Kindred Spirit Lodge Presents

Dark Ember

by Nessa, Aria, Dagger, & Killian
Parts 1 to 25 - August to December 2003


(Part 1 by Nessa) --

“The soft yellow will look good on Dagger” thought Tris. She just finished the last stitch on a tie-over shirt she made for the one who took up all the space in her mind, most of the space in her bed and filled her heart. Never had she loved one as she loved Dagger. She knew and understood that Dagger was independent and had no interest in being held to one relationship. It didn’t seem to matter.

Tris saw the switch as dashing and fun and seriously caring all at the same time. The whole Lodge seemed to enjoy her flirting, frolicking ways. Still, she came to Tris’ bed when it was all said and done. Tris would have wanted a commitment from Dagger if she wasn’t so sure that it may be to soon and too unrealistic for one so free-spirited. She felt that Dagger was searching and wasn’t altogether sure of what it was she was searching for. Tris knew the feeling. She lifted her head at the knock on her door.

“Come” she said, fully expecting to see her bright lover breeze in. Tris felt her heart and soul clamoring against each other for a place to be safe when she looked into the black eyes of hell. She could not speak for the fear that clogged her throat.

“Nice shirt little seamstress. For me?” Dalton shut the door behind her. She strode like a big hunting cat toward it’s wounded prey. She lifted a brow and felt delight at the look of shock and fear in the girls beautiful face. “I know you are not happy to see me and my feelings are deeply hurt. I believe you should apologize for such a greeting. You have forgotten who you belong to.”

Tris’ shock was rippling through her. She thought the mad Dane was dead. Dread crept into her like poison, weakening her body to uselessness.

“Well?” said the Dane. “I await your apology.”

Tris knew the consequences of disobeying. Survival moved in and she spoke. “Forgive me, my Lord Dalton. I do apologize. I truly thought you were… uh, away, perhaps to war or on a mercenary’s mission.”

Dalton slapped Tris hard. The girl fell to the floor and stayed, waiting for the next blow or kick. She already knew running was impossible.

“I do not like it when you lie little one. If I had more time I would bind you and whip your skin to shreds” Dalton hissed. Then she spoke with more control. “you thought I was dead and that is what you will continue to pretend.” Dalton kneeled down on one knee and lifted Tris’ chin with a curled finger. “Isn’t that right?”

The slate eyes were glazed with insanity. Tris knew this impossible horror could go either way no matter what she said. “Yes milord, Dalton,” she opted for. “That is right.”

The tall Dane rose and pulled a sealed scroll from her shirt. “Stand up immediately!” she barked. Tris scramble up to her feet amazed that she was not yet hurt very badly. Dalton held the scroll out to her. “Remember that your life and the life of that one who fucks you every night are on the edge of Death if the secret of my living is not kept. Give this to the Lady Aria.”

Tris took the scroll and stood in silent amazement as the Dane turned and left her room.


(Part 2 by Aria) --

Aria sat facing her mirror, though it was not her own reflection she saw. She had been thinking about that mad Dane all morning. Lost in a myriad of thoughts she silently stroked the "D" above her breast oblivious her hand was touching the remnants of her dance with insanity.

She fretted for weeks over the secret she held. It was unlike the Lady Aria to keep a secret of this magnitude from her S/sisters, but she knew they would hunt Dalton down and end the Dane's life with their own hands.

Though the Lady was highly astute in matters of personalities, she could not fathom why she did not kill Dalton when she had the chance. She could have ended it all and yet she chose to mark the woman and spare her life.

Was her need for darkness so viscerally a part of her that she would jeopardize the well being of her S/sisters?

Why did she mingle their blood causing a bond that would last until one or both of them died?

Why was her "D" burning her today, when it healed weeks ago?

Before Aria could ask herself another question, she was pulled back to the present by a timid knock at the door.


"Lady, please let me in...please... hurry, I have a letter for you"

Aria (allowed to contribute with Nessa's permission.)


(Part 3 by Nessa) --

Before Aria could ask herself another question, she was pulled back to the present by a timid knock at the door.


"Lady, please let me in...please... hurry, I have a letter for you"

Aria knew this little voice. It was the terror in it that gave her an instant’s pause. Quickly, she jumped to the door, opened it and pulled Tris inside in what seemed like one motion.

Neither woman was completely healed physically from injuries from the latest encounter with Dalton but Aria could see that the emotional wounding was deeper in Tris. She held the trembling girl by the shoulders for a moment then said, “Breathe Tris. You are safe. Breathe.” She waited for Tris’ pretty young face to lighten and her body to relax. “Now, what is this, Tris?” she asked as she took the scroll from the girl.

“Dalton!” Tris blurted. “She is NOT dead Lady!”

Aria saw the confusion, fear and pain in hazel eyes that never should have had to see the things they had already seen. “Tris… “ she started an explanation she didn’t have.

“I don’t care about your reasons or your needs. Dalton said if the truth of her living was told she would kill Dagger! I am afraid in a way I never knew before. I cannot lose my Dagger, Lady Aria. You have to do something!” she shrieked.

“I will, Tris… I will. Let me read this scroll and see what she wants.” She unrolled the scroll but before she read it she said to the girl, “On my honor, Tris, I will not allow Dalton to lay a finger on you or Dagger… or any other of the sisters here.”

Aria’s eyes scanned the neatly written words. “My Love, We must meet. I am restraining myself as never before. There is a place we must go together. Much treasure is to be had and I want you by my side when I claim it. It will involve danger and I know you are not afraid of that. You will be rich beyond your dreams because you are Mine. You will see. Meet me at dawn at the waterfall. Bring enough food and clothes for a week. The little seamstress and her lover may have to come too if you decide to be defiant… understand? My heart beats for you.


Aria looked back at the anxious Tris and rolled the scroll tight. “Where is Dagger now?”

“I think she is with Nessa in the stables.”

“Good. Find a reason to be with them and stay with them at least for the day. If Dalton somehow contacts you again before tomorrow, tell her I have agreed but that she must leave you and Dagger alone or all agreement is off. After tomorrow morning Dalton will be far away.” Aria did not give Tris a moment for questions, even though she saw them written all over the girl’s face. She smiled reassuringly and said, “Go be with Dagger now honey. All will be well.”

Tris left and headed for the stables as instructed. It felt good to be in the open where the eyes of the Kindred were upon her. She felt other eyes, the ones that haunted her dreams and made hell of her reality, must still be watching from somewhere.

She was walking through the big hall toward the side door that led to the stables when she felt a hand grasp her arm and stop her short. She turned to look into the deep brown of Killian’s eyes.

“You can tell me what is going on or I can find out in other ways. But I will know one way or another my sweet friend” Killian said softly.

Tris was anything but a liar. Her only answer before she pulled out of her friends grasp was, “I cannot tell you.”

Killian watched Tris leave the building and then turned to race straight to Aria’s room.


(Part 4 by Aria) --

“You can tell me what is going on or I can find out in other ways. But I will know one way or another my sweet friend” Killian said softly.

Tris was anything but a liar. Her only answer before she pulled out of her friends grasp was, “I cannot tell you.”

Killian watched Tris leave the building and then turned to race straight to Aria’s room.

Aria’s body seem to vibrate as she re-read Dalton’s letter alone in her room. A fusion of hatred, lust, curiosity and fear coursed through the Lady’s veins. How dare someone summon her? The Lady Aria preferred to be asked, not told.

Her decision to go had nothing to do with the offer of implied wealth but everything to do with the safety of Dagger and tris. The Lady Aria would handle Dalton as she had in the past… alone. As thoughts of their liaisons crept into the Lady’s mind… shivers ran down her spine and fear clouded her soul, but what bothered her most, was the slight feeling of anticipation she felt. Quickly putting the letter away in the small table by her bed, she began to pack a modest bag.

The second knock on the door was not nearly as timid as tris’ and for a moment Aria feared it might be the Dane.

“Aria! Open this door immediately”, barked the Lady’s best friend. Sucking in a deep breath and composing herself Aria managed to open the door looking perfectly at ease.

“Yes, my love?” the said assassin amazed her voice betrayed nothing.

“Spill it”…. Killian demanded.

Aware of her friend’s mystical abilities, Aria knew she had to be particularly cagey with her answers.

“Spill what my sweet? - the milk, the beans? Help me out here?”

“Cut the bullshit Aria, it’s me. I know something is going on… I have felt off balance about you all morning”, her friend said spying the partially packed bag on the bed.

Aria hated to lie to her beloved Killian, but lie she did.

“Honey you worry too much, the only thing going on is I must leave for a few days to tend to a sick friend….”

“Aria! The truth damn it!”

Knowing any admission of truth would put the lovely tris and sweet Dagger in harm’s way, Aria knew she could not waver, instead quickly added Ikarias to the mix hoping for some credibility.

“Killian, I can not prove a negative, so I will not waste my time… there is simply a woman that Ikarias and I befriended years ago and she finds herself in need of a good friend to lean on for about a week or so.”

“Are you telling me the truth Aria?”

“Cross my heart and hope to die”, Aria said wondering if she was not foretelling her own future.

“I’m not saying I believe you, but I’ll give you some space and trust you”

Those words pierced Aria’s heart like a knife… By the Gods she hated to deceive her sweet and trusting friend, but the stakes far out-weighed her guilt.

“Be good little one, stay close to Caitlin while I am gone and I’ll be back in a week” Aria said hoping that would, in fact be the reality.


(Part 5 by Nessa) --

Killian stopped guessing about her gut feelings a long time ago. If Aria was lying it was out of protection. That much she knew. The Amazon turned from Aria’s door. She was not going to get the truth from the ex-assassin in a straight forward manner, such as having it told to her. She would find another way. Her resources were boundless and true.

Killian walked down the main staircase of the Lodge like a woman in trance, which of course, is what she was. The young psychic was more and more at home in the shifting passages within the psychic realms. Her gift of access to this place was improving continually. She had not yet seen her full abilities here. For now however, her intention was not to search out and develop her full potential. She was simply stepping into the dark spaces between thought and action and seeing the pictures.

A dark figure huddled over a small flame. It was just dawn, or so it seemed by the sparse awakening bird sounds and the look of the dim sky. The landscape was familiar. The sound of water crashing on rocks was Killian’s best clue. Aria stepped into her view and spoke. “I am here, I am alone and I am holding you to your promise to refrain from harming any of my friends.” Killian’s mind reverberated from the shock of hearing words come from one she thought dead.

