Kindred Spirit Lodge Presents

Lessons on Doing it Right

by Kaie


“My little thief I can keep this up all day as you well know, its time you learned to do it right.”  That said Lady Alison quickly resumed her relentless assault bringing a new array of grunts and moans from Kaie. 

“Bend your knees a little more so I can get inside.  There just like that dear.  No. No keep your arms like they were, that’s good right there.”

“Wider.  Legs wider.  Perfect now get ready.”

“I’m going to thrust harder this time, try and keep up dear.  Faster!  Now you have it, keep a rhythm just like that.  Am I wearing you out already?  Tsk. Tsk.  We’ve really just started but after a few weeks of this you’ll be able to last a few hours.”

Again and again the Lady thrust herself forward and kaie struggled to keep up, sweat pouring from the effort.  Finally, she swiped an arm across her brow attempting to wipe the dripping sweat from her eyes.  She got a stinging blow across her backside for the effort.

“Arm back in position.  This takes concentration Kaie.  We’ll keep it up until you can do this with anyone in the Lodge.”

“Try moving your hips a bit more, you can’t expect to just stay still and let your partner do the work.  There you go keep doing that right there.  Faster! Ahhh perfect!”

“Alright I guess I had better give you a break, wouldn’t want to wear you out too much my little thief.”  With a wink Lady Alison pulled Kaie tight against her for a moment as they both caught their breath.  Looking up she caught a grinning Ikarias leaning against the doorway watching.

“Peeping again dragon-butt?”  She waived her inside with a smile as Kaie instantly went red to the roots of her hair knowing someone had just seen the whole thing.

“Now Alicat you know how I just love to watch.”  With a chuckle and a wink at the now mortified little thief Ikarias strolled inside the stable.

“Besides, I thought you might join me for some tea if you are done teaching this one a thing or two?  I’m sure she’ll want to get back to her work in here before Nessa comes back in here and finds her slacking.”  She tossed Kaie an apple, knowing the girl had been spoiling her horse rotten with them for days now. 

As the two warriors turned to leave Ikarias gave Kaie a friendly slap on the shoulder, nearly knocking her to the ground.  Once she recovered her balance she grinned shyly and bent to pick up her shovel once again although her arms were feeling a little weakened.

“You know Alicat with a few more lessons, you just might make something out of the little scamp.”  Laughing lightly, Lady Alison nodded her agreement as she returned her sword and Kaie’s to their scabbards.

“You’re right ole dragon-butt although don’t tell the little thief that just yet.  With a little more practice we just might make quite the little warrior out of her.  Now…what was that you said about tea?”

I’m shameless yes I know!


The End 'Lessons on Doing it Right' -- by Kaie

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