Kindred Spirit Lodge Presents

Butch of Darkness

by Lord Nessa
December 29th, 2001


You left your ladyhood, your queenship,
 risking everything, even your sanity, even your life.
It is this that tells me you have a warrior inside you.
 It is for this I could adore you.

I want you to enter my stormy lands.
 I want you to stand as I stand before you,
tremulous with expectation
as I reach to tangle all my fingers in your hair
to rip away the veil of your smile,
and then to strip off your scarf of limitations.
Do my gray eyes surprise?

I want to bend you as I am bent to nip your neck,
 to loosen your sounds now stuck.
What keeps you from talking?
You are going to do a lot of talking.
And no small amount of yowling.
Are you certain you should have come?
I may never release you.

Lower yourself to my love,
self to other self.
Gaze on me
while I find and flay you
with my fingers and my tongue.

You will moan and you will cry
while everyone you ever were will die,
as you go down on me.

I am cruel, yes.
Pain opener.
I will suffer too to birth you,
to transform and finally release you.
I am pitiless.
I will burn you.

Yes, I am a Butch of the Dark land.
I am she who bears you to your new and lawful place of rising.
It is hard for me to let you go.


The End - 'Butch of Darkness' - by Lord Nessa

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