Dalton rose and turned to face Aria. “You may hold me to that promise or anything else my love. Just hold me.”

Killian could see and more, she could feel the struggle within her best friend.

“Now why do you hesitate beloved?” Dalton asked smoothly. “I know you don’t like it, but I demand obedience never the less.” She held out her long muscular arms. “Come here and I will wrap you in my arms and kiss you.” The Dane gave that beckoning motion with her hands and said, “unless of course we need to amend the agreement.” Killian saw her friend flinch and walk stiffly toward the Dane.

Quickly, Killian shook herself from the psychic realms and hit the landing running. She ran straight for the stables where she found Dagger and Tris just mounting their horses and preparing for a ride. “Where is Nessa?” she said breathlessly.

Dagger cocked her head toward Tuttle’s stall at the other end of the stables. “She is just finishing a new shoe job on Tuttle… why?” Dagger answered and inquired. Tris looked scared.

“I can tell you more later, just don’t go yet” Killian said while running toward the end stall.

Dagger turned in her saddle and looked at Tris. The girl was pale and staring off as if thinking of a harsh painful memory. “Dalton again?” Dagger asked intuitively. Huge tears welled up in Tris’ big hazel eyes. Dagger sidled up and wrapped a strong arm around the girl’s waist and lifted her from her saddle. She seated Tris in front of her on her own saddle. She held Tris firmly at the waist and whispered softly into her ear. “I won’t let her hurt you again… I promise.” They sat there for only a few moments when both Nessa and Killian appeared and came toward them.

Nessa was still bound by the cast that Killian put her in. Only a couple more weeks and she would be out of it. The main trouble now was that her sword arm was useless. She would be no match for a madwoman such as Dalton. Also, Nessa was not entirely sure that Aria really wanted to be “saved.” After all, she did not kill the Dane as she led them all to believe. Nessa thought Aria ought to have this chance to make this right.

They approached Dagger and Tris. Nessa looked down into the beautiful brown of Killian’s eyes and said in earnest, “We must talk to the others, lass. I am sure Caitlin needs to be in on this one. I know that neither Ikarias nor Captain Klancy would take kindly to Aria’s being spirited off over making a deal with the insane Dane. Sirius will no doubt be ready to hurt somebody. We are going to have to approach it in a way that nobody gets hurt if we can.


(Part 6 by Aria) --

Killian stopped guessing about her gut feelings a long time ago. If Aria was lying it was out of protection. That much she knew. The Amazon turned from Aria’s door. She was not going to get the truth from the ex-assassin in a straight forward manner, such as having it told to her. She would find another way. Her resources were boundless and true.

“Yeah she bought that”, Aria mocked herself as she randomly stuffed some clothes and supplies into a cloth bag. It would only a matter of time before her well-intentioned Killian alerted the Lodge of her suspicions.

“You are not the only one that “feels” things my love”, Aria whispered softly, very grateful she had tied Renaissance up behind the Lodge…just in case. Once Aria placed her weapons strategically on her body, she was ready to leave. Rena was right where the Lady had left her and after mounting the horse with a less than lady-like huff, Aria trotted her mare quietly towards the waterfalls.

The summer had been so damn hot, but with September just around the corner, the evenings cooled down and the wind picked up. Aria soaked it all in, the smells, the sounds, even the tapestry of green laid out before her seemed to caress her senses. The wind gently lifted her hair and kissed the back of her neck, causing the Lady to smile at how sexy nature could be. Knowing that she was not to meet Dalton until dawn Aria traveled awhile and then stopping to kill time she crudely set up a makeshift campsite and tried in vein to rest before heading on to the falls. Sleep was impossible; images forced their way in despite the Lady’s vain attempts to push them out. The blows, the pain, the total disregard… all at the hands of Dalton. The irony of sneaking off to meet the very woman who caused the Lady the most pain she had ever experienced was not lost on Aria. The blonde woman now sitting against a tree thought seriously about Dalton for the first time in a long time.

Did the Lady believe that she was only going for the safety of her S/sisters?

No, she knew that was not the sole reason.

Was the Lady a masochist?

No, she knew again that was not the case.

Was the Lady’s need to be surrounded by power shading her judgment?

No… Aria knew it went to a much scarier place than that.

Dalton was damaged, maybe beyond repair. She knew the Dane would never be whole. However, the Lady saw something behind the anger and the rage when she looked into to Dalton’s eyes. She saw sadness, she saw regret, she even saw even glimmer of fragility.

Dropping her head back and staring up to the heavens… Aria realized then and there what the bond was… what it was that made her allow this woman back into her life.

Maybe she could save Dalton.

Maybe she could fix her.

Maybe she could love her.

The last thought caused the Lady’s body to implode. She physically could feel her heart race uncontrollably. Needing to get off this emotional treadmill, Aria stood, efficiently packed up what little had, snuffed out her small fire and headed the short distance following the sound of water.

[A dark figure huddled over a small flame. It was just dawn, or so it seemed by the sparse awakening bird sounds and the look of the dim sky. Aria stepped into her view and spoke. “I am here, I am alone and I am holding you to your promise to refrain from harming any of my friends

Dalton rose and turned to face Aria. “You may hold me to that promise or anything else my love. Just hold me.”

“Now why do you hesitate beloved?” Dalton asked smoothly. “I know you don’t like it, but I demand obedience never the less.” She held out her long muscular arms. “Come here and I will wrap you in my arms and kiss you.” The Dane gave that beckoning motion with her hands and said, “unless of course we need to amend the agreement.”]

Two distinct thoughts went through the Lady’s mind as she approached the Dane. Dalton asked to be held and damn this insane woman, she had once again summoned the Lady to her. Not wanting to start this journey off on a bad foot Aria approached Dalton cautiously, allowing the Dane to engulf her while the petite blonde kept her arms at her sides.

The Lady had never shared this kind of moment with the Dane. In the past, it had all been about pain, fear, and force. Sweeping Aria into her arms, Dalton kissed the Lady romantically for the first time. The kiss started soft and tentative but grew until it became hard and passionate. Aria pulled away first. She needed to keep a level head. Despite the Dane’s foray into normalcy, the assassin never forgot whom this magnificent specimen of woman towering before her, really was. Dalton had beaten Aria within an inch of her life…twice. It took her weeks to recover and that would not be forgotten with one kiss. No, Aria would keep her distance and follow her instincts.

“Simply because I am here Dalton, does not mean I am in total compliance with your demands.”

“Is that so, dear Lady…please, elaborate for me?”

“We both know you left me very little choice… my S/sisters safety has been compromised.”

“I have something I want to share with you, Aria”

“So your letter implied”, the Lady said stepping back from the Dane and settling down on the trunk of a fallen tree.

“Well Dalton, you have what you sought… my attention. Now tell me, why am I here?”


(Part 7 by Nessa) --

“Well Dalton, you have what you sought… my attention. Now tell me, why am I here?”

Dalton allowed Aria to move away. She adored the graceful movement of the beautiful blonde. In fact, Dalton savored things in this woman that she would never stand for in any other, like her haughty manner and her courage in the face of impossible odds. Aria was not afraid to kill and she was not afraid to live with danger. The mad Dane liked that. She could still smell the faint fragrance of the Lady’s skin… could still feel the warmth of those full lips on her mouth. Not completely trusting the beauty merely added to the challenge of the game.

“You are here because you want to save the little seamstress and her lover. I am not fool enough to think treasure lures you. Never the less, it is there for the taking and you will obey me.” Dalton watched Aria’s brow rise in defiance yet she remained silent.

A few moments passed in that silence as Dalton gathered her psychic force and saw a picture of the gathering Kindred. “They Know! They will be following soon.” She got the response she hoped for when she saw Aria stiffen with worry.

“How do you know?”

“I have talents of my own, sweet killer. Get on your mare and ride with me quickly!”

Aria weighed her choices. She did not want this demented mercenary anywhere close to anyone she loved. She knew too that she had warrior friends who could kill Dalton and were ready to do it.

She thought of Sirius. The dark lord had ways of seeing beyond the reality understood by most and would be more than a match for the Dane on those mysterious and dangerous levels. Ikarias could fight circles around ten of the best warriors anywhere and awaited Aria’s word to do so if needed. Klancy and Nessa fought in some of the bloodiest battles yet in history and both remained standing with as much passion for winning as ever. And what of Killian? She had already engaged in psychic battle with the Dane and held her own. Aria sensed that Dagger had more fire in her than she had yet shown and to save Tris one more ounce of suffering, she would pull out the stops.

Yes, the Dane would surely die. Aria’s heart fluttered like a frantic bird in a trap. She leaped on Renaissance and waited while Dalton weaved a psychic web of tangled deception to stall the Lodgers.

Together they leaped into the morning light and onto the trail that led to the other side of the mountains.


(Part 8 by Nessa) --

Killian’s pulled the reins back in a quick movement and stopped her Friesian mare abruptly. The others in the rescue party stopped as quickly at the psychic’s cue. Caitlin looked at her lover with questioning eyes.

“Uh… they are not at the Waterfall. I don’t know where they went. Dalton has cast confusion into the psychic realms. It is like a barrier. I can’t get through” Killian said helplessly. “It is like noise everywhere. It’s too distracting.”

Nessa pulled Tuttle up beside the couple. She looked over at Caitlin and asked, “Can you track them Kat-leen?” She knew the answer, of course. Caitlin smiled and said, “Absolutely. I will have to study the waterfall area to know the direction they took and how long since they left.”

Five riders cantered toward the waterfall. They rode the trail in pairs with Killian and Caitlin in front, then Dagger and Tris, followed by Nessa. Each one of them anxious and each one wary. It seemed to them all that Dalton was strategic in choosing this time to take the Lady. So many of the Lodgers were away so that a skeleton group would have to be left in case pursuit of the dark Dane and the Lady were necessary.

Dagger insisted on coming because her life was one that Dalton threatened in order to lure the Lady Aria away. Tris was the other and Dagger could not protect the lass without bringing her along. It was a strange dichotomy of circumstance.

Few of the Kindred really knew the real Dagger. She was very careful about revealing too much of herself or her past. No one asked and she was grateful for that respect. Of course a few eyebrows raised when the switch came prepared with full fighting gear in the form of multiple daggers placed in various hidden and open places on her person. The spectacle was revealing… thus, her name.

