Kindred Spirit Lodge Presents

Making Amends & Decisions

by Lord Nessa & tris
February 24th, 2002


(Making Amends - Nessa) --

The morning was cool and gray. Nessa preferred the bathing room with it's large wooden vats to the hot springs. Besides, this time of morning, the Lodge was still quiet and it wasn't likely that she would have to contend with much traffic. She toted large kettles of boiling water from the big fireplace to the vat she chose.  She was grateful to killian for seeing to it that this room was kept clean and water was in supply.

The tall Warrior eased herself into the steaming water. She felt the tension in her shoulders loosen a bit. tris would always come to her and work the knots out with her healing little hands. Nessa swallowed back a lump that was trying to form in her throat at the mere thought of the lass.

Reports from some of the others at the Lodge told the Lord of tris' doings. Apparently her new status as free agent was working on her in a grand way. She was seen in the Lodge a little more. Of course her relationship with killian would steer her in that direction. But more than that, she had become rather enterprising with her skill as a seamstress. Practically every Lodger had commissioned her to make something for them. Several of them were already sporting new shirts and britches.

It was only a couple of weeks since they separated. Nessa knew the lass had a lot going for her if she had the chance and the choice to let it happen. More and more she was convinced that parting was the right thing to do. Now if she could only stop the aching inside that came every time she caught a glimpse or had a thought of the pretty little wench.

Then there were the whispers about how happy the lass looked these days. She smiled and moved among the Lodgers much more easily than when held by the reigns of her relationship to the dark Lord. Nessa shifted in the water and pulled in a deep breath as a disturbing thought hit her. What if another Warrior wanted to claim her? Nessa knew that a consent to have a sexual encounter was not what she feared. tris could fuck whomever she wanted. The fear was that another would want to claim and keep her as their wench.

Nessa stood straight up. Water waved up and over the sides of the vat and cascaded down her long body as she stood. She was ready to spring in a fit of ferocious activity; to break a head or an arm. But whose head or arm? Nessa sank back down. This was the big risk wasn't it? When she gave tris freedom to choose that meant freedom to choose anything... or anyone.

Nessa decided to pay a visit to the lass. Just as she made that decision. the door opened and in walked killian. She knew she had some things to face with her little friend. Would killian forgive her? She guessed she was about to find out.


(Decisions by tris) --

Standing beside killian during twi's punishment was just what it took to keep tris anchored. She wanted to look at Nessa more but thought it would make her appear needy for the Lord. She knew that was not what she wanted at all. It was just that Nessa was the only lover she ever had really. Even Alison did not touch that place of deep need in her the way Nessa did.

She missed her Warrior. She missed having that meaning in her life. She knew too, now that some time passed (with lots of tears and tantruming alone in her room) that this separation was really a good thing. She did love the freedom of it. Freedom was something tris dreamed of before now.

She belonged to no one but herself. The thought alone shook her with a mixture of joy and fear. To belong to one's self she found, meant that she was free to do what she wanted (as soon as she found out what that was), see whomever she wanted and move about freely without restriction of an ardent Warrior. She did like it.

tris thought this must be how killian felt all the time. She thought it must be what kept the beautiful dj from being scooped up by some insistent butch. The love of this freedom. Now if she could only get the boldness. She thought about how she tried to approach the dragon Warrior and how that failed miserably. It was nice to know that if she tried it again she wouldn't be punished for it. But could she try again after such a fiasco?

Nessa was looking straight at her! That feeling of intimidation rose up in her... and something else. Lord Nessa was not trying to intimidate. She was looking as if she longed for tris. The other feeling tris felt was entirely new. It was power. It was a sense of control. tris could say yes or no to the Lord. The reality of that nearly overwhelmed her.

The only thing was... this throbbing in her cunt every time she looked at Nessa. Damn the sex thing! She wanted to melt under Nessa's touch again. She shook out of the thought. She would like to try to find another Warrior to please at least once before she decided that Nessa was the only one.

She realized that all the Warriors still thought of her as belonging to Nessa. She would have to approach one of the beautiful things and be bold. Oh sure. This was hard. At least when she had no choice, she wasn't ever burdened with making decisions.

Nessa strolled off the stage after her turn at punishing twi and disappeared. tris scanned the big room. Nessa was tall. She couldn't be missed. Did she go to the stables? tris thought of the time she came looking for Nessa in the stables. The heat slammed into her core at the memory.

She could try for Ikarias again and explain that she just wanted one time. Would the fierce looking Lord be offended or worse... laugh at her? What about that really sexy one who was Nessa's friend. The new one. Was she someone who would switch to accommodate a wench like tris? Just one time?

tris thought about all these things and decided at last to wait until tomorrow to act on her thoughts.


The End - 'Decisions & Making Amends' - by Lord Nessa and tris

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