Part 6 of 13 - by Nessa) --

The fire was warming the room nicely. Nessa stood back away from the bed and watched killian pull the poor excuse for clothes from squatter's body. She tossed them in a ragged heap into the corner. The lord noticed the look of distain on the pretty face as she tossed them but said nothing. Nessa stood quietly and watched the gentle wench dry squatter. She patted softly over the young body with a towel, paying proper attention to dips and curves and creases. My, it was a pretty sight. Nessa decided to store the memory. 

Squatter stirred and stiffened. "Take heed killian." the Celt spoke quickly, "This one comes up fighting." But the sleeping girl only twisted to her side and held Nessa's pillow to her.

Lord Nessa reached for the brandy on the tray that the fair wench Sarah brought. "Brigit's hot hearth" she thought, "I'm surrounded by beauties here!" Visions of sarah's soft swells nearly falling out of her shirt when she put the tray down caused other possibilities to run through the dark caverns of Nessa's mind. She shook the thoughts and looked at the unconscious girl. The anger returned. She wondered at her fury around this. Somewhere in her there was a place that knew without words to tell her that she was pissed at squatter because she mattered. Why she mattered was not going to be looked at as far as Nessa was concerned. And why the Lord Nessa was angry that someone... anyone could make her care was lost to her.

killian and sarah left after a few more minutes of setting things to a comfortable state. Killian tried to help the warrior out of her wet clothes but Nessa understood that killian was the only innocent between them. She bid them both good night. She quickly stripped out of her clothes and dried her body while standing in front of the fire. She took up some of the soup left by killian and turned to see the adorable brat, squatter looking straight at her.   

"So, you're awake now are ye squatter?" Nessa said with a sneer. "Just in time too. The food is ready." Nessa immediately regretted the jab. The girl was near starved and of course she would be staring with that hungry look. She walked over to the wide eyed waif and handed her the steaming bowl. Squatter reached up and took it but her eyes never left the warrior. It was then that Nessa realized that she was standing, walking and talking in a totally naked state and it had the girl nearly paralyzed. That wild heat came rushing back through Nessa as she recalled all that she did to the girl and how fulfilling it was.

"Eat up squatter. You will need your strength." She said evenly. " told you what I would do if I found you out there." Heat pulsed at her core when she saw the effect this had on squatter. She went on. "Now things will be worse for you because I not only found you, I saved your miserable little life by not leaving you to starve and catch fever in the rain." 

Squatter's eyes were a nice dark brown. The tall woman liked how wide they got. She saw the question there. "you see, my ragged little bitch, I am Celtic. That means something to me. I follow the path of my ancestors and I follow their traditions. That means, until I find someone to bond you to, you are my responsibility. Your life... the one I saved, is now mine." Fury rose up in her. "Don't think I want you!" She suddenly shouted. "You need everything there is to need and you are useless! You probably can't even mend a sock! You don't know when to take a bloody bath! The storm outside is nothing compared to what you will face with me!" Nessa was shaking in an attempt to contain her rage. She was looming over the frightened cowering girl. "Say something!" she yelled.

Squatter was feeling all feeling. She was raw and terrified and weary of this world. It was a world of pushers and takers and owners. She never had a choice in her life until she chose to make a break from the captivity of her last "family." Pawed and pawned off. Held down and ripped into by the vilest filth in the world. Now this great pompous broo ha Lord with the big muscles and the leather cock made herself squatter's owner and then hated her for it. Squatter didn't care anymore. The barrier broke as her own rage flew out of her.


(Part 7 of 13 - by Nessa) --

Hot soup spattered through the air. The crock bowl would have struck just where squatter hurled it if Nessa hadn't whirled and ducked. "Wha..." Nessa started but was caught coming up from her crouch by a small fist with a surprising punch. Then another fist did it's best to clock the warrior at the side of her head and would have done it if her own hand hadn't stopped it. 

The girl was a mindless mass of twisting, screaming fury. Lord Nessa had dealt with opposing weaponry of every kind but this. She could think of no way to best the girl without killing her. So she just grabbed what she could, an arm and one little neck and pulled squatter in close and held. She held hard while the girl did her best to wail on Nessa but she was too close to do damage.