Not long enough ago, the young Dagger was an acrobat and an entertainer with a band of gypsies who roamed the lands to the North. She had, in fact, been in Dalton’s own land of Denmark where the Vikings and the Valkyries worship Odin. She had little use for these spiritual beliefs or for the magical, mystical ways of the gypsies. Her ability to split a hair from fifty yards with a dagger brought in plenty of gold and silver. She was happy enough in this nomadic life until the accident that ended the life of a child, broke her spirit and ended her travels with the gypsies.

Dagger hoped she would not be compelled to bring her skills to bear for any reason. But now there was Tris. Tris was making so much difference to the meaning of living for Dagger. How could she deny her help? Still, she was troubled, a state of being not lost on Killian, the psychic.


Meanwhile, Aria moved in her saddle as if in unison with her mare. The pace they were keeping was rapid and smooth while the road stayed even. Dalton refused to stop until Aria simply reined her horse to a halt and insisted on resting. Dalton turned in her saddle and watched in wonder as the beautiful blonde dismounted and walked to the nearest tree where she slid to the ground, back against the tree and closed her eyes.

“I tell you we are to go on, Aria! Why do you think you can defy me like this?” screamed the imperious mercenary as she trotted back to the spot where Aria sat.

“It is not defiance, Dalton. It is exhaustion. I will be no good if I am driven to the ground.”

“If there was time, I would show you how to obey me!”

“You have already shown me that. Now show some consideration and give us both a break. You have confused Killian’s abilities… they are probably going in another direction.” Aria hoped with all her heart.

“I think you are underestimating your friends little killer. But we shall rest for one hour and then move.” Dalton dismounted her black Arabian and walked to the tree where the focus of her life sat unmoving. She leaned down and reached for Aria’s shirt. Pulling the fabric away from Aria’s left breast she eyed the “D” branded just above it and hissed, “You will stay with me through this journey and more. You are mine.” That was all she said before she sat by Aria’s side and leaned her own head back against the rough trunk.

Aria started to close her shirt when she heard the Dane bark, “Leave it!” She settled back and felt the cool breeze against her bared breast. The blonde thought she just might learn how to deal with this demented and deadly creature if she could only learn how to brook the sometimes irrational thoughts of Dalton… and of herself.


(Part 9 by Aria) --

“Leave it…”

Every fiber of Aria’s being screamed for her to cover that “D”.

Yet - she did nothing. The visceral part of Aria that responded to Dalton willed the “D” remain open and visible to the Dane.

The Lady’s brain was so tired, but she knew she had to contemplate this. Fighting sleep, Aria’s mind conjured up past and present lovers.

“All strong, all smart… all dark.”

Except for the occasional exquisite submissive, these were the women Aria was drawn too. Seeing herself only as their equal, she constantly questioned her need for “rough trade” as her Mother would have deemed them. Aria seemed to feed off the harshness, the impropriety… the darkness. The Lady smiled slightly as she recalled them one by one. There were far fewer than people imagined, but where they were small in numbers, they were stellar in character. Aria knew at the completion of that thought, why she kept her blouse open.

Dalton had no honor. She did not respect the unspoken boundaries the others had. For Dalton, there were no boundaries. Without preference, she took what she wanted, by charm or by force.

Aria knew consciously this semi-lucid woman sitting next to her was beyond redemption as the Lady understood it, but she was not ready to give up on her yet. Dalton would never have Klancy’s integrity, Ikarias’ protectiveness, nor would she have Nessa’s sense of righteousness and certainly Dalton could never possess Sirius’ unselfish, white hot love for the Lady… but the Dane’s total disregard for conformity made her intoxicating to Aria.

Slipping into slumber despite her valiant attempts to thwart it off, Aria realized she could hear Killian. The Lady could not make out the words, but she could sense the urgency behind them. Killian was scared - Aria could feel it. Her best friend was panicking.

The Lady’s last three cohesive thoughts before sleep took her away – was to tell Killian that she need not worry about her… “she was fine”, followed by, "you see Dalton together we are stronger than you” and lastly, since she no longer had the heart of an assassin, Aria hoped that "she could save Dalton before she had to kill her."


tbc... (hopefully by Dagger)


(Part 10 by Dagger) --

Dagger's pulse raced as she looked over at Tris. Many were the reasons for the rushing of blood through her veins. With what seemed like a lot of persuasion, Nessa finally agreed to allow Dagger come with the group, a group that Dagger respected adamantly.

Quietly, they mounted their horses for what could be a very long ride. Because of the dangerous mentality of the one they were searching for, no one knew for certain what the outcome would be. Dagger felt sure that if anyone could find Dalton and Lady Aria, it would be this company of women and Warriors.

With no conversation for what seemed like hours, Dagger had time to think. Time to think of her past and now her present, and hopefully her future. Tris was giving her new hope and a new purpose. The young woman had not been cared for the way Dagger knew she should have been, and Dagger's full intention was to treat young Tris with all the love and care she could find within herself to give. Never would Tris know a raised hand in anger again. She had not enjoyed a very stable life of her own, and now was the time to make changes for the both of them.

Reaching out her hand toward the beautiful young woman, Tris smiled shyly and placed her hand in Dagger's. Leaning over in her saddle, Dagger brought the small hand up to her lips and placed a tender kiss on the soft skin. They continued riding side by side holding hands for some time.

Dagger could not help but watch Caitlin. Her long hair swaying as she and Killian led the rescue party, Dagger could feel the unspoken emotion between the two. Killian was no doubt terrified because of the uncertainty of her best friend's whereabouts, but Caitlin was as calm and confident as always. Their love for one another had had a huge effect on Dagger's vision.

Soon Killian stopped her horse and told Caitlin that she did not think Dalton took Aria to the waterfall. Tris and Dagger watched as Nessa changed positions from following the pack to moving to the front so that she could talk with Caitlin about what the group should do. The threats that Dalton made to both Tris and herself left Dagger with no choice but to fight her own fear, seeing it as the real enemy. Feeling the steel of a short, sharp blade, Dagger traced the figure of the weapon stuck in the pocket on the leg of her pants. Whatever she may be forced to do, she vowed to herself to carry it out. Carefully she listened to her Protector talk with Caitlin.

They would continue riding the path toward the waterfall so that Caitlin could study the perimeter of the area. Dagger's heart sank when she let herself think of the danger that Lady Aria was possibly in at this very moment. Caring greatly for her friend, Dagger was troubled. Killian seemed to know Dagger's thoughts exactly. She turned in her saddle and deep, dark eyes locked with Dagger's...a silent call that helped Dagger snap out of her fear and begin to trust that Lady Aria's safety would be granted. Dagger was afraid of losing any of the people she loved, but realizing the force and power surrounding her, she swallowed hard and squeezed Tris' hand as the pack began riding once again.


(Part 11 by Nessa) --

Nessa felt stiff in her saddle. Frustration at the cast that held her arm against her body was wearing on her. How would she be able to face any real enemy or danger while encased like a chrysalis? The warrior in her paled at the thought of a useless sword arm. But the Druid was more introspective and searched for reason and creativity. The Druid quietly mused that the chrysalis was the third and last stage before the emergence of the fully formed butterfly.

The Celt thought about Dalton. She didn’t know much except that the Dane lived trapped in her own cast of madness. The Celt felt her heart jump when she recalled the tortured condition of Tris when Caitlin and Killian brought her back on a litter along with Aria who was not in much better shape than Tris. Why didn’t Aria kill the Dane when she had the chance? The answer to that question might be the key to the successful retrieval of Aria and the avoidance of losing life… anyone’s life.

Nessa was not an advocate of the Dane nor was she feeling vengeance toward her. Dalton was not the enemy. It seemed to the Druid that the enemy was living in the deep turmoil of Dalton’s brain. The obsessive attachment she had for Aria consumed her and motivated her every move. Given the fury in Killian toward the Dane and the fear in Tris which triggered the unfolding of a protective killer in Dagger… this was going to be a challenge. Nessa decided that her best bet for reason was Caitlin.

The small party of riders came to the clearing above the waterfall. Caitlin tossed a long leg behind her and glided to the ground. She asked the others to remain on their horses so she could study the area. After a few moments of scanning and stooping here and there, the tall trader stood and pointed in the direction of the quarry. “This way” she said softly. “They left in a hurry and may be several hours ahead of us.” The beautiful blue of Caitlin’s eyes sparkled as she looked around to Killian. “No sign of a struggle. Aria is riding her own mount.”

“Willingly?” asked an incredulous Killian.

“That is hard to say, my love. Who knows what hold Dalton has over her.”

Tris shuddered involuntarily. Dagger felt it in her own being. “Let’s go then!” she said urgently. “That is the way to the old mountain trail. It leads all the way to the other side of the mountain and down to the river’s end. If they get on a barge we won’t be able to track them!”

“Oh yes we will.” Killian spoke in a low, even tone. I have done psychic battle with that bitch before. I can do it again. She cannot scramble things forever. She doesn’t have the psychic stamina that I have.

Caitlin was quiet but her astonishment at Killian’s determination and rage flashed clearly on her face. She looked over at Nessa only to see the same astonishment written there. The trader leaped to her saddle but held back as Killian, Dagger and Tris passed at a lope. She sidled her horse next to Nessa’s and said, “I hope you have a plan, Nessa.”

The Celt shook her head. “I don’t just yet. But if you can control Killian before she barrels into something dangerous, I’ll try to come up with one.”

Together they shot forward in pursuit of the threesome. Each warrior wondered who was more dangerous and perhaps more difficult to control. The absolute determination toward destroying Dalton that they each read in Killian’s eyes and heard in her voice, caused them both to worry.


(Part 12 by Killian) --

Together they shot forward in pursuit of the threesome. Each warrior wondered who was more dangerous and perhaps more difficult to control. The absolute determination toward destroying Dalton that they each read in Killian’s eyes and heard in her voice, caused them both to worry.

Dark Ember part 12 {by Killian} September 29,2003

'I'll not have her carve one line on my friend’s backstabbing, betraying face. The only harm I want to come to Aria is from me, when I kick her ass all over this valley for not killing that venomous disaster posing as a Woman.' Killian's eyes burned hot with tears as she galloped along the trail behind Dagger and Tris.

'And what of Tris, Aria? Killian raged inside at her friend's apparent unconscionable behavior. How could you put Tris, of all people,' in this state of fear, Aria? For Mother Oak's sake, Tris has been through more physical and psychic torment than you or I hopefully will ever know. SHE WAS THE ONE THAT BITCH WAS SLICING AND DICING, OR DID YOU FORGET AS SHE FUCKED YOU, SLOW AND HARD, IN JUST THAT SLIGHTLY INSANE WAY THAT YOU SO DANGEROUSLY SEEM TO NEED?'

