Kindred Spirit Lodge Presents

Quiet Thoughts of

Home, Love... and Lots of Pain

(Printer Friendly Version)

Story By:
Elusia, Killian, Ikarias, & Aria


Quiet Thoughts of Home, Love…and Lots of Pain
Introduction, by Killian

Killian walked out from under the stair closet, carrying a fresh supply of towels and robes for this evenings travelers, who had stopped for a nights respite from the chill of oncoming fall nights up in the mountains. Killian loved Fall. She loved the entire ritual of the hibernation process that winter brought on. All fall the Warriors, her Caitlin included, chopped cords of wood for the many fireplaces that dotted the inside of the large Lodge. 

Ikarius had gone on and talked, or tricked, depending on your point of view, all of the warriors, into a wager: Whoever could chop the most wood before the first snowfall would have the other Warriors shining their boots all winter long. Killian smiled, as she thought of treating Caitlin's sore, raw hands after supper. She gave a little blessing to Grace that Caitlin had allowed her to put on the special salve she had prepared for all of the warriors hands, and allowed her to wrap her beloveds hands, just this once, since Caitlin planned to stay in their room for the night. Killian knew Caitlin was proud, and would never let on that this wager was costing her any pain to her body at all. None of the warriors would. Yet, Killian secretly treated them all, one by one, in their rooms with her magic salve. One thing everyone knew about Killian was, they could trust her to keep a confidence, even from her beloved Caitlin, when it came to her healing arts.

So, it was not odd, by Killian's standards that she walked straight into a wall of tall blonde Amazon, dropping her possessions in the process. The stranger stepped back, startled, not wanting to hurt the diminutive woman, and partly from shock that anyone could possibly not see her coming from a league away given her stature.

Killian found her feet and stood up with stormy eyes, wanting to know who in Hades was so rude as to... Her thoughts trailed off as she looked back into the deepest green eyes she had seen since Gabrielle herself walked into her life a long time back. Killian stopped, and focused her intense gaze upon the taller woman. They stood like this, intensity sparking off of intensity for some time, until all of the Lodge had gone quiet. Later, everyone would swear that this spiritual, intense, Amazonian stand-off would have gone on all night had it not been for Nessa's intervention.

The Druid felt the spiritual sizing up going on from across the Lodge like a lightning storm. She knew Killian, and she saw that the lass felt affronted by this tall interloper smashing into her as she was doing her work. She also knew, from watching this breathtaking beauty from even before she laid a palm on the doorhandle, that this woman meant no harm, and had simply moved at the wrong time.

Nessa walked slowly up behind Killian, so as not to startle either woman. She stood eye to eye with the new guest as she gently laid her hands on Killian's shoulders. The Druid leaned down and spoke something in Gaelic to her Sister. Killian closed her eyes as if going inside to listen to unseen voices. In a matter of moments Killian's body softened, and her stance eased. Her eyes, ablaze with fire only moments ago, only registered warmth and welcome now. Killian turned, and placed a soft kiss on the Druid's cheek, then whispered softly in Gaelic back to the warrior. Nessa and Killian both shared a chuckle, as Nessa bent down to pick up the dropped linens.

Killian turned and faced the tall stranger.

"Please forgive me, my friend, I was mistaken about what happened, I apologize and ask for your forgiveness." Extending her hand, she continued, "My name is Killian, and I am the Innkeeper here at the Kindred Spirit Lodge. Whether you are with us one day, or many, it will be my honor to serve you in any way that I can. Please allow me to know what your favorite colors are, so that I may outfit you with towels, and either a silk, or terrycloth robe for your stay with us. There are Hot springs, a Masseuse on call, and many pleasures for your enjoyment during your time with us. Again, I ask your pardon for before. I am an Amazon by training, and I am afraid I sometimes act out of instinct rather than reason. I apologize for any discomfort. I hope I can make it up to you by assisting you now with due diligence."

With that Killian looked over to Nessa, who nodded her approval, then to Sarah, who came to her side to help with checking in their newest guest at the Kindred Spirit Lodge.


Quiet Thoughts of Home, Love…and Lots of Pain
Part 1, by Elusia

Elusia heaved a sigh, feeling like she was close to being on her last leg. Traces of fatigue was beginning to show on her body after weeks of traveling. Swallowing a newly formed lump in her throat, her thoughts drifted once again to her beloved Nakoma, the beautiful black steed she had to watch die three nights ago. A confrontation with a male stranger started the chain of events. The man had made an error in judgment, thinking this woman an easy target. Elusia allowed her memory to go further back, remembering that night.

Having settled into her bedroll, Elusia rested her arms behind her head and gazed at the spread of stars across the night sky, calming at their beauty. Just prior to drifting off, she heard Nakoma shuffling about quietly, finding tidbits of food. She smiled momentarily before sleep claimed her.