She couldn't get a decent swing with her feet or her free arm. All she could do was wiggle and scream. Words came from her that she didn't know she knew. Blasting the warrior with all the hatred she had gathered in her eighteen winters, squatter felt almost powerful for the first time ever. She was sure she would be killed if Lord Nessa decided to throw her through the window. She didn't care. But it didn't happen. She hadn't eaten in over a day, she nearly drowned and she was being held by a beautiful naked warrior who hated her. She lost wind.

Nessa felt the small body go weak. She took the opportunity to push the girl against the wall where she pressed hard against her and slapped her face. But it was more to end the tirade than from any anger she felt. Nessa just kept pressing and looking in squatter's face. The fact that they were both naked through all of this was not lost on Nessa. "Have anything else to say... squatter?"

"Before what?" squatter wanted this bitch to know that she didn't care. "Before you beat me to death?" Her voice was hoarse but it lost the shakiness of fear. "do it! Kill me Lord Nessa. You will be better for it and so will I!" 

She picked up speed. Her body was held still but she was still breathing and as long as she was she would fill the room with the truth of her hideous life. "You are right, I can't mend socks and I can't cook and I don't know when to take a bath. No one ever taught me these things. No one ever led me to any learning of any kind except one. No one ever told me a story or kissed me goodnight. No one ever gave me a present or cried for me." 

squatter took a breath in hopes that it would soon be her last one. She went on. "But I am not useless My Lord. I have a use. Since I have been old enough to remember, some one has used me. Used me to pleasure them in every way My Lord. You can't think you are the only one who has ever whipped me and fucked me and left me for others to do the same. I have been used as a commode to piss in. My mouth has swallowed so much cum I thought I would drown but I never was that lucky. I have been laid out for whole lines of men to use in whatever way they wanted." 

She slowed down. Lord Nessa was quiet and stopped hurting her. "You are no storm to face My Lord. Kill me now please." She fell silent. She moved her eyes from that steel gray and waited.

Lord Nessa was stunned. It took her a minute to process all this and then to realize that the girl seriously wanted to die; that she actually expected the Celtic warrior not only to allow it but to do it. "No." she said and slowly relaxed her hold and moved back. "If you are finished, you will pick up the bowl you almost killed me with, and you will fill it with soup and you will eat it. You will go to bed then and you will rest. If no one ever taught you anything worthwhile, you will learn now." 

Nessa looked at squatter and tried to gauge the effect of her words on the girl. None yet. She finished. "I meant what I said about my bound responsibility. And don't think that anything you have said or done will prevent the whippings you will get from me. Do you understand?" Nessa held the chin gently and raised squatter's face. She got what she wanted with squatter's simple answer.

"Yes My Lord."


(Part 7b of 13 - Friday Night - by Klancy 7) --

"Please note," Klancy7 said stiffly, "That I do this under protest."

"And we cherish you for it, dear Klancy," killian crooned, as she set her foot in Klancy's joined hands, and lifted herself to stand on the tall Warrior's shoulders.

"Shhhh!" Lady Savay hushed her sisters as they clamored against the chamber's closed door, fighting to press their ears to its oak surface. "Lord Nessa will hear us, she has the hearing of a hawk!"

"And the eyes of an ice goddess," rachel gushed, nudging Savay out of the way.

"And the shoulders of Adonis," sarah enthused, pressing against the door.

"And the nostrils of a butch nymph, I'm sure," Klancy7 grumbled, as killian's toes dug into her shoulders. "Sisters, why can't you leave the poor woman alone? Nessa hasn't even unpacked yet, and now she's rescued this poor wet waif -- give them some privacy, at least!"

"Oh, we will, Courtly One, we promise," killian trilled, stretching up to look through the small window above the chamber door. "We just want to make sure Lord Nessa has enough linens for the -- hooooooly Persephone's pubis!"

"What is it?" Savay hissed.

killian let out a small, breathless scream, and abruptly the chamber door opened. There was an immediate and thunderous tumbling of salacious submissives through the doorway and onto the floor.

killian leaped off Klancy7's broad shoulders and came down squarely on her badly bruised foot. Klancy bellowed in pain and grabbed killian's shoulders, and then both of them got their feet tangled in the sprawl of wenches, and fell on top of them.

"Yesssssss?" A stark naked Celtic Warrior gripped the door's latch and glared at the pile of women balefully, obviously in a state of high arousal. Behind her, on the wide bed, was an equally naked young squatter, her cheeks flushed with rage.