Killian stopped, not her horse, but her ranting. She felt something… danger? Fear? Intense fear. The healer closed her eyes and focused. "Great Mother, guide me to do your will." She said softly inside her mind. Killian's body, and breath calmed, as she waited for the direction she knew would come.

"It is Tris, child. Her fear is killing her. You must take some of it from her, and carry it yourself."

Killian was stunned by the directive, but already forming an answer of compliance when she heard the Great Mother speak again.

"Child, do not misunderstand me. This is not to become your fear. You will not own it. You are strong enough to take it from her, and strong enough to keep it from eating you alive, as it is doing to her. Do Not get attached to this fear. You are simply to relieve Tris from destroying herself. Move swiftly, child. There is not much time before your abilities will be needed elsewhere. Go, with love."

Killian bowed her head for the closing she always depended upon. Great Mother spoke: "You are a child of Grace, full of light. I have given special gifts, as befitting a Healer of your calling. In turn, much is asked of you, child of mine. Simply remember that all I ask of you can be fulfilled by you, completely, deeply, and as always, in my name. Go with Grace, my child. Beware not to let your anger at your friend distract you from your goal, to make your friends safe again. This you can do. You must, Killian, with the help of the Druid, and the others, you must succeed."

Killian simply held her hand to her heart and uttered a quiet, "yes, Mother Oak, I will do as you ask." Then the healer was off at a full gallop to intercept Tris and Dagger. Caitlin and Nessa caught up. They were startled by Killian's sudden actions. Both Warriors feared that Killian would break off on her own once they got close to Dalton, and murder the Dane, or try to, by herself. Each knew Killian capable, but also knew this would damage the healer in ways the young woman could not yet dream. Both Warriors already paid the hard price for this knowledge, and didn't want Killian to ever have to pay it as well.

They both galloped after her immediately.

Killian reached Tris, and Dagger, who were riding together. The small healer stopped Flame and pulled Tris over to her saddle with one arm. Both Dagger and Tris were too startled to do anything at first. They were frozen in place, unable to stop the psychic’s actions.

"Do you trust me, Tris?" Killian whispered as she encircled the young seamstress in her arms.

Tris was startled, but Killian was the one soul on this earth who had never hurt her, so she had no reason to believe it would happen now. But nonetheless, she was shaking badly from the fear she was carrying, and she couldn't stop to show Killian she trusted her. She would simply have to trust that Killian would know from her words alone.

"Yes, Killian, I trust you with my very life. A life you helped give me. I trust you with all of me."

Much to Tris' happiness, Killian merely pulled her closer and began a soft rocking as she spoke to her. "Alright Tris, I need something from you, and I need you to simply give it to me with out question, or quibble. Do I have your word?"

Tris believed that she didn't have anything that Nessa or Killian hadn't given to her in the first place, so if Killian wanted something back, of course, who was she to quibble. Still, it hurt at the thought of something being taken from her, that was given in love. For her part, Killian only squeezed tighter.

"Yes, Killian, you may have anything you wish from me."

"Thank you Tris then relax and let me into your mind." Tris stiffened.

"No, Killian. You can't." Killian held tight to a now squirming Tris.

"Tris, I was directed by the Oak Mother Herself. Now you will give me your fear, or I will take it from you with the Druid's help. Either way, it is being released from your mind."

Tris looked frantically at Nessa to see if she would allow this madness to occur.

"I'll be holdin' ye down with me good arm, Tris, if that is what the Mother has ordered, and that is what it looks like. Now, I promise ye lass, ye won't be leavin’ this glade with the burden ye brought into it." Nessa looked at Caitlin.

"I'll have no problem holding you as Killian heals your tortured mind, child. Caitlin looked at Killian, when she noticed that hint of trepidation Killian had in herself, she added, ”Killian is more than capable of handling what she has been directed to do for you, Tris, why don't you let her."

Then finally, soft brown eyes met clear and sharp ones. Dagger took Tris' hand and said, "Tris, I love you, and I have seen this fear killing you since Dalton got hold of you last time. I will die before Dalton gets near you again, but I can't heal what she has already damaged. Killian can. I beg of you to let her."

Tris breathed for the first time in what seemed like weeks. "Ok,” she said simply. “Ok."

With that Dagger squeezed Tris' hand, and backed her horse away, leaving Killian and Tris in the center of the glade, with Nessa near, adding her psychic energies as needed.

Killian dropped Flame’s reins to land on the withers of the Noble Friesian’s neck, she opened her palms and placed them gently, one over Tris' belly, and the other over her heart. The healer then pulled Tris close. Pressing a tender kiss at the base of her neck, she began.

Publicly, all one could see was Killian holding Tris close to her, with her own head tipping slowly back as she mumbled words in some unintelligible language.

Inside of Killian the story was far from quiet mumblings. Killian found herself standing with Tris high on a cliff, in the center of a hurricane. They were being battered this way and that by rain, and the occasional shale from rock being thrown from the cliffs they perched on, looking down into the cavernous fire of eternal fear, intended to consume us all, at some point in our existence.

Killian held herself and Tris fast in place, grounded in Mother Oak's love, and Nessa's extra special psychic hold. Until now, Tris had been here, all alone, pushed, pulled, and dragged to this place, by the elements, until she found herself at the very abyss of Fear itself, being ready to consume her for all time. Mother Oak wasn't having that happen just yet, so, who did she call? Her baby, Killian

Killian spoke in the ancient one's language. "Great Mother, I wish to take on this burden of fear for my friend and sister, Tris. I vow to take on this lesson with grace and with the knowledge, that this is NOT my time to succumb to the death that this fear is asking for. I will stand in Tris' stead, and I will honor the darkness with respect and in turn for giving up its hold on Tris, I ask that the Fear that is here deal directly with me, and allow me the honor of facing you, and what you have to show me of myself. When you accept me, your contract with Tris is complete. I will stand your test, for as long as you see fit. Then I will walk away, and I will be better for it. It humbles me to stand before you now, oh great and mighty power. May you consider me, and take me on in Tris' stead."

Tris gasped, as Killian collapsed and fell straight to the ground from Flame. Caitlin was off of her horse in a flash and by Killian's side with the others not far behind.

"Whew." Said a newly awake Killian. "Caitlin, may I have some water?" Nessa was all over it, and had it ready just as Killian asked. The Druid spoke.

"I'll be hopin’ that the dramatic nature of yer endin' means it worked?"

Nessa leaned down and felt Killian's pulse as she asked. "Yes, I'd say from this racin' horse in yer heart here, that ye got her fear in there."

Killian took another large drink of water, and let herself fall a little harder into Caitlin. "Yes," Her voice cracked. "I've got it. It will take me a bit to get my bearings with this, Caitlin, it may be best if I were to ride with you for a time."

Tris frowned, and blew out a breath. "If this is going to destroy Killian, then I want the fear back. Damn it! I can't have Killian falling off of horses for me. I will never sleep, and I will fall apart, then Dalton will really get me, and we will all die, then she will kill us, and we will be strung up and....mrhph...

Dagger put her hand over Tris' mouth to stop the tirade, then pulled her close, and held her into her until the poor lass could regain herself again... Finally, Tris sighed... "I do feel much better. Thank you, Killian. I hope I can help take care of you now."

Killian got up during Tris' fit, and stood between Nessa and Caitlin, feeling the hurricane, and the abyss, along with everything else that her vast spirit held. 'Yes, she thought, I can do this. Mother wouldn't give me what I can't overcome.' She leaned over and gave Tris a light kiss, and Dagger a squeeze on the hand.

To the group, she said. "I feel strong now, everyone. As long as Nessa and Caitlin stay close, I will be fine, and knowing Tris is better actually eases my psychic mind more than I can possibly describe. I will simply say, that The Great Mother made a good call, and now, we need to move on, get that Dalton bitch, and get Aria home, so I can personally kick her ass."

Caitlin and Nessa looked at one another, shaking their heads as Killian strode purposefully towards Flame, fully expecting Caitlin to ride with her, rather than the other way around. Caitlin gave a short prayer to the Oaks, for patience to handle this spitfire, in full on mode. What will they do?


(Part 13 by Aria) --

The Celt shook her head. “I don’t just yet. But if you can control Killian before she barrels into something dangerous, I’ll try to come up with one.”


Slowing the horses down to bring their heart rates under control, Aria used the opportunity to study Dalton for a moment. She could honestly not say who was the true animal, the Dane or the horse that carried her. Dalton’s handsome features radiated with color; her senses seemed to come alive under the pressure of the chase and the cache that lay ahead. She had always reminded the Lady of a fabled Caribbean pirate. Aria could easily imagine Dalton looking quite dashing… as she slit your throat.

“The little one is angry with you…” Dalton said almost as an afterthought.

Aria thought a moment, “Tris?”

“No, the feisty one… the one with the powers”

Aria’s heart sank, she knew immediately Dalton meant Killian. The Lady knew the myriad of misconceptions her treasured friend felt, as she watched the Dane appear to fight off an invisible demon. It looked to Killian that she had slipped into the forest to be with Dalton. Then of course, there was the matter of her accidentally forgetting to mention Dalton was not actually… dead. And then there was the fact of not sharing the --- Aria’s thoughts were interrupted by Dalton mumbling something -


“Why didn’t you…”

Dalton could see the Lady’s infamous lack of patience surfacing, and seemed to summon something deep within her… “Why didn’t you kill me when you had the chance?”

“Because, we were not done Dalton”, Aria said simply

“I was just naive to think you woman enough to come for just me. I can not say for sure if I would have joined you on this nightmarish sojourn, but I would have thought more of you had you not threatened the lives of others to have me by your side on this little adventure”, the Lady said with more conviction than she intended.

Dalton stopped her horse with a violent pull on the reins and maneuvered dangerously close to Aria.

“If you spoke to me like this in my castle, I would have you on the rack,” the Dane growled.

“And if you spoke to me like this in my castle, I would have your head” Aria shot back without missing a beat.

The Dane grabbed Aria’s face with her large muscled hand before the Lady had a chance to pull back. Holding it tightly, Dalton pulled the blonde closer to her “mind your tongue Aria, we won’t be on these horses forever.”

The Lady wrenched her face free and galloped ahead of the Dane… she would walk over glass before she would let that monster see her fear.