Much later into the night, her eyes snapped open as she felt a heavy weight pressing down on her. She started to raise her head and an angry voice erupted from her, "WHAT THE..." before a rough hand pressed over her mouth, slamming her head back to the ground. She grunted in surprise and pain, the sound muffled behind the large hand. Taking advantage of her moment of stillness, the man situated himself between her legs and roughly pushed the skirt up her hips. His voice rasped as he quickly undid his pants. "Not seeing much struggle. Ya gonna lay there like a good slut, huh?" His harsh slap to Elusia's tightened inner thigh brought her out of her shocked state. The man couldn't see the Amazon's eyes narrow and darken, or the snarl playing on her lips.

Under the cover of darkness, Elusia slid her hand between them, wrapping her fist gently around the man's shaft. The soft touch surprised him and she felt his form tensing. A low voice reached his ears, stating, "I see you're more than capable of being stealthy...let's see what other talents you have." With that, her fist clamped and twisted, the dark snarl turning into a cruel smile on her lips as she heard his howl of pain and the thud as he fell back. She swung her leg up in a kick, smashing her foot into the side of his head.

Elusia quickly moved into a crouching position as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, and eyed the man laying in a heap before her. She heard him utter a few obscenities, causing rage to overtake her. Standing out of the crouch, she delivered several kicks to his ribs before the force of them finally got him on his back. Crouching over the man, she grabbed the front of his shirt and heaved him upward to her face, her voice deadly. "Did you imagine me on top of you like this?" Her fist connected with his face several times before she got control of herself and moved away from him, her chest heaving with anger...the man limp and bloodied.

Yelling for Nakoma, Elusia waited until the steed busted through the brush, apparently having been further away from camp than usual. The horse seemed winded and as Elusia approached to calm him, Nakoma reared up on his hind legs and flailed his head wildly. Elusia was gripped with a feeling of dread and quickly looked over her shoulder, barely having time to register the presence behind her and twist to defend herself before metal cut into flesh. Piercing pain shot through her lower torso and she fell to her knees, her hand immediately going to the deep slashing wound on her left hip. Trying to get her bearings, she looked up and saw the man drive his long knife into the side of Nakoma's neck. The Amazon's furious roar and Nakoma's anguished sounds blended together, prompting the man to run from the camp like hell's fire was licking his backside. The fallen woman forgot her pain as she started to rise and go after him, but Nakoma chose that time to fall to the ground...his lifeblood quickly spilling from him.

She tried everything to save Nakoma, keeping the tears at bay while she worked. The contents of her buckskin medicine bag were strewn about. In a tightened voice laced with intense emotions, she sang chants over him. Her blood ran down her leg from her own wound, but it went unnoticed. Yet, a woman understands the signs of death and its imminent claim on each of us. So her song changed to a death chant as she laid her hands on Nakoma. After singing the last painful syllable, she buried her face into the rich blackness and sobbed quietly, whispering, "I could have stopped him...I SHOULD have!" She leaned back on her knees and pulled a dagger from her belt. Pulling a piece of her hair forward, she cut a portion off, wrapped it in red felt and began to make the preparations to give Nakoma his final rest.

Elusia let the recent memory wash over her as she found herself standing in front of the Lodge. She had heard of this place and was eager for rest and friendly faces. Her hip, while healing nicely, still hurt and her eyes revealed the anguish she had experienced lately. "Ah hell, Amazon, admit it...your whole body is aching at this point," she grumbled to herself. Reaching for the buckskin pouch hanging around her neck, she gazed down at it, running her thumb gently over the beads adorning the softened leather. She stood for several moments in quiet thought before tucking the small pouch back between her breasts. The Amazon grasped the door handle and went through the entryway.

Several gazes turned her away as the tall woman remained expressionless, yet was more than aware at the number of women inhabiting the place. She fought down a smile at the thought and began to search for the one who may help her get settled in. Once spotted, she began to stride purposefully towards her, ignoring the throb in her hip. On the way to her destination, however, several beautiful women caught her eye, though she kept an unreadable expression on her face. That was until she felt a figure slam into her front.

There, laying in a heap of towels and robes on the floor, was yet another beauty. But this one...well...she didn't seem too pleased at the moment. "Uh oh," thought Elusia, "this is certainly not a good way to make an entrance." She was about to offer her hand in assistance and apologize, but the woman was on her feet, fire in her eyes and looked like she was about to lay into the thoroughly apologetic, but silent Amazon.

Elusia tilted her head, starting to feel slightly amused and looked the woman in the eyes. She continued to watch her as the woman fell quiet and stared back. Their gazes locked for a few short moments before Elusia saw a figure approach the other woman from behind, hands dropping gently on the woman's shoulders. The blonde Amazon kept her head tilted towards the woman in front of her, but moved her eyes to meet the tall one. She immediately noticed the easy exchange between the two and the low spoken words between them. "Gaelic," she thought to herself. She recognized the language, but didn't understand the words. She fought down an arched brow at their shared chuckle, but realized she felt no malice in it.

The woman in front of her transformed from a fiery character to one full of smiles and sweet charms. "Oh good, I'm certainly not prepared for confrontation" thought Elusia, her aching muscles clenching in agreement with her thoughts. She listened as the two woman gathered up the towels and robes and introductions were made. Killian. She went on to tell the newcomer a little about herself, the Lodge, and its services.