On top of the heap of writhing wenches, Klancy7 lifted herself on her hands, and regarded Nessa with as much dignity as she could summon. "More towels?"

"Nooooooo. Thank you."

"De nada. Come on, sistren. Quickly, if I were you . . . "

Klancy7 climbed off the pile, and ushered the apologizing and blushing wenches out of the chamber. She threw Nessa an apologetic shrug, then closed the door firmly behind them. The tall Warrior heard the four wenches giggling and sighing as they ran to killian's chamber, to compare notes in safety.

Klancy limped down the hall, muttering. She passed Dory's chamber, which still reverberated with heated moans and cries of passion. She considered knocking, loudly, just for fun, but decided it wouldn't be fair to her sweet sister stacia.

She glanced out the arched window at the head of the Inn's main staircase, and saw young twilight moving gracefully and swiftly through the high grass into the forest, bound on some mysterious errand. Knowing her powerful sister Alison, Klancy7 had little doubt that the lovely young wench would find carnal fireworks, in some form, before the sun rose again.

Klancy continued down the long, sweeping staircase. The wee cherub Charlie flapped his little white wings to hover up over her head. She lifted one exquisite finger to tickle him under the chin. The baby ogled at her, grinning toothlessly, then flapped back down to her black-winged papa.

dj was emerging from the healing chamber when Klancy reached the foot of the stairs. The Courtly Butch gallantly took the silver tray from the beautiful historian, who closed the door quietly before kissing her friend on the cheek.

"Alethia's back is still stiff as a board," dj whispered, drawing Klancy into the Inn's main chamber. "And young jhari's sadness is robbing her of sleep."

"We'll keep a close eye on them both." Klancy wound dj's arm through her own, and they strolled to Dark Angel's table. The studly seraphim sat with Xena and Gabrielle, pouring over the latest designs for the SinTrade's membership pages.

"Stumpy." Dark Angel shook an artfully drawn scroll at Klancy. "Why, exactly, are your nipples glowing in this picture?"

"That's true to life." Klancy bent over DA and snagged an apple from the bowl on her table, winking at Gabrielle. "You might be able to see in the dark, Bigfoot, but Klancy's crystal nipples will guide her out of any black forest."

An unseemly snork of laughter escaped dj, and Klancy nudged her with her hip.

"Are you two up to a big weekend?" dj smiled at the dark Warrior and her bard. "The half of the Inn that isn't yearning to be ravished by Lord Nessa, is perishing to be ravaged by either, or both of you."

"It's brutal work," Xena said gravely. "But that's what heroes are for."

An unseemly snork of laughter escaped Gabrielle.

Outside, the sun finally reddened and sank below the cool horizon of the sea, and the weekend finally began for the denizens of the SinTrade Inn ...


(Part 8 of 13 - A Name - by Nessa) --

Nessa backed fully away from squatter, letting go of her hold on her as she did. She kept her hands up as if in truce and watched for a renewal of that flying fury still possible in the girl. The anger was still there in a kind of defiance that Nessa could read in the girl's eyes but she was obviously too weak to act on it. Nessa turned and pointed to the bowl on the floor. She stood with hands on hips and glared out sheer power.

Squatter knew she had no hope of defeating or escaping the warrior. She knew that she wasn't going to die either. The damn big bitch with the brogue wasn't going to do it or allow it. It seemed that her choices were to obey or suffer at the hands of Lord Nessa. 

She lowered her head and went for the bowl. Oddly, she felt safe with this woman she knew to be dangerous. She had been able to voice things she had only thought about and nobody hit her for it. It felt like a boil had burst and pressure was released in her. 

Hunger assaulted her now as she spooned the wonderful smelling concoction into the bowl. And damn that bed looked inviting. She looked at her Lord as if asking permission. She was answered with a raised brow and a hand gesture toward the bed. This was not hard to obey. She noticed how the warrior watched her movements. A wave of sexual desire washed into her from some unfamiliar place. She was keenly aware of her nakedness and Lord Nessa's.

Nessa could have sworn that the girl blushed. But she was really quite a pretty thing and the warrior would look. If it made the girl blush then so be it. "Mind how ye eat on that bed little one. We can't be rollin' around in soup all night." Her voice was softer than she meant it to be.