(Part 14 by Nessa) --

‘The Dane grabbed Aria’s face with her large muscled hand before the Lady had a chance to pull back. Holding it tightly, Dalton pulled the blonde closer to her “mind your tongue Aria, we won’t be on these horses forever.”

The Lady wrenched her face free and galloped ahead of the Dane… she would walk over glass before she would let that monster see her fear.’

Dalton glared after the blonde for only an instant before she spurred her mount forward. She thought Aria was stunning in her defiance while it simultaneously stirred an anger in her she was challenged to stifle… for the moment. The Danish mercenary was many things, but undisciplined when on a mission, was not one of them. She would hold her anger in check until she was sure she could express it unhampered by time and a posse in heated pursuit.

The two rode at a hard gallop until they reached the outskirts of the village spread out beside the river’s end. Aria pulled gently back on the reins allowing Renaissance to slow easily. She pulled in a full breath of salty air and exhaled it through nearly closed lips. Steam from her breath slipped out smooth as smoke into the crisp air. Autumn was bursting from the Birch and Maples in brilliant color. If she was not so full of conflicting emotion, the ex-assassin might have been more exhilarated by the beauty around her.

Dalton rode up beside Renaissance, leaned and stretched a strong arm down to grasp hold of the bridle on the beautiful white mare, bringing her and her rider to a halt. They were in front of a village dry goods shop. Dalton dismounted without a word. She stood at the side of Aria’s mare and lifted her arms as if to help the Lady dismount.

“What are you doing? Why are we stopping here?” Aria asked with uncertainty straining through her. Smoldering dark eyes seemed to envelop her, prompting her to move. Aria landed standing straight up with the Dane’s arms pulling her close. She felt Dalton’s hot mouth covering hers. Passion shot through her. She gave herself to the kiss. She relented. She felt it deep and strong in spite of her will to stop feeling anything at all where this incredible, loose minded Dane was concerned.

When Dalton ended the kiss she loosened her hold on the beauty and said, “We are here to buy warm clothing and supplies for our journey. It will be cold where we are going.”

“What!” It felt like a scream but sounded like a squeak. Aria didn’t know whether to slug the tall bitch or collapse into resignation. She was caught in a whirlwind of thought and emotion. “Wait a minute. You said a week, Dalton. Now you are telling me we are traveling to some distant place where it is cold?” Suddenly, whatever resolve the blonde was using to hold her rage was weakened considerably.

“No my darling” Dalton’s voice was silky. “I merely said to bring enough clothing for a week. Now we are buying more. Now, be a good girl and move your beautiful ass into that shop before I hurt you here and now” she said while grasping Aria’s upper arm and aiding her forth.

Of course, Aria was a lady and making a scene was out of the question. At least, that is what she told herself. The truth was that she knew Dalton meant business and she didn’t want to push the mercenary into a fight… not now. When it happened, she thought it would have to be a fight to the death and she just was not ready for that right now. Besides, that sudden kiss lingered on her mouth and in her mind… the mind she was hoping not to lose any more of. She thought of Killian and the others while she walked haltingly beside Dalton. Maybe it was good that they were going farther and higher into the far mountain range on the other side of the river. Maybe the following party would have to give up the search and no one would have to get hurt. But in her deepest heart, Aria knew better. The Lady’s friends never gave up that easily.


(Part 15 by Dagger) --

There was no question in Dagger’s mind the physical and mental strength of the Warriors she accompanied on this mission. After experiencing Killian’s encounter with the One she called Mother Oak, Dagger was left feeling she had no spiritual connection with anything of a higher power, especially not one of this extent even though she thought she had in the past.

Tris’ reaction to Killian had shaken Dagger, and more than ever she realized the intensity of this ride. Dagger kept convincing herself Lady Aria was still alive and unharmed…that was the kind of strength Aria had. But knowing of the Dark Dane’s past and her dangerous cravings, Dagger could not help but find fear, the kind that made her body numb. She heard how Dalton had treated her beloved Tris, and that was reason enough to exhume the courage to enforce any attack that might be necessary, even if the cost was her own life. There was, after all, something called the Greater Good. Dagger had deep care and love for her Sisters. They were the ones who had given her safety and a secure home…something Dagger had never known until this past year.

Following Killian, Caitlin, and Nessa, Dagger looked at Tris as they forged silently ahead. Trying to read the look in Tris' eyes gave her something to study instead of the lump in her throat and stomach.


(Part 16 by Nessa) --

Caitlin led the small band of Lodgers through the village by the sea. She stopped in front of the dry goods shop where Dalton and Aria stood not more than two hours previous. The Arabian Dalton rode had shoes made for tracking. They were obviously of a foreign style and therefore most prominent which made tracking easy until now. Now the traffic in the area made it difficult to get a take on which direction they went.

Killian shifted in her saddle, swinging a shapely leg up and over Flame to dismount. She brushed her hands together as if the action aided her thinking process and said, “I’ll go in here and find out what I can from the shop keep.” She looked up at her companions who were all looking back at her as if astonished that she would think to take the action. The young psychic read the silence. “It’s alright. I am in my right mind. I just think the five of us asking questions might appear a bit intimidating and I want answers.” Killian flashed a look at Tris and said lightly, “Come with me, Tris. Let’s do a little shopping.”

“Sensible enough lass.” Nessa said. “Find out what ye can.” She turned to Caitlin and Dagger and tossed her head in the direction of some stables across the way. “The horses could use a rest and a feed-bag. What say ye?”

“I could use a feed-bag too” Dagger chirped.

But Caitlin was not so sure that getting separated was such a good idea and said so, never taking her eyes from Killian. The energy between the two lovers was nearly palpable. It was loving and warm and slightly stormy. Killian smiled up at the once lost love of her life and said, “Three is a good number. Come with us.”

Caitlin was off her horse in no more time than it took to think about it. She stood beside Killian and leaned down to gently kiss her brow. Suddenly the vision of Dalton kissing Aria on this very spot slammed into the psychic’s mind causing her to jerk back at the sight. Caitlin reached to steady her and glanced up at Nessa.

“She’s trancing Kat-leen! She’s seeing something” said the Celt.

Caitlin spoke softly now. “What is it love? What are you seeing?”

“They were here. They stood here. They went into the shop.” Killian stared into the void watching Aria and Dalton, laden with furs, boots, blankets, coils of rope and what looked like short-handled pickaxes. “They have supplies for… for someplace cold and… rocky.” The psychic blinked a few times then gazed clearly into Caitlin’s eyes. “Aria is alright but she is afraid. She thinks she is keeping us safe while she goes along with Dalton’s plan.” The fear Killian took from Tris and stored in her own heart pulsed within her now. She pulled in a deep breath and let it out in a whisper, “Mother Oak.” The change from fear to curiosity was barely noticeable in the Amazon’s eyes as she shifted her eyes from Caitlin to Nessa. Her voice was steady and her words were clear. “What is ‘Gun-de-strup-ked-len’?” she asked.

Nessa sat in her saddle thinking about this. It sounded Viking but not quite. She heard it before. Tales told by warriors and camp followers drifted through her memory. She remembered. “It is the Gundestrup Cauldron, lass. It is a sacred object hidden by the Celts of Gundestrup which lies on the Northern Danish coast. It is said that it is buried among many other treasures enclosed in oaken coffins and buried deep in the caverns of that craggy mountain coast.”

Killian looked back at Caitlin and said, “That is where they are headed.”


(Part 17 by Aria) --

“They were here. They stood here.

It started as a dull hum and now it surrounded them.

“What is that? Aria called to Dalton.

“Have you never been to this part of the world, Aria?” the Dane asked obviously pleased with herself.

“No Dalton, the last time I was forced to accompany a Mad Dane on a secret mission… we went in the other direction”, Aria said unable to mask her sarcasm.

“Get off your horse”, Dalton commanded.

“What? - why?”

“I said get off your horse… NOW!”

Aria pulled the reins slightly and asked “why?” again.

Dalton reached for Renaissance’s reins and halted the mare with a jolt. Dismounting and pulling Aria from her horse, she held the Lady with both her hands.

“When will you do as I say, woman?” Dalton said through gritted teeth. “Why must everything be so hard?”

“I thought you might hurt me, Dalton.”

Humphing slightly Dalton smiled, “rest assured Aria, I will hurt you… but for now I only want you to change into some warmer clothes and follow me.”

Confused, but grateful to have avoided a confrontation, Aria retrieved a pair of thermal underwear, a woolen sweater and a pair of corduroy pants… then looking for someplace to change, Dalton said to her, “change in front of me”


“I said, change in front of me “

“No, I will not”

“Then stay cold, you ungrateful wench”, Dalton seethed.

“Fine…” Aria said as she threw her new clothes on the ground.

Dalton was amazed at how this woman’s temper could get her into so much trouble.

“You would rather freeze than change in front of me… even though I have seen you naked?”

“Dalton, I am not some slave girl you bought at the local market. I will not be made to feel as such.”

Exasperated, Dalton mumbled something and headed into the forest, “I’ll go on head Aria, change quickly and catch up with me…understood?

Realizing, for Dalton this was entirely out of character, all the Lady could say was, “thank you.”

Rushing to get dressed, Aria stripped down and put on the warmer clothes. Glad not be to cold for the first time in a long while, she left her clothes on a rock and traveled the same path Dalton had taken.

About 50 feet into the forest with the noise almost deafening, Aria found Dalton sitting with her back to her on a rock. In front of the Dane was one of the beautiful things Aria had witnessed. There before the Lady was the largest waterfall the assassin had ever seen. It seemed to go on forever. She approached the rock.

“It’s breathtaking”, the Lady said.

“I wanted to be the one who showed you this”

“Is this your treasure?” Aria asked in amazement

“No dear woman… my treasure is even greater than this”

It was hard for Aria to imagine anything being greater than this, but somehow she believed the Dane. As they sat and stared at the God's watery gift, Dalton slipped her arm around Aria’s waist. The Lady stiffened and sucked in her breath. Dalton pulled her arm back quickly and said, “We’re done here…get back on your horse”

Turning her back on the Lady, Dalton headed away from the falls.


(Part 18 by Nessa) --

The Lady stiffened and sucked in her breath. Dalton pulled her arm back quickly and said, “We’re done here…get back on your horse”

Turning her back on the Lady, Dalton headed away from the falls.

Dalton recognized the pain of Aria’s spontaneous rejection stabbing her deep in her chest. But she would not let the Lady know. Not yet. First she would smother it in the anger that was so much more comfortable for her. Then, she would let that anger brew and boil in the cooker that was her heart.

