Kindred Spirit Lodge Presents

Goddess of a Thief

by Kaie
May 2004


Thick brush and thorn covered vines tore at her legs and arms, bring fresh pain to already blooded areas but still she did not slow. Her breath was coming in short ragged puffs now and her lungs burned painfully with each step. She could hear it growing closer, hunting her.

Kaie stumbled once, twisting her ankle painfully but managing to scramble back up and continue on. She had first noticed the large hunter stalking her two hours ago, and her running had not stopped since. She was no stranger to running, nor being hunted, but this one was different. The few glances she did gain told her that the animal was a large wolf, or perhaps a dog. It was solid black and its eyes gleamed a golden yellow as it peered at her between the trees.

She had stopped earlier in hopes of a few hours rest as her pursuers were growing ever closer. Painfully she slipped her pack from her shoulders and sank down to rest her back against the trunk of a large oak, well within the shadows it cast on the forest floor. Her eyes closed briefly, her need for rest close to overwhelming her.

At first she thought it was her stomach once again reminding her she had nothing to fill it with for days. There was no time to hunt for even berries or she might be caught this time. Now that she had stopped, her muscles refused to go further and demanded rest despite the hunger that plagued her. Slowly she realized it was a low growl she heard.

Even safe within the shadows she felt it, she was being watched. Her eyes scanned the surrounding forest carefully until she found her observer. He waited just outside the shadows, head low to the ground as if to pounce. Startled, Kaie managed to scramble to her feet, dragging her pack up with her. The animal never moved but waited silently. As she edged her way around the tree, its eyes followed, never leaving hers. At last she broke the spell and began her flight. Never once did the animal get close enough to pounce, and Kaie was sure it was not her skill in evading that prevented it.

She couldn’t understand why it wouldn’t attack. The wolf could have taken her at any time, instead it kept pace just behind her, snarling with impatience when she slowed. For two hours they continued the cat and mouse game as Kaie struggled to keep her body moving. Her muscles screamed with each movement now, and her blood flowed from the copious cuts and scratches she received. She pulled up short near the edge of a clearing, pulling her knives as she prepared to take on the creature in the open.

She felt no pain, just the rush of air leaving her body as the giant form caught her by surprise and leapt on her back. Laying flat on the ground, hands now emptied of weapons, Kaie struggled for breath and waited for the end to come. She could feel the warm breath of the creature as he stood over her, teeth poised to strike.

Seconds passed and still nothing. She flinched when she felt the creature step off, and with the loss of his weight she regained her breath enough to roll tentatively to her side. The creature sat passively beside her now, head tilted to the side as if waiting for something.

Kaie glanced around in surprise, the grove she entered was large and filled with ancient oaks that seemed to encircle them protectively, a small realm within the forest that surrounded them. When the voice first spoke her name, she scrambled to her feet in surprise, turning once more to stare at the shadowy wolf seated beside her. White teeth gleamed in the sunlight that filled the grove as it opened powerful jaws in a mocking grin.

“Pay him no mind child, he is harmless and will spill no innocent blood.”

Kaie whirled once more and found the voice belonged not to the wolf but to a beautiful woman seated nearby. Her hair was long and flowing, pure white, yet not from age. In fact, she seemed ageless to Kaie.

“ did you know my name?”

“Surely you recognize me child? Have you not been told stories of me since you were naoidhean?”

Kaie’s memory stirred painfully with the usage of the Gaelic term for an infant or babe. So often she listened to the crooning voice of her mothers ancient nursemaid, Gràinne, who often called her just that, naoidhean. It was she who nursed and raised Kaie from the time of her mothers death. How often that voice spoke to her, telling her stories of the Goddesses and spirits. It was from Gràinne that Kaie had learned to speak Latin, and some Gaelic although she never used them within hearing of her Aunt Serrah as a child.

Her eyes fell to the woven basket, placed carefully at the woman’s feet. It overflowed with apples and other fruits. Her mouth watered and her stomach clenched painfully at the sight as she searched her memory trying to place the familiarity of this woman.

A graceful hand plucked a ripe and juicy apple from the basket and extended it towards her. Kaie’s eyes were hooded with mistrust as she took it, her hunger threatening to overcome her caution.