Squatter swallowed down a huge piece of potato from the soup. She looked wide eyed at the warrior. "We?" she squeaked. 

"Well now, did ye think I'd be sleepin' on the floor?" 

"No My Lord. I thought I might be." 

"Only if ye spill the bloody soup." Nessa quipped. She looked at that somber face. "Does the girl have no humor left in her?" she thought. 

Suddenly her senses bristled. The shuffling at the door was too obvious to be an enemy. Nessa took two long strides and wrenched the door inward. "Oh," she thought as the troop of inn sinners fell in. "We must be the curiosity of the day." She didn't wonder. It must have been quite a sight with the two of them bursting in from the storm like that. 

What was a wonder to her though was how the distinguished Klancy7 found herself crawling over the top of the pile of subs in her doorway. She must be a bit of a soft touch when it comes to wenches. By the looks of some of these darlings, Nessa couldn't blame the stately warrior. She flashed a gray eye on the girl, sarah who was picking herself up. She thought she might choose to look at that one more intensely sometime.

She shut her door after Klancy7 shuffled them all away and turned to the bed. Squatter was down under the covers. Nessa noted how small she looked all sunk down in the softness of the big bed. She lifted the corner of the down cover and slid in beside the naked girl. She felt her trembling. 

"Oh now don't y' be frettin' child. I'll not be hurtin' y' tonight." She said as she settled in. "And what is your name anyway. I can't always be callin' y' squatter." She wasn't sure she heard right when the girl answered.

"I don't have one Lord"

"What! You don't have a name?" Nessa was incredulous. "How is it that you don't have a name?"

"No one ever gave me one except to call me what I was to them at the time... like bitch or whore or pig or... squatter." The voice was small.

If she could have fallen right through the mattress she would have. Nessa turned on her side and looked at the girl. The importance of names to the Celts was right up there with shields and honor and home. To call one by their name was to bring out the true spirit of the barer. How could this person have gone eighteen winters in the world with no name? How could she ever connect with her ancestors? She felt a resolve about this and it was strong. 

"Then tis I that shall be givin' ye yer name lass." she said. "And you'll never more be known as squatter." She reached into that well inside her from where her patron warrior spirits came came to her. She asked for a name for the waif. As immediate as a breath it came. "Your name is trisdeken. It is the Celtic word for the number thirteen, sacred to the Celts. You shall be known as tris. You shall answer to tris and to no other name."

 The Celt ended there and pulled the astonished girl to her. She brushed a gentle kiss across her forehead and whispered, Good night tris."


(part 9 of 13 - by sarah) --

From under the pile of tangled limbs of her sisters, sarah stared at the naked Warrior before her. Gods not a stitch on and yet the power oozed from this woman. She was beauty and strength itself and just the sight sent sparks all through sarah's body.

The spell was broken when she felt a hand at her back pulling at her. Klancy was trying to get all the nosey subs to move. The poor Courtly One could not believe She had been coerced into helping the mischievous subs.

As sarah was regaining her feet, she could feel the heat rising in her body and chancing a quick glance she looked once more at the naked Lord. Seeing a raised eyebrow over those gleaming grey eyes staring back at her caused her chest to pound. she lowered her eyes quickly and made a hasty retreat and followed her sisters to killian's room.

'Oh gods' sarah thought shaking her head trying to remove the images that were burned into her brain, 'what the hell was that all about'.


(Part 10 of 13 - Release - by Nessa) --

It wasn't the most pleasant morning the Celt ever experienced. She wasn't used to holding herself back. She wondered what the 'fire in Brigid's belly' she was doing. And how was she to quell the fire in her own belly? 

Tris slept hard and long and still she slept. Nessa had opened her eyes to the sight of the pretty girl laying sprawled and naked beside her. She wrestled with herself then and she remained wrestling now. How easy and lovely it would have been to wrap an arm around tris' little waist and drag her to the chair as she still shook sleep from her eyes. 

She could have done it. Could have laid the bundle of charms across her lap and slammed sweet hard slaps down on that ass until it was blistered to Nessa's satisfaction. Just the way the warrior liked to have a wench's ass before she pounded into her. Nessa dressed quickly and left the room for some growling space.