Bringing Aria to this beautiful waterfall was obviously a mistake. Why did Dalton think she might win something here? The Dane gripped the reins and thought, “I don’t have a need to win what I can take.” This thought calmed her. They would get down to the port and be on the boat soon. When she had Aria secure on the boat, she would take care of the anger and the need. Dalton seethed in her saddle.


The team of rescuers tried to get a ship bound for the Baltic Sea but the only one within the week set sail two hours before. It was the one carrying Aria and her captor. There would not be another for three days. The five pursuing Kindred would have to be patient and wait. They all needed to re-adjust their thinking to fit the magnitude of the adventure they were about to embark upon. They decided they would stay together on this. Killian’s psychic eye was the only vision they had and that could be confused and stilted by Dalton’s own powers in the psychic realm. They got supplies, boarded the horses and settled at the local inn until they could set sail.


Tris Looked stunning in the close fitting soft leather breeches and knee high boots Dagger bought for her in the dry goods shop. The heavy coat of lamb pelt and matching hat weren’t bad either. The seamstress wasn’t used to wearing anything she didn’t sew for herself. She didn’t know what it was to feel regal but she was feeling something about herself… something within… something so much sweeter than she ever felt before. New clothes, bought from a shop made her feel changed in some way. Perhaps it was how Dagger looked at her the entire evening… and how her beloved protector, Nessa opened the door of the traveler’s inn for her and bowed to her as if she was a real Lady.

Although she was not really aware of it, the ones who were the closest to Tris had been watching her changes throughout the months since Nessa freed her from the bonds of a Celtic tradition. Tris was now 21 winters into her life and only one of those winters was spent living with the freedom to make her own decisions and to make her own way. Nessa remained her protector but gave up rights to her life.

At the time, Tris did not see the Celt’s sacrifice as a gift. She felt abandoned and alone. But passing time and love from Killian and other friends, and now Dagger, gave Tris a sense of really belonging for the first time in her young life. Then, Dalton found and captured her in the woods. The Dane tortured her for days until Killian and Aria stopped it and rescued her. Thoughts of that time did not bring up the terror it once did before Killian did whatever it was that she did to relieve her of it. Tris did not understand exactly what the psychic did but she knew she felt much better and less anxious.

Dagger waited for Tris in the room she shared with her at the inn. This village was like every village with a port. There was trade and good accommodation for travelers. One of those accommodations was the bathing facilities in each room. Water was drawn, heated and brought by the bucketful to their room with no more than a simple request and a few extra coins.

The young blade thrower was anxious about the days ahead. She didn’t want to wait for a ship. Hades, she didn’t even like being on a ship. But it was the only way to reach the Coast of Denmark and their quarry would already be three days ahead of them before they even boarded. These were Dagger’s thoughts when Tris entered the room.

Something about the lass changed somewhere along the way. She appeared to Dagger to be more mature. That maturity, coupled with her already intense physical beauty, sent Dagger’s heart flying to heights unknown to her before. And damn if the seamstress didn’t look delicious in her new clothes. The blade thrower intended to feast on the body beneath those clothes immediately.

Tris looked at the steaming bath vat, then back over to Dagger’s grinning face. She didn’t say a word. She just kept her eyes on Dagger while she stripped slowly. She watched the grin change to a slightly open mouth and the face of her beloved, Dagger go from twinkling mischief to serious lust as she pulled her clothes away.


(Part 19 by Nessa) --

Nessa sat alone at her window. She chose this room for the view of the ocean but more than that, for the distance between her room and the one Caitlin shared with Killian. Over the last few months the Celt worked to gain a sense of equilibrium between her desire for Killian and her acceptance that Caitlin was here to stay and was in fact, in Killian’s heart to stay.

Still, the ache inside of her was relentless. Like the tide, any time it receded it was bound by nature to come back, washing through her. Nessa could easily see how happy Killian was now that Caitlin was back in her life after all the grief and pain of having once lost her. No, Nessa would never even attempt to step into that. Drifting in these thoughts, the Celt barely heard the footsteps approaching her door.

Slowly, Nessa lifted her sword from it’s scabbard with her left hand. The cast that held her right arm might be useful as a shield. The Celt did not like the clumsy feeling of using her left arm. She felt so… opposite. The tap that came was barely audible and hardly threatening. The warrior sheathed her sword and pulled the door open. It was the young sandy haired lass who showed them all to their rooms. She wore a low-cut blouse and a flaring skirt. The look on the sweet face was serious, perhaps even worried. The deep blue eyes were unwavering.

“Yes, lass? What do you want?” Nessa said. She held the door open but did not move to allow the girl in.

“You are the one called Nessa?”

“Aye, and you are the chamber maid. What do you want?” Nessa said with an edge of impatience.

“I am called Greta… the chamber maid.” The lass turned and sidled passed Nessa into the room. She turned back to face the astonished Celt and said, “What I want, is a bit of courtesy and… to bring you a message.” She reached into the front of her shirt with two fingers and slowly brought up a small piece of parchment, carefully folded. She held it out to Nessa as she nodded her head toward the door. “You may want privacy for this milord,” she whispered.

Nessa recovered from her state of sudden wonder and closed the door. She took the proffered message and opened it while Greta stood rocking from toe to heel in front of her. The Celt glanced at the scrawl. She held it toward Greta as if to give it back and said. “I cannot read this. It is in language I do not recognize.”

“That is why I am here more precisely. I can read it milord. It is my own language.” Greta’s whole demeanor took on shades of fear for a moment. “It was given to me by the dark one known as Dalton. She would have me read it to you milord.” She said softly.

The Celtic warrior was again surprised. She lifted her brow and waved the chamber maid toward a chair. “Sit and read for me, lass.” she said. Nessa watched while Greta sat on the large straight back chair. She wondered what Dalton would have to say to her.

Greta opened the message and began to translate. “My dear Nessa, while I admire you and your friends for your valor and your sense for righting the wrongs in the world, I must tell you that I do nothing to warrant pursuit. Surely you know the Lady Aria is my guest on this voyage. She chooses to be with me. As a token of good faith and friendship, I give you the fair, Greta. She is paid to please you in any way you like. I believe I will be having my Aria at about the same time you are having Greta and no doubt in similar ways. I look forward to our meeting on the cliffs of my country. Honorably,


Now it was Greta’s turn to be shocked. She took Dalton’s silver before she read the message. “What does she mean, you will have me in similar ways?” she asked, looking up into burning gray eyes.


(Part 20 by Nessa) --

Now it was Greta’s turn to be shocked. She took Dalton’s silver before she read the message. “What does she mean, you will have me in similar ways?” she asked, looking up into burning gray eyes.

Greta’s eyes were the eyes of a frightened animal. Nessa watched plump and pretty cleavage heaving as the maid breathed heavily in fear of her. How easy it would be to shove this delectable lass down; to rip the blouse away; to press her larger body hard against the trembling body beneath her; to bite and twist the flesh of sweet nipples until the lass screamed. Nessa fought the heat, pulsing dormant so long. It seemed against her nature to fight this. Desire flamed high. The Celt did not need anyone to buy this little lass for her since it would be sheer pleasure to take her. Still, something stopped the warrior. This was a less than clever ploy of Dalton’s to align herself to Nessa. It was easy to see. But that alone was not what cooled the Celt. There was no desire in Greta.

Nessa could never say exactly when the feelings or the desires of others began to matter to her. Those years on the battlefield, lopping off heads in crisscross motion while stepping over and into the gore, hardened the warrior’s already guarded heart. She thought of how she first came across Tris in the forest. She stripped her and whipped her and took her without thought for the lass’ feelings. Change in the Celt was happening somewhere around then. Nessa went out in the storm to save Tris from dying, wondering why the whole time. But now, as she thought about it she realized the feelings of others did indeed matter. Her Druid training was effective in showing her the value of life. Her time with true friends was effective in showing her the fragility of others and the importance of keeping hearts whole.


Killian was on her way to meet Caitlin for dinner downstairs at the inn where they found lodging, when she saw the young chambermaid knocking on the door to Nessa’s room. She knew it wasn’t to bring towels to the handsome Celt. Something was shifty here. The psychic leaned her back against the wall. She closed her eyes and plunged into trance right where she stood. She “heard” the maid say her name was Greta, she was from Denmark and Dalton paid her to read a message. The girl was wrapped in soft innocence. It was impossible for Killian to believe the maid willingly allowed Dalton to sell her to Nessa as a pacifier. The Amazon simmered in her own hot anger after hearing, “I believe I will be having my Aria at about the same time you are having Greta and no doubt in similar ways.”

The accent coming from the maid’s mouth was like Dalton’s. The sound of it struck against the dark place where Killian hid the fear she emptied from Tris. That fear rattled through her now, affecting her ability to grasp the rational. The Amazon psychic wrestled between urgency to act and helplessness. She hated that she could not change what she knew was about to happen to her friend at the hands of the dark Dane. Aria was courageous and bold. She had the stamina of an ox and a brilliant brain. She already went through more with Dalton than any other. She would live. These thoughts were all that buoyed Killian from sinking into an ocean of despair. Deep inside, she understood that if she could allow the Great Mother to guide her and the others, they would be successful in saving Aria and killing Dalton. But getting out of the way was Killian’s challenge.

Killian stepped back instinctively when she heard Nessa’s door open. She watched Greta leave the room as wholesome and happy as she entered it. Dalton’s “gift” was obviously not accepted. The psychic closed her eyes and mentally blew the Celt a kiss. At least Nessa and Caitlin were strong. She was glad to be in their company. But Killian the psychic Amazon healer, was not about to let all that reasonable strength hold her back. She had some sleeping powder that would keep an elephant at bay. She would do this her way. The way of black fear-driven rage.


At last Dalton heard the sob escape her darling’s beautiful lips. The ship rolled on the swelling water but Aria was secured well. She would not be tossed around… not by the storm. Aria probably would have given the Dane more of a fight about tying her wrists to the brass ring over the bunk she was forced to share with the mad one if she hadn’t believed the coming storm would be worse than it turned out to be. Dalton took pride in how smooth she was when the opportunity came. She slipped her dagger under the front of Aria’s silver satin shirt and pulled up, listening to the fabric tear as she thought about the conversation. “Listen my darling” she had said with much sincerity “I don’t want you to get hurt. A squall like this one could throw you overboard. We need to make you safe.” Yes, she did have to slap the blonde a few times to get her to see the reasoning, especially when Aria spat, “How is this making me safe you fucking bitch!” It was nice that the quarters were so close. Aria had little room to throw kicks and punches. Choking the consciousness from her was all it really took. The beautiful blonde was out just long enough. Her ankles were firmly tied apart when awareness came again.