“Have you placed me in your memory yet Kaie? Who would you thank for the ability to ride a horse as if born to it? To speak to them as mortals speak to each other? Your mother, Briane, knew me well as did the old woman, Gràinne. Through them you are heir to great potential in so many things.”

Warm eyes settled on her, waiting expectantly. Kaie continued to stare in disbelief as she gave in to her craving and nibbled the apple experimentally. No death or pain were forthcoming and so she devoured the apple in several large bites while watching the form that now stood before her.

“Did they teach you nothing? No respect and knowledge for the Spirits and Goddesses that rule and guide mankind?”

Understanding dawned in Kaie’s eyes at last as the memory of so many childhood stories came rushing forward. “ are Epona, the Horse Goddess?” She scowled in disbelief momentarily as the woman before her smiled radiantly.

“Of course, you expected some other Goddess little thief? Or perhaps you don’t believe in us at all?” Kaie merely shrugged, her doubts lingering. “I’ve don’t believe in what I can’t see.” Kaie snatched one more apple from the basket as the woman before her turned to pet the wolf affectionately. Epona pretended not to notice the audacity of the young thief as she slipped the apple inside her cloak.

The form moved closer and Kaie found herself entranced by the beauty of this woman. When her eyes met the Goddesses for the first time it rocked her on her heels. She found herself staring into twin orbs like the illuminated night, twinkling with starlight deep within.

“One day soon that will change Kaie. You will find the place you seek, a place where you will learn to trust again and find guidance, as well as love.”

Gràinne attempted to guide her in these things, starting when Kaie was very young but Serrah never approved. She complained to Kaie’s father Gerrick often but he merely shrugged her away. He saw no harm in the stories, or the beliefs of Kaie’s mother. Briane, was born in Lingones, part of a tribe of Gauls who fervently worshipped the Horse Goddess known as Epona. While Gerrick did not worship such Gods himself, he always honored his wife’s beliefs and would allow his daughter to learn them as well. Kaie was only 5 summers old when Gràinne died suddenly from a strange illness and fever. Her learning and knowledge of the Gods and ancient ways stopped then. She had not spoken Gaelic nor Latin since although she understood them well.

“I have need of your gift little thief, that is why I had you summoned here. I know you are pursued by many, sent by the one who killed two loyal devotee’s of my temple.” She nodded slightly when Kaie’s face flushed with anger. “Yes, if you have not guessed, it was Serrah who killed your mother and Gràinne as well.”

“Why? WHY? What did they do to her?” Her anger cooled only a little when a comforting hand touched her shoulder, the pains and cuts there seeming to lose their sting for the moment.

“Peace Kaie. Those answers are for another time, when you are ready I may divulge them. You seek out revenge but you do not have the knowledge or learning to separate justice from mere hatred. When you find it in you to trust again, you may find those willing to teach you the difference.”

“For now, I offer you the chance to escape those who follow you. In exchange for a small task, I will guide you to a place where refuge can be found, for both your body and your soul that aches for an end to your flight.”

“Task? What kind of task could you want from me?” Kaie’s blood still ran hot at the thought of her Aunt’s further betrayals and it showed in the hardness of her voice.

“I wish to have a certain artifact, stolen from a temple of mine, retrieved and placed somewhere safe from mortals who no longer respect such items.”

“So? You’re supposed to be a Goddess, can’t you get it back yourself?” Kaie scoffed. “Don’t you have any kind of power at all? Or maybe you really aren’t a Goddess?” Seconds later she found herself gasping for air as she lay flat on the ground, an incredible weight crushing her although neither the wolf nor the Lady had moved. As the breath squeezed from her she felt sure her bones would snap any moment along with the crushing of her skull. Epona merely stood watching for a moment before giving a slight nod of her head.

Kaie gasped for air as the hold was released. She felt a firm grip in her hair lift her to her knees before releasing its hold. She knelt there for a moment, attempting to regain her breath as well as her dignity.

“Now then, perhaps we have the doubts and the disrespect out of the way?” Epona waited a moment as Kaie managed to nod her acceptance before continuing. “We haven’t much time to waste teaching you respect, your pursuers will be here soon. As I stated, there is a certain relic located near here. I wish to have it placed somewhere it will be held safe and regarded as the precious artifact that it is.”

Kaie made no further attempts to argue for now, she was convinced that this woman held powers she never dreamed possible. Her mind struggled to absorb the directions she was given. Epona leaned close and spoke quietly, her very scent driving Kaie to distraction.