Back in her mind, Nessa knew she would need to get some relief somewhere else if she wanted her new charge to heal. She knew from the tirade the evening before that tris was on the edge of a precipice too deep to survive if she fell into it. She would have her time with the wench... just not now. Still, SOMETHING had to happen now! The warrior knew she should always walk with her head up and pay attention to what was in front of her but she was wrapped up in this dilemma and didn't see sarah turning away from the bar with a tray full of mugs.

Running dead into the wench at full stride, Nessa grabbed her in time to keep her from falling but it was too late for the tray. Mugs flew and clattered. Nessa held sarah into her and looked down at green eyes wide with surprise. She felt how muscular those arms were before she loosened her grip and stood back. Still holding on she let her eyes drift down the front of sarah's shirt. Those pretty mounds were heaving gently. 

Nessa gave it another few seconds before she let go, marveling at how this beauty had just been still for her. Stepping back, the tall woman smiled and said "A thousand pardons lady. Allow me to help." They moved together retrieving the scattered mugs.

Sarah was feeling rattled. Not by the impact of Nessa's body slamming into her, but by the impact of those steel gray eyes. She wanted to hold her own with this warrior but wondered if she could. She liked how the Lord expressed herself with the strong silence that spoke volumes. Facing Lord Nessa, now placing the last mug on the tray that sarah held for her, she finally spoke. "My Lord Nessa, is there anything I can do for you?"

Nessa took the bait. "Why yes, sarah lass... there is." She moved in close and leaned down to speak softly so that curious inn sinners within ear shot could not hear. "The lass in my room needs something to wear and a message to stay put and busy herself with cleanin'" Nessa leaned closer and spoke to sarah's ear in a whisper. "Then I want you to go to your room. I will be there waiting for you. Don't disappoint me sarah." Nessa moved away without looking at the amazed young woman.

Looking around at the faces of her friends, sarah just flashed her best "Things are looking up" grin and walked to the linen stores to find Lord Nessa's wench some clothes.

Sarah thought the girl was very thin and made a special trip to the kitchen for a tray. She said her name was tris and repeated the name a few times as if she was just getting used to the sound of it. "Strange" sarah thought but was too wrapped up in her own anxiety/anticipation to give it much. The shirt and britches she brought were received with awe and gratitude. Tris didn't seem to be interested in disobeying her Lord about staying put so sarah left satisfied that she had done Lord Nessa's bidding.

Instinctively, she new what the warrior wanted. She just did not know how she wanted it. She surmised that she was about to find out. She opened the door to her room and looked inside but no warrior was in sight. She had an angry thought about how Lord Nessa had commanded that sarah should not disappoint her. She stepped inside mumbling some invective about the fickle Celt when a large hand reached from behind her and clapped against her mouth. She was pulled back and twirled around to face a very wild looking warrior. 

"Wait Lord Nessa!" sarah spoke firmly. "Tell me what you need and I will see if I can give it."

Nessa grinned at this bravery. She pushed the defiant girl against the wall and kicked the door shut in one swift move. 

"Certainly lady sarah, I will tell you what I want," she purred  "then I will take it whether you give it or not." 

This one was strong and willful but not so stupid that she couldn't see the wild drive in the warrior. Nessa saw just enough fear to assure her that the girl was hers. She began and moved toward that sweet body. 

"I want to strip you and have you naked before me. I want to hold your hands behind your back and slap your pretty breasts until the are red and swollen. I want to pull your naked body to my lap and spank you until my hand stings too much. Then I want to hear you scream while I whip you with my belt. You get the idea don't you sarah?" 

Lord Nessa was too aroused to wait much longer with this tell-me-what-you-want game. She growled, "Clothes off sarah... now!"

Sarah could not believe the stream of juice that was spreading all over her upper thighs. The Lord was too driven by the beast within.  sarah was dazzled. she decided that defiance might have to wait for another time. She took her clothes off for the lusty Celt and waited.

Nessa wrapped one arm around sarah's waist and grabbed her two wrists together with one hand. She held her like that for a minute, sensing the sweet apprehension coming from the girl. 

"I am going to whip you til you beg for mercy and then I am going to fuck you till you scream sarah. You think you won't cry... but you will." 

Nessa was true to her word about taking what she wanted. By the time she was riding sarah's round, sore ass hard, the girl was indeed screaming. Her cries brought Nessa to the crest of ecstasy and satisfaction. When she left sarah's room, she already made the decision to return another day soon.