Dalton flicked the ripped edge of the shirt aside bringing a full soft breast into view. It was the breast just beneath the “D”. The Dane smiled broadly. “You know you are mine now don’t you?” Before she got an answer she slapped Aria again. She formed a hand into a claw and squeezed the soft flesh. “Tell me you need me to fuck you” she said softly. The Dane was not hurt by the large, warm mass of spittle that splat against her face. She was merely enraged. She stood over Aria and dropped the knife. The rest of the ex-assassin’s clothes were shredded from her body with bare, angry hands.

“I suppose you need my belt first!” Dalton screamed.

Aria regretted blowing spit into Dalton’s face. She had her own rage but reason demanded that she check it. She was in no position to further infuriate the already volatile mercenary. She hoped it wasn’t too late. Her body held memory of what this woman did to her more than once. She watched Dalton pull the belt from the loops of her breeches. Damn. She knew how it stung and burned. “No, I don’t need your belt” she said shakily. “Please?”

Dalton halted her arm mid-swing. She wanted to believe Aria was sincere but she knew she wasn’t. “You are playing with me” she rasped incredulous. The Dane threw down her belt and untied Aria’s ankles. She grabbed them and twisted the naked woman onto her stomach. Quickly she straddled the delicate round ass and grabbed a handful of blonde hair. “I have had enough of your disrespect” She said as she pulled back on Aria’s hair, bringing up her head and giving her back a straining arch.

“No, no Dalton. I mean it… please. I am sorry!” Aria yelled out in pain. She felt hot breath at her ear.

“No, you are not sorry… but you will be. I am going to hurt you passed the point of feeling good. It is time you understood your place with me!”

“I do understand, I do!” Aria cried. She couldn’t move in this curved back position. She felt like her scalp was being lifted from her head. Her attempts at convincing the Dane weren’t doing her any good. She felt Dalton rise from her body just barely. She heard the whishing sound of laces pulled from leather breeches. Dalton only used a phallus on her once and it wasn’t while she was in this position. Aria was struck with horror but could not move to fight. A strong knee pressed down between her legs, pinching skin down on the mattress, forcing her to spread her legs. She was breathing hard. Something pressed against her anus. Tears streamed down her panic stricken face while she listened to the insane Dane, not wanting to believe but being too vulnerable to ward off doubt.

“This is how your precious warrior friend, Nessa treats her women. The little seamstress told me. In fact, Nessa is fucking the servant, Greta at this minute… raping her little ass. We made a pact that we would each take a pretty little bitch at the same time.” Dalton was breathing harder. The sight of Aria naked, helpless and upset gave her more heat inside than she ever knew with anyone else. “So, you can bet your saviors will be delayed” she managed to pant just before she drove her hips forward, ramming into the tight little anus. Aria’s screams drove the Dane to bliss as she slammed into her again and again. It was something about the sound of Aria’s voice, her beauty and her manner that made Dalton want her so. Aria was the true obsession of Dalton’s life.

Aria heard her own voice as if it was not coming from her. She would not have chosen to scream like that. She would not have. But the pain was splitting her in two. The worst was not that she knew the Dane was not finished with her by any means, nor even that she felt her own heat rising. No. The worst was knowing what Dalton did not know. That no warrior, either Nessa or Caitlin would be more to fear than her best friend, Killian. Aria would not be able to keep this from the psychic healer and she would not be able to keep Killian from Dalton.


(Part 21 by Nessa) --

“Nessa?” Tris called into the room as she opened the door. Her gaze landed on Nessa’s light red hair draping over the pillow where the Celt lay sleeping. The lass stepped softly to the bedside. Her hand barely touched the muscled arm when the whole body leaped and twisted from prone to standing. Tris could do nothing but pull in a breath when Nessa grabbed her arms and drew her close. Hazed grey eyes peered into her, burning all resistance to nothing. She knew that wild stare. She feared it and loved it.

It seemed like a long time and a considerable amount of heat that passed between the warrior and the lass before Nessa’s eyes cleared and she released Tris to the room. “Damn. Ye seem to have caught me at a bad time, lass.”

“What is happening to you Nessa?”

“I am in need of… of… “ Nessa could not finish. She felt the beginning of the haze when Greta came in and touched it off by reading Dalton’s suggestive letter. Now Tris was here. Tris was one who shared the same dark needs. Unlike Greta, Tris did have desire. The timing was just too cramped. Nessa could see that Tris was pleased. The grin on her face was telling. “Listen Tris… “

“Wait Nessa!” Tris said. She came to the Celt’s room for a reason other than rough treatment and hard sex, though she did want to take the opportunity at another time. “I have to go, Nessa.”

Nessa had to re-adjust her mindset. “Go, lass? Where?”

“Home. I need to go home. I am not a warrior or an Amazon. I sew clothes, Ness. I would be in your way. I can help Aria best by being out of the way now that Dalton has taken her off-shore. There is no more danger to me. Dagger will take me.” Tris waited for Nessa to speak.

Nessa saw the wisdom immediately. She wanted to say something on the same order as soon as they found out that Aria and Dalton were on the ship ahead of them. She agreed. “Alright, Tris” she said. “I’ll meet you and Dagger in the stables in an hour. I want you to take the horses back. I was going to be worried about leaving Tuttle and Hunter here in this village and I know Killian will be more than a wee bit glad a to know that Flame is gone with a trusted friend.”

Tris smiled again. “Thanks for giving me the dignity of an important job” she said. She turned, cast Nessa a wink and walked out the door. Nessa watched the sway of her hips as she went. The Celt promised herself that she would find the lass the minute she got home. Maybe they would take a trip to the waterfall.


Nessa thought she might find Killian and Caitlin in the dining room. She wanted to let them in on the change of plans. Tris and Dagger were already on the trail back to the Lodge with horses safe in tow. Nessa entered the dining room and looked around. She spotted Killian at a table at the edge of the room. Caitlin would be near by. The Celt started for the table when she saw Killian pour a powdery substance in a goblet and set it at the empty place setting. She stopped short and stood silent while Killian poured wine into two goblets. Suddenly she felt a warm, strong hand wrap around a bicep. The only hand she knew was large enough to fit around her bicep was Caitlin’s. She turned to see the warrior smiling at her.

“Good evening, Nessa. Don’t you find it lonely in the middle of the room by yourself? Come dine with us. I believe Killy has just ordered wine.” Caitlin’s welsh accent had a lilt that was always charming… except when she was in a rage and killing the enemy.

Nessa figured Killian was plotting a way to get to Dalton and Aria before the warriors. She had the double intention of freeing her friend and killing the Dane. But she would have to break away from her ever vigilant lover, Caitlin before she could slip out through the night. Nessa wondered just where the lass would slip to, given the only means of following the quarry was the open sea. The answer struck the Celt hard. She decided to play this out. She grinned at Caitlin and said, “I’ll take everything but the wine, Cat-leen.”

Killian began a transformation when she chose to bear the fear of Tris. The Druids called it the fearweight tide. It was a test of inner strength and courage and when completed, the bearer often gained a lifetime of understanding about strength against fear. Nessa believed Killian had the strength and courage to do this but she had yet to gain the presence of mind to think things through. For now she was hauling ass toward a danger no one could name. Nessa knew she could not tell Caitlin about the nature of this just yet. If Caitlin knew what Killian planned, she might lose all her composure and punish Killian out of anger. That would only distance the lass further.

Dinner went about as Nessa expected. Caitlin carried the conversation in between mouthfuls of brazed ribs and honey bread. She sipped her wine slowly. Killian nodded, smiled on cue and watched. The eyes of the Amazon sparkled a dark intensity. As soon as Caitlin became quiet and heavy lidded, Killian stood and suggested they turn in early since their ship was sailing at dawn. Nessa sat at the table and watched the pair climb the stairs arm in arm, and stroll out of sight. The sun was barely down. The Celt made a beeline to the apothecary across the roadway. Some concentrated ephedra should do the trick.


(Part 22 by Aria) --

It was blessing she could not move, lest this Dane be dead, thought the outraged Aria.

Aria hated the restriction, abhorring the lack of control. Struggling against the rope, she thrashed and bucked until she realized just how securely Dalton had tied the knots.

“Dalton please explain to me how one falls off a ship from BELOW DECK, INSIDE A FUCKING CABIN?”


“Watch your tone with me girl, I am not going to tell you again.”

Aria could feel the blood run from her upper lip, it dribbled over the “D” onto her breast.. The next hour was a blur for the Lady. Dalton screamed of respect due, proper behavior and untold pain. The Dane emphasized certain points with hard slaps that over time made Aria feel like a trapped animal. With the realization creeping in that there was no way out, no fight to be won, the ex-assassin started to panic.

“Tell me … you need me to fuck you.”

“Tell me that you know your mine.”

“Tell me!”

Aria’s anger mixed with her bile and she aimed it dead center at the Dane’s face. Ignoring the slimy attack, Dalton simply straightened herself and began to undo her belt. The Lady instantly regretted her impetuous decision and went into survival mode.

“No, I don’t need your belt” she said shakily. “Please?”

Dalton stopped mid-swing and looked down at the woman pleading with her not to use the belt. By the Gods the Dane wanted to believe Aria, in fact she needed to believe her. But she would not be Aria’s patsy again on this journey. It was time the Lady understood her place. Dalton pushed her weakness for the Lady down, instead choosing to make it clear for the last time the true nature of their relationship. A hard knee bone was driven into Aria’s thigh and her legs were forced open. Before Aria could even fight to close them, she felt… it….there. Aria tried to back away as true panic started to set in. The Lady had no time to prepare, she could feel Dalton entering her, pushing herself inside. Aria screamed aloud as the hot poker invaded her repeatedly. Over her sobs, she could hear Dalton ranting about Nessa and some girl. The pain was blinding and it began to consume her. Suddenly the Dane pushed hard into Aria until she could go no farther. Filling Aria completely and only an inch from her face Dalton reminded the Lady that she belonged to her and her alone. Focusing on Dalton’s words and looking into those insane eyes, Aria’s pain started to change. It still hurt, but it hurt differently. There was an intimacy to the assault, an erotic feel in Dalton’s possessive taunts.