Moments later she found herself once again running through the trees. She drew up momentarily in confusion, thinking she was having strange waking visions. She felt within her cape and was relieved to find her knives intact. Finding an extra bulge she retrieved the stolen apple as well. Staring at it she realized it was no dream she encountered.

Inside she doubted that even a Goddess could lead her to the home she sought, ending her constant flight and easing the guilt she carried. She made her promise to the woman in the grove though, and she would complete the task given to her. The only reward she sought now was an escape from the bounty hunters close behind her, and more answers to the events that lead Serrah to murder her mother so many years ago.

She waited as darkness fell, watching the camp below as it was engulfed in the shadows she stalked so well. One wagon was guarded by three armed men, the artifact would be kept there among their other stolen treasures. She counted eleven men total so far. While she waited for sleep to over take them, she pondered just how many gold pieces such a thing would be worth. It was obviously highly regarded by the Goddess herself, surely someone would be willing to pay a high price for it. She could become the most famous of all thieves.

As if her thoughts had been spoken out loud, she received an answering growl from deep within the darkness. Glancing with disgust at the golden eyes peering reproachfully at her she answered, “What? I wasn’t really going to keep it. I just wondered how much it was worth that’s all.” The wolf snorted in return and began his silent staking towards the dwindling firelight below. Kaie snorted back and pushed away her thoughts of grandeur and riches as she turned her concentration to blending well with the shadows as they crept to the edge of the encampment.

      Part 2:

“My Goddess do you think that she will succeed in this test you have given her?”

“Of course she will succeed. She was born for it.” Epona waved away the concerns of Ceana, High Priestess to the Horse Goddess. The Goddess refused to sit, but stood anxiously watching the waters of the stream that revealed to them Kaie’s actions.

“She was made a thief as well. Greed has caused many to fall. And she has already shown she has no respect for the Deities my Goddess.” Ceana could not help a smile at the girls nonchalant lack of interest in meeting the Goddess. She admitted the child had spunk.

“She has a good heart, but no one to teach her respect. That will change, I will see to it.”

“You will tell her the truth soon my Goddess?” Ceana enjoyed a certain familiarity with the Horse Goddess, being the favored among the Goddess’ many lovers.

“She is not ready for that knowledge yet. There is so much hurt inside of her, she closes her heart to others. When it is time, she will be told.”

“In other words my sweet Goddess, you do not wish her to blame you in some way for the death of her family.” Ceana faltered slightly when the Goddess gave her a scathing look in return for her words.

“Forgive me Goddess, but I sense this is what you feel. I meant no disrespect.” Ceana bowed her head slightly until a forgiving hand found its way to her hair, stroking it gently.

“You speak true Ceana, Serrah’s jealousy and rage were in some way my fault. I knew her heart was black when I took her to my bed. I never expected that jealousy to bring the death of my daughter nor Gràinne. She was a non-believer and never worthy to handle the power within the gems that Kaie carries now. Oh how she hated me for giving them to Briane.”

Cease spoke softer, as if Kaie might hear them from so far away. “And now your grand daughter carries them, with no knowledge of the power they hold. I am surprised she has not spent them carelessly on some trinkets for herself. If you do not tell her soon, she may do so. She is young and undisciplined.”

“For now she has no time to spend anything. She will need all her skill to escape her pursuers as well as the aid I will offer.”

“Once she is safe and completed her task, I will guide her towards the haven I have chosen.”

“And will they take her in Goddess? There are none there loyal to you alone.” Ceana stared at the thin form creeping stealthily along the shadowed ground towards the well guarded wagon.

“They will take her, and they will give her the home she seeks. The rest will come in time.” Leaning forward, Epona motioned for silence and both held their breaths as Kaie at last reached the cart.

Kaie lowered herself to the ground and crawled silently through the dirt until she was under the wagon itself. Wiping sweat from her eyes she examined the undercarriage hoping for an easy way inside. The planks that made up the floor were sturdy and new, eliminating any chance of entering from the floor.

Slipping her lockpicks from inside her cloak Kaie slid underneath the wagon until she was just under the back gate. She was inches away from a pair of large and scuffed boots belonging to one of the guards. She counted to ten silently, considering her next move.