(Part 11 of 13 - by sarah) --

When sarah finally regained consciousness she was alone. As she tried to move her body screamed. Gods Lord Nessa was true to her word. She had whipped sarah's back, arse and breast until she screamed and begged for mercy.

sarah rolled over gently, wincing as her burning arse and back touched the cool sheets. Looking down her body she could see the welts and bite marks the Lord had left. she spread her legs to allow the coolness of the air to soothe her burning pussy. The Lord had fucked her long and hard.

sarah had only recently discovered the attraction to her dark side. she had had only one man, a boy from her village took her one night while she was out walking. she had allowed no one else to touch her for many many years, until she had joined a militia and trained alongside some incredible women warriors. One had taken a particular interest in the young woman but their time together was short. The warrior was killed in a skirmish with some bandits. sarah set off on her own to travel. Hearing many stories of a place where likeminded women lived, lead her to seek it out.

she found that her dark thoughts were not unique in this sisterhood and watching the Warriors take their wenches excited her to no end. she had longed for such a Warrior to claim her. It would seem as if her dream may have become reality. Lord Nessa certainly reached into her deepest thoughts and fulfilled them. she hoped that the Warrior would deem her worthy of further consideration.

she raised herself up, dressed and grabbing a towel, headed for the hot springs. A long soak would be just the thing for her aching muscles. her body had responded to the Dark Warriors passions but she was not used to such exertions.

Seeing no one at the springs sarah quickly disrobed and stepped into the soothing water. Finding a rock step by the edge she lay her head back and relaxed and recalled every detail of this afternoons tryst.


(Part 12 of 13 - Continuation of The Release by Nessa) --

Threading her belt back in place, Lord Nessa was beaming from the pleasure she had gotten from sarah. She heard steps in the hall and looked up in time to meet the eyes of dj, the first to welcome her here. She felt a little sheepish fiddling with her belt there outside sarah's door. She opened her mouth to speak but saw that the darling creature had already realized the Lord was not coming out of sarah's room because she stopped by to use the commode. Nessa grinned and simply said, "Afternoon."

dj stopped short at the sight. She took it in. Hearing Nessa acknowledge what time of day it was, dj understood that this might be awkward for the Warrior. She didn't care. She grinned broadly and said sarcastically, "Yes My Lord Nessa... it is indeed, afternoon." Then she asked, "Will you be bringing your little wench to supper tonight? We are all anxious to meet her."

Nessa took the offered way out and said. "Oh, most certainly dear lady. We will be there. Most happy to be in such grand company I'm sure." 

"Good. We will be sitting at the long dining table." dj's eyes sparkled as she spoke. Nessa could have sworn she heard a giggle as the sub walked passed.

Tris jumped up when Nessa entered. She did her best this day to follow her Lord's wishes to stay busy cleaning. The instructions were given to her by the very nice one called sarah. Sarah brought her food and clothes. 

Tris thought that perhaps she really did die when she first woke up in the huge downy bed. She was clean and alone. The brawny Warrior fed her, didn't whip her, slept with her without hurting her and of all the blessed things... gave her a name. It was the most beautiful name she ever heard and it belonged to her. Never in her life did anything belong to her. Even the clothes on her back belonged to someone else first. She only knew the barest of cleaning skills but she decided to use her sense and try. Nessa didn't know it but with the one act of giving the girl a name she gained the body and soul of the one called Tris.

Nessa was immediately aware of a change in the girl. It wasn't only that she was wearing good clothes or that her hair was brushed and her face was clean. The young waif had lost the shadowy dread that hung about her like a shroud. The desire for death had left her and by the looks of things, she was attempting to please her Lord. 

Nessa moved from the door and strode to the wench. A look of fear came and went in an instant but was nevertheless noted by the Warrior. "Well now tris, I see that you have decent clothes to wear to supper tonight" she said. The shirt was a bright blue and fit nicely over those pretty swells. The front was laced together with a white yarn which Nessa immediately loosened. 

"I'll be looking there and I want to see as much as I can." Her tone was casual and she really meant no harm. Still she noticed that tris frowned a little. "What?" she raised her voice, "You don't want me to look down your shirt?"

"Oh no My Lord, that is not it." tris managed.

"What then?"