Aria loathed herself for screaming but could not stop, anymore than she could stop the desire that was building in her. As the Dane ground herself into the Lady with short jab like thrusts, the Lady exploded on the inside. The blonde’s screams changed and Dalton smiled. Moments later while Aria was still huffing and trying to catch her breath, the Dane untied her. Without saying one word, Dalton scooped the quivering Aria into her arms, wiped the blood from her mouth and breast, spooned behind her and pressed hard against the Lady’s sore body until sleep took her away.

The Lady on the other hand fought her body’s need for sleep, she lit a cigarette and made herself think about when it changed for her, why it changed for her and how she would work to keep this from Killian.


(Part 23 by Killian) --

Killian had one thing on her mind, and it wasn’t to get cozy with a good nights sleep. Hearing Dalton’s vocal cadence come out of the young girl in Nessa’s room had triggered Tris’ wild fear to erupt in ways that Killian now found impossible to contain. Tris’ fear blended with her own rage that Aria was at this very moment being brutally beaten and raped by Dalton. The young psychic shivered against the wall as the rage overtook her. Sweat coalesced and slipped slowly down the center of her back, pooling at the juncture of that small soft spot, low on her hips that Caitlin liked to touch, and delicately trace her finger around in figure eights, usually as she held Killian’s arms high above her head with her other hand, and worked special, private areas of her lover’s neck.

Killian shook her head and when she did the eyes were clear and piercing as the black diamonds they became when she had but one thing on her mind. Death. She was going to kill Dalton herself, and she was going to do it sooner rather than later. Tris’ fear, mingled with Killian’s had made the necessity of the plan and the team go out the window. She only saw Caitlin and Nessa now as gentle protectors that would keep her from harming herself as she did what she now knew Aria could never do. What maybe no one but she could do. In this state Killian was positive that only she would have the lack of doubt to kill this, “Charming,” Killian spat, “beast.”

Living inside of her was every scream elicited out of Tris in those many days of torture at the hands of the demented Dane. Killian didn’t even hate her right now. She was beyond hate and very deep into vengeance. Particularly painful for Killian was the begging. Tris’ begging that Dalton kill her and put her out of her misery. The girl had endured much in her young life, but nothing matched the mental misery that Dalton thrived on keeping her in. What was hardest for Tris was that she knew she was but a stand in for the Lady Aria. She had fought valiantly to keep Dalton’s attention focused on her, so that the mad Dane wouldn’t go searching for her hero Killian’s best friend, and real target, the Lady Aria, anytime soon. Tris fought as hard as she could to keep Dalton’s attention, until that fated night when Dalton caught on and used it against her. She slowly cut her with her small pearl and onyx handled carving knife. Fucking her, every so delicately, letting her know that if she took it like a good girl, then bad old Dalton would not have to cut up Aria’s delicate flower, too.

Killian’s body had convulsed with spasm as she felt the Dane’s hot breath upon Tris, as she lay on the dirt, filthy naked, bound spread eagle to wooden posts, too far from the fire for any comfort. Her jaws locked in fury, as she witnessed Tris try to make it erotic, trying desperately to cling to that shred of attraction Dalton could elicit on rare moments, with a look of sadness, or real caring behind the madness. Killian felt the jolt as the knife burst in, slicing deep flesh. Plus something else, soft laughter, a faint sound of Dalton’s laughter filtered into the Psychic’s ears like a dozen hornets buzzing around a broken nest. Killian turned, and pushed from the wall in one long spasm. There she wretched until she could wretch no more. She fell to her knees. ‘Tris, you will be avenged,’ she thought to herself. ‘As long as I draw breath, I will hunt you, Dalton. You will not take two of my brightest lights, Aria and Tris, kill that flame in them, one way or another, and get away with it. No more.’

The young psychic got up in a fluid, graceful motion. Her deep brown eyes had turned black as coal, and now shined within their haze a clarity of vision so strong, that no one, possibly not even Caitlin and Nessa banded together, could penetrate.


(Part 24 by Nessa) --

Nessa was fairly certain that Killian would be gone by the time she got to Caitlin with the antidote. She thought about the Amazon who carried the fearweight tide. The whole demeanor of the lass was obviously altered. She must be fighting a mammoth battle within her inner-most being. The Druid allowed her own mind to open into the passages where Killian spent most of her time and energies these days. “Hear me, lass,” she whispered to the emptiness. “You do what you must according to the fearweight tide. It is a weight ye can carry lass, but not alone. I am speaking as the Druid now. It is foretold. We are on our way.” It was not anything she heard that convinced the Celt that Killian received her message. Nessa simply realized the relief Killian felt at this moment. She stepped quietly along the hallway. Reaching the door to Caitlin and Killian’s room the Druid leaned an ear close. She could hear the soft snore of one who slept deeply.

Caitlin sat up with help from Nessa’s strong arm and drank in another quaff of the antidote to the sleeping powder. “It was Killian who drugged me, Ness” she said flatly. “This will be the last time.”

Nessa gently gripped both Caitlin’s shoulders and brought her face close so she could get the warrior’s attention with her eyes. “Listen now, my friend” she said in a low tone. “Killian has taken on the fearweight tide. It washes over her like waves and draws her into an ocean of feeling. She is not thinking normally because all her rationality is being used to focus on one thing. We cannot help her if you don’t understand this.” Nessa watched Caitlin blink and felt her shoulders stiffen beneath her grasp.

“One thing? Killing Dalton?”

“Yes. She feels driven and believes we would stop her.”

“She is right.” Caitlin stood without help. “Killing anything or anyone is so far out of Killian’s way of being, it would truly drive her over the edge. How could you let her go, Nessa?”

Nessa shook her head. “My choices, as I saw them, were either to let her go and revive you so that we could find her together… or follow her without you. What should I have done Kat-leen?” Nessa raised a brow in question.

Caitlin saw the point and said so. She understood all of what Nessa told her but that understanding did nothing to lessen her sense of urgency now. “Alright Nessa. I get it. Killian must be half way across the channel by now. Let’s go!”

The two warriors headed for the docks. They found a tavern there where they learned that a furious Amazon with a staff and a drop-kick like a Titan hired a band of seafaring mercenaries to take her across the channel. From the looks of several of the sailors left behind, Killian was taking no nonsense and could prove that she didn’t have to. Fortunately, Caitlin and Nessa were spared the need to prove their abilities to an already shaken group of sailors. They paid in gold and kept their weapons close. Within an hour they were setting sail on an old scow that had seen more than her share of journeys.


(Part 25 by Aria) --

Dalton went to pull Aria closer as she felt herself come wake up but garnered only a goose down pillow. Feeling the empty bed, she threw her covers back and bellowed Aria’s name aloud.


Suddenly the Dane froze for a second allowing her limited psychic ability to bring the image into focus more clearly. It was that friend of Aria’s and she was alone. Only water and men for company. Squinting the Dane breathed in as much of the image as possible. That infuriating. little woman was headed straight for her and her Lady. Dalton knew the Psychic could be a true threat. "Damn", the Dane said under her breath, taking Killian more seriously than she let on. Dalton’s eyes turned the color of coal as she headed up to the deck in search of Aria. She would inform the Lady about the change in plans and remind the little bitch she was never to wonder off without permission again.

Aria leaned into the railing and consumed the morning; she loved this time of the day. The sky was grayish blue and streaked with smears of crimson red and the water looked like glass. The Lady though very aware of her battered body was pleased to find no major damaged had been done, if anything, she rather liked the way it felt. Sighing deeply she realized she missed her S/sisters, her Lodge and she especially missed her bed. Before Aria could even say no, she was spun around and slapped hard across the face. On instinct alone, she punched the Dane square in the jaw realizing too late the mistake she had made. Dalton grabbed the Lady by her arms and pulled her up off the ground leaving her feet to dangle in the air.

“Because, you served me so well last night my pet, I will not feed you to the fish…this time. Now get your things together, we’re leaving”, Dalton told Aria as she returned her gently to the ground.

“Leaving?” the Lady said incredulously, “Dalton we’re on a fucking boat.”

“Just do it and be quick, what is not packed in 5 minutes will remain on the ship.”

“Dalton, just a moment… please. Are we leaving the ship, this ship? How? Why?”

“Aria you have just shaved a minute and a half minute off your packing time and managed to annoy me…just do as I say woman. Be back on deck in 3 minutes.”

“Dalton, please what is going on?”

“You have two and a half minutes Aria”, Dalton barked at her before leaving to inform of the Captain of their early departure.

Aria went below deck and started shoving clothes in her carpetbag. Muttering to herself, she mocked the Dane and her silly accent. She barely had half of her belongings into the bag when a strong hand pulled at her arm.

“Damn it woman, when I say 2 minutes maybe the next time you’ll believe me.”

Dalton carried the half-filled bag and dragged the Lady up to stairs to the deck above. Pointing to the small boat tied to the side of the massive one they were on, the Dane waved in the direction of the rope ladder and told the Lady to board the smaller boat.

“You are out of your demented mind Dalton; I barely wanted to get on this boat… I hardly think you’ll get me on that toy boat.”

Dalton never blinked; she merely punched the Lady in her jaw dead on, waited for her to fall, caught her, then deftly lowered Aria down to the smaller vessel and headed away from the ship.

The Dane was comfortable on the water. She felt a lifelong kinship with Lady Ocean. Living on or by the sea most of her life, Dalton felt she understood the ocean. It often reminded her of the women she sought. Not the ones that did not fight back or reject her, but the ones that she had to tame and eventually conquer. Looking at the lifeless Aria, she could not help but smile. Finally, this woman was quiet. Gone were the taunts, the snide comments, the disapproving smirks. Before her was the Aria that would emerge after years at the Dane’s side. Constant punishment and reprimand would dim her spirit and harness that haughtiness. The Lady would simply get to a point where she would do anything to stop the torment… then and only then would she be open to the relationship Dalton envisioned for their future.

“Just one day on the water, Milady and then we climb the mountains and find my treasure. Hope you packed something warm”, Dalton said throwing her head back and laughing at the still unconscious Aria. Stroking the side of her Lady’s face lightly the Dane told her in a whisper, “You will not deny me much longer, my love, I promise you that.”


End Parts 1 thru 25, by Nessa, Aria, Killian, & Dagger

Dark Ember Continued in -- Parts 26 thru Conclusion

Nessa's Index // Aria's Index // Killian's Index

Main Library Stories

Lodge Entrance