Suddenly a howl broke out across the camp, long and mournful. It was the wolf, and his baying song was having the desired effect on the camp. Horses began to stir in agitation and the feet in front of her shuffled nervously.

“Hey! Dargh, go check the horses and make sure those damned wolfs aren’t hunting for their dinner among our best mounts.”

Big boots grumbled in response and Kaie shuddered when he spat a glob of yellowish phlegm inches from her hand before stomping off towards the tethered horses. She was grateful he didn’t need to piss first instead. She pulled herself out from under the wagon and slipped inside. She was careful to listen well while under the wagon and determined there were no surprise guards inside.

There were several chests inside and the padlocks keeping them safe were of no real challenge to Kaie. Each was filled with trinkets and coin of different size and shape. These raiders had struck several Temples it seemed, as well as a few villages. She dug her way through silver and bronze urns, a nicely carved Celtic cross, ceremonial daggers, golden and silver statues of various Deities. At last she found what she was sent for.

Kaie sat back on her heels in complete disgust. She examined the figure in her hands once again in disbelief. She risked her life to get a damned WOODEN horse? Its made of oak for the love of the Gods! She turned it over and over in her hand, the wood bleached almost white but could find nothing special or more importantly, valuable about the trinket.

She considered leaving it and taking something else instead. Surely some of this gold, or silver would be worth more? What was Epona thinking sending her after this piece of horse dung of a treasure? Her decision was made for her though as she heard a stir through the camp. Wolf had been spotted and Dargh had apparently decided to stir the others for a little hunting of their own.

As she slipped out of the wagon Kaie stood in the shadows tucking the figure safely in her fist. Her heart was beating faster now, she so loved this part of her job. Her youthful arrogance took over and her head lifted brazenly as she stepped into the firelight revealing herself. She laughed to herself when eleven pair of shocked eyes turned her direction. The thrill of the chase was growing inside her, and the heat of the run burned deep inside erasing the pain of exhaustion and hunger. Slowly she extended her arm and showed the trinket she held within. Just as the outraged shouts and growls of pursuit began, she closed her fist and turned to flee into the darkness, her mocking laughter enraging the raiders who scrambled to find mounts and begin the chase.

“Damn that child! As if she did not have enough trouble behind her.” Epona slammed her fist into the water angrily, erasing the images it held.

Ceana hid her smile well, “She is so like you my Goddess, and she does enjoy a good chase.”

Epona glowered in return, her words drifting into the clearing even as she disappeared. “She is lucky I do not give her a chase on the end of my horse whip.”

Ceana merely chuckled as she rose to return to her watch and awaited Epona’s return. She knew her Goddess thrilled at the chase as well, and would be ready to cool the fires of her anger and her desire when she returned. As the water stilled, Ceana once more saw the thief, this time running for her very life, the shadow wolf familiar not far behind.

      Part 3:

Kaie stumbled again, the weariness was taking its toll. The heavy brush helped her keep far enough ahead of the mounted raiders behind her, but the forest was thinning as she approached open land ahead.

She leaned against a tree, gasping for breath, regretting her brash move. She couldn’t out run them for long. The wooden figure in her fist pulsed and vibrated as if alive and she dropped it to the ground in surprise. The wolf whined and pawed at the earth, his eyes entreating her, but she did not understand what he wanted.

“What? Take the damn thing if you want it. Bury it for all I care. Don’t know what Epona wanted with the stupid wooden piece of cra..” Her words were cut off and she fell to the ground, shielding her eyes from the blinding light that pierced them, blinding her momentarily.

As her sight returned she stared in amazement at the magnificent white mare that stood before her, pawing the ground impatiently. A well- muscled form, with a sleek flawlessly white coat stood above her, a somewhat familiar long pure white mane stirring gently in the breeze. Her jaw dropped and she glanced around on the ground for the wooden idol.

“Piece of crap am I? Impudent little twit. You nearly cost yourself your head with that stunt you pulled. Now stop standing there and get on, I refuse to stand here and watch those idiots remove your entrails for amusement as tempting as the idea is for now.”

Kaie’s eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the voice so vehemently chiding her inside her head. She yelped in pain when the four legged Epona nipped her shoulder painfully. The spell broken, she twisted her hands into the long mane and leapt astride the mare’s back, rubbing her shoulder.

“You could have shown up sooner, I must have run a mile already.” She wrapped both fists in the silky mane and squeezed her knees gently, settling herself against the mare firmly.