"You said we were going to supper."

"And so we are."

"But... I... you are going with me?"

"Yes" Nessa could see that this girl who had been used and caged like an animal for most of her life could not comprehend a social event as simple as supper, let alone see herself as part of it. 

"tris" Nessa began, "You have people to thank here and so do I. I came here telling the folk that all there was was me and my mare." Nessa paused to be sure that tris was getting this. "Last night, I practically broke the hinges from the front doors kicking it open to get us in. Then I bring you to this room where you were not only welcomed but you were cared for by women of this inn. You have been fed and clothed by them and now you will do me the honor of thanking them. Is that clear tris?"

"Yes My Lord" tris was compliant but terrified that she would be an embarrassment to her protector.


(Part 13 - Continuation of Dinner Plans by Nessa) --

The evening went far better for tris than she had expected. She stayed very close to her lord and just smiled. She was amazed. They were all women here and there was a lot of laughter among them. Some were Warriors like her Lord Nessa. Those were the most fascinating. The tall dark one with the bluest eyes ever was so beautiful that tris just kept staring at her until Nessa told her to stop.

She was given a plate of food so delicious she savored each bite. The only trouble she had was in using the fork thing she was supposed to eat it with. Her fingers had always done well enough. The tool was stupid. She dropped it a couple of times and looked for a slap from her Lord but Nessa just picked it up and told her to keep trying.

Part of her wondered why. The rest of her didn't care. Warriors and their wenches were kind to her. They talked to her and told her they were glad she made it through the storm. They used her name when they spoke to her. That was the very best part. tris felt like she existed.

tris could see that some of the wenches paid lots of attention to Lord Nessa. She recalled her terrible whipping and hard sex from the Warrior and felt that hot feeling again. She wondered if the wenches felt that too. 

The kind one who brought her clothes and food was there. She could see that her Lord liked this one very much. It seemed like every time tris looked at one of them, they were looking at each other. She didn't care. All she wanted was to stay. To serve her Lord, to wear these clothes and to have her name. She thought that if sarah was what was keeping her Lord from hurting her, she should thank her for it.

Back in the room Nessa stood over tris and said "tris lass, you are liked here. and this is where you will stay until we can get you bonded out to good people." Nessa saw her stiffen and heard her gasp. "What is it lass?"

"Please don't give me to anyone else My Lord" tris couldn't stop as the fear pushed up into her. "I don't hate you!" she cried. "Let me stay." She began to stammer. "I...I..will please you my Lord. I will.!" She fell to her knees before the Warrior and reached for the belt on Nessa's britches. " need to whip me My Lord. You need to teach me. Please let me learn." She pulled on Nessa's belt and continued to plead.

Nessa could hardly believe this. This is not how she wanted to take the wench. At the moment she did not want to take her at all. She reached down with both hands and gripped the girl by the tops if her arms and lifted her all the way up. She lifted until the miserable little face was right in front of her own and the girl's feet were dangling. 

Nessa shook tris hard and yelled "You will stop this!" tris was suddenly quiet except for the great heaving sobs. She feared the rage in her Lord. Nessa lowered the girl to her feet and growled "Look at me!" Tris obeyed but the steely grays were piercing and she looked down quickly. 

"tris" Lord Nessa said evenly. "You will look at me." The big Celt waited until tris obeyed. "I won't let anyone do to you what has been done lass." Nessa's voice was suddenly gentle.

Tris felt like she would break. "But I belong to you My Lord. I will live my whole life serving you. Please don't make me go." She looked into the Lord with a depth of feeling that showed her broken heart.

Nessa saw that she could not promise this waif to anyone. She alone was the person in this child's life that could help her. No matter how vicious she had at first been with the girl, the kindness had been done, had taken hold, had made the difference. Nessa relented.

"Then hear this, tris, my lass. You will get your whippings and you will take them with gratitude. I do that. You must accept that in me. You will not be my lover if you are my charge but if I want you I will take you. You will obey me and you most certainly will learn what I will have you learn." Nessa ended, folded her arms across her chest and raised an eyebrow as if waiting for a reply.

Her soul was singing within her. "Yes My Lord" was the reply that tris knew her Lord wanted. It was what she would always give.


The End - 'Squatter / The Promise' - by Nessa & the Kindred Lodgers

Nessa's Story Continues...

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