The white form below her snorted in return. “Be grateful I didn’t make it two miles or three imp. You deserved no less for that foolish stunt. Disrespectful little whelp. Oh how I will enjoy watching you dance as you learn the hard way what obedience is.”

“Hold tight, we will ride as you never have before.”

Kaie bit back her retort as the mare vaulted forward. The wind whipped around her, causing her vision to blur with tears. She leaned forwards, allowing her body to adjust and merge with the bulging muscle beneath her until horse and rider moved as one.

Epona was right, Kaie never experienced a ride like this. The mare moved across the ground at a speed no mortal horse could obtain. The riders behind them slowly fell back until they no longer could be seen. Kaie laughed with delight and leaned closer, the intoxication of the ride driving away all else.

Dargh drew his horse up and slammed a fist against his knee in frustration. The others followed suit and formed a tight group, mounts stamping their own hooves in impatience, while others breathed heavily, unaccustomed to such exercise.

The bitch must have hidden her mount within the trees. He had never seen such speed from a horse. They would catch her though. Even if the trinket she took was one of the most worthless items, she would pay for making a fool of him.

A second group of riders approached and Dargh signaled his men to draw weapons and wait. Who knew if these men were brigands or other thieves like themselves. The leader held his arm up, empty, in a gesture of peace as he drew his mount beside Dargh’s.

“We be seekin a yung girl, rail thin and warin’ black. Seen ‘er?” Dargh let his lips curl back in distaste at the form before him. The one eared man before him bore ugly scars, as well as two familiar brands, and smelled as if he slept with the pigs nightly.

“P’haps. Why do ye seek her?” He glanced around at the newcomers cautiously, betraying nothing with his eyes.

“She be a thief and wanted by a certain lady willin’ to pay well. We chased ‘er for a long time now, sneaky little bitch she is.”

Dargh nodded in agreement at that statement. Perhaps there was some profit in this venture, and he would enjoy whetting his appetites between the little whore’s thighs before slitting her throat. These men were uneducated, unkempt, and undisciplined unlike his own men. He would dispatch them easily after the girl was caught. And collect whatever reward was offered instead.

“We’ll join you in the hunt. She has an object I want returned. You can do what you like with her after that. Of course my men will be wanting their turn with her along with yours.” His eyes gleamed in the moonlight and One-Ear laughed raucously while rubbing his crotch in anticipation. He’d wanted that very thing for too long now, and at last they were close. He would let these strangers join in the chase, they could be killed easily enough later.

“Done! They can have two turns wit ‘er so long as I get her head to take back for payment. Which way did she go?”

The men talked a bit longer, their mounts resting before the hunt continued. Dargh called his best tracker forward and ordered him to take up the trail left behind. The girl would have to stop sometime to eat or rest. Within the hour they were off, twenty-three strong now.

For five long days the rode, the mare stopping only a few times for them both to drink. The shadow wolf followed, keeping up easily with the rapid pace the mare kept. When the mare slowed, walking to cross rocky or uneven terrain, Kaie found herself drifting to sleep, her head resting against the animal’s neck.

Epona pushed them hard, not letting Kaie rest for long. They were approaching the mountains now, and Kaie felt her spirits lift a bit as they drew near them. Once again inside the safety of the forests, Epona stopped at last and waited for Kaie to dismount.

Sliding to the ground nimbly, Kaie glanced around them. “Why are we stopping here?”

Kneeling, she drew a handful of water from the stream to her mouth. The wolf now called, Sgàth, or Shadow by her, lay nearby his watchful gaze protecting his charges.

“Because its time for you to continued alone. The place you seek is not far, follow the trees, they will guide you.”

Kaie stood and glanced around in a panic to find her mount gone. The carved idol lay once again in the dirt, mocking her. Snatching it up she alternated shaking and rubbing it furiously.

“Damnnit! You can’t bring me way out here and just leave! They kill me for sure!” Kaie spent several minutes pointing a finger at the idol, rubbing it, blinking her eyes rapidly while nodding her head while muttering what she hoped sounded like magic sayings, and any other trick she thought might bring the living mare back to her. Glancing at Sgàth for some hint of assistance, she sighed in frustration when the wolf merely rolled his eyes in return.

“Now where in the crappin Hades should we go?” Glancing around her Kaie growled in frustration. “Follow the trees? The whole damn place IS trees. Some help Epona turned out to be.” Re-adjusting her pack she kicked the dirt one last time in frustration and headed towards the shadowing mountains.

As she made her way through the towering woods, she alternated between grumbling and cursing the Goddess for dropping her in the middle of nowhere. Her curses were cut off short when a large branch swung around striking her sharply across the back of the legs. Kaie squealed in pain and looked around for the cause, finding none. Rubbing the backs of her burning legs, she glared at Sgàth, she swore the wolf was snickering at her.

For the next two days they walked, Kaie was afraid to stop for rest, she didn’t want the men chasing her to gain any more ground then they were already now that she was on foot. She was not sure if she went the right direction, but she stayed deep inside the trees. She was starting to despair when she caught the whisperings of tiny voices tittering in the air.

“She’s coming! And she is bringing a present too!”

“Oooh! She’s close! She’s close!

“Who’s there? Hello?” Kaie looked to Sgàth, but found the wolf showed no signs of apprehension. His tail was high and his ears perked forward as if welcoming the sounds. He was familiar with the faiery folk and paid them no mind as he followed Kaie.

Kaie searched the trees surrounding them but could not find the source of the sounds. At last she found an opening ahead as she tracked the voices. The trees around her now were ancient and gigantic, towering far above the others in the forest. As she stepped into their circle, she felt a tingle inside and the tiny hairs on her neck stood. The voices had faded and were replaced by silence throughout the grove. This was a place like the one where she first met Epona. She noticed the makings of a small altar. So, someone worshipped here.

She fingered the idol inside her cloak. This was the place Epona wished her to leave it. She recognized now the grand Oak Epona described to her, its ancient roots spread wide like a mother opening her arms to embrace a child.

Kaie hesitated for a moment, holding the carved wooden piece in her hands. Peering at it closely, she could find no sign of the mare that appeared to her earlier. She was reluctant to let it go now, it might be valuable after all.

Her eyes closed for a moment as her inner turmoil churned. A caressing breeze swept through the area, stirring her wild curls and refreshing her weary frame. With a sigh, she placed the Idol within the arms of the Oak. It wasn’t hers to keep, she might be a thief but she didn’t break a promise.

Her head whipped around in terror when she heard the thundering of approaching hooves. She could hear their shouts around her as they stabbed at the underbrush with their swords in search of her. The wind changed then, and a low heavy fog filled the area, making it impossible for the men outside the grove to see. They thrashed around loudly, their mounts neighing in agitation and terror at the unnatural haze. Within the hour, most were lost, and it would take them several more to find the girls trail once again.

Glancing around the grove she noticed an almost hidden but well worn trail and started towards it. She barely heard the whispered wind blow around her as it gave its thanks for her gift. She ran as hard as she could, skittering along the trail without knowing where it lead.

She would not notice until later that Sgàth was no longer with her. Behind her the sounds grew fainter and she pushed harder. At last she saw a road ahead.

She stood now in the shadows just outside the Lodge, watching the coming and goings of many. She found it strange she had seen only women, although many looked to be skilled warriors. She knew the men would have found her trail by now, and followed it, but the smell of food coming from inside enticed her. She struggled to gain the energy and strength to go inside, perhaps she could gain a meal while the hunters were still lost in the trees.

“So the little thief has honor after all. You were right my Goddess, she has passed your test and earned the refuge she longs for.”

“I knew she would.” Epona smiled smugly, relieved inside that her instincts in her grand daughter were correct.

“How did you know she would willingly enter the Lodge?”

“That my delicious Priestess, I was unsure of. One can lead a mortal to their path, but only they can choose to walk it.” She trailed burning kisses along the smaller woman’s neck, stopping to nip teasingly on her ear while she slipped a hand inside the silken robes to roll a hardened nipple between her fingers.
“Ahhhhh..” Ceana shivered with the delight her Goddess always brought to her body before she teasingly replied, “My Goddess, is that anything like, you can bring a horse to water, but cannot make it drink?”

Her moans of delight turned to a momentary gasp of pain as the fingers tightened to a painful pinch. She looked up to find Epona smiling down at her in satisfaction as she returned to her seduction. “I am surrounded by insolence, who does a Goddess have to do to get a little respect around here?”


The End - 'Goddess of a Thief' -- by Kaie

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