After the explanation, Elusia took a long, deep breath in and smiled warmly at Killian. The Amazon offered a polite nod and smile towards Nessa. However, her body was really starting to feel anything but polite. She just wanted to get to a room and relieve her aches for a while so she'd be better prepared for socializing later. "Dark green. That's my color. And...if I could get a couple of different terrycloth robes. I hate to dry off after a bath. I'd rather slip into a robe. Oh, and..." Elusia visibly flinched as yet another wave of intense pain went through her hip, but she resisted the urge to make a sound. Instead, she swallowed slowly and forced a small smile on her face, looking at Killian and talking in a near whisper, "A few new bandages would be much appreciated too."

Add on, by Ikarias

Ikarias the half-dragon, (jade scales on the left side of her body) swings into the main hall of the lodge. She's covered in the residue of hundreds of galas, pink ladys, macouns and macintoshes, not to mention smelling like a distillery...

"Hey Aria, you old button pushie! (keep up the good work Lord big ass boots Sirius!) You ought to try the apple jack this year! A stellar batch!"

Le petite assassin takes in the mushy half-dragon. Her tunic, pants and boots will reek for months. Aloud Aria muses, "A pound each of allspice, cinnamon, and clove, salt and pepper to taste. Large pan, twenty minutes per pound and we'll have apple pan dowdy dragon in oh a week to ten days."

A large raspberry exits the half-dragon's lips and hits the blonde who just smiles and shakes her head.

"Ah, welcome Elusia, I'm Ikarias." (swatted away by Towels R Us Killian, the half-dragon takes her dripping applely hand back from a shake.)

"Not 'til you're decent," Killy growls then she delicately swipes a finger through a mess on Iky's shoulder and brings it to her lips. "Okay, that's a decent mix, it'll make great preserves. But you're not touching her until you're clean!"

"I'm saving a special batch for you, Nessa." Ikarias grins as the Celt's eyes light up and she nods.

Ikarias turns just in time to catch the Dashing Dagger who has just slipped on a dollop of apple slush. Planting a firm kiss on the woman's lips, she grips the woman in a bear hug, ignoring the 'EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww' as Daglette's body becomes slathered with apple innards.

"I'm going to kill you... right after I get this muck out of my clothes..."

"Talk to Aria, don't know if she wants me thinly sliced or thick."

"Small... very small pieces... " Comes the tight-lipped reply. Klancy walks in, a living statue in apple mush. "You neglected to mention the boards on the catwalk to the vat needed replacing...

Behind her trots a small white westie with a spoon in her mouth. A muffled bark makes the violet-eyed, totally sauced woman smile. "I'll start with spoon-sized pieces. Excellent idea Kirby."

Add on part 2, by Elusia

Elusia leans against the staircase, waiting for preparations for her stay to be made when she notices the half-dragon enter...dripping in some She thinks, "ok, I'm really freckin' tired and have a wound the size of the Grand Canyon on my hip, but am I now hallucinating too?"

Despite her pain-induced and fatigued state, she releases a chuckle at the half-dragon, who turns to her with introductions. She watches as Killian swats the goo-dripping hand away and silently thanks Killian for the intervention...but smiles anyway at Ikarias, giving her a nod instead. "Thank you for your welcome, Ikarias." Her eyes travel the half-dragon's full form and gives her a crooked grin, figuring if the introduction is any indication, this one will be a real trip getting to know.

Quiet Thoughts of Home, Love…and Lots of Pain
Part 2, by Killian


They were briefly side-tracked by a cider swilling, apple dripping vision of handsome scaled beauty, even with the bits of twigs in her hair, Half-Dragon, Lord Ikarius.

Despite her pain-induced and fatigued state, Elusia releases a chuckle at the half-dragon, who turns to her with introductions. She watches as Killian swats the goo-dripping hand away and silently thanks Killian for the intervention...but smiles anyway at Ikarius, giving her a nod instead. "Thank you for your welcome, Ikarius." Her eyes travel the half-dragon's full form and gives her a crooked grin, figuring if the introduction is any indication, this one will be a real trip getting to know.

Killian smiled through her concern, as she helped the traveler up to the room she had already dispatched Tris and Sarah up to prepare. Her two friends were absolute magicians at turning a cold and barren Lodge room into a living place one would feel nurtured by, and safe with inhabiting.

For Warriors, and Killian had figured this one for such with the short time she had to suss out the situation, 'definite warrior tendencies, at the very least,' the Innkeeper and Healer thought as she gathered Tris and Sarah to make preparations. Killian had figured, from her years of service in this area, that Warriors needed different things that lasses. Killian had extra weapons, extra libations, extra strong hooks, pulleys, straps, and holding mechanisms of all sorts brought up to Elusia's rooms. She also made sure entrances and exits were easier than in the lasses rooms, because it had been Killian's experience that Warriors enjoyed the ability of the quick escape, or re-entrance to their own room, and lasses preferred to be more protected in that area. Sarah had been put in charge long ago of stocking all the rooms with the finest of "after hours" toys. Their was no one more skilled than Sarah in that area, and with Tris as her assistant, the Kindred Lodgers rooms were never bereft of any of the latest "accessories" of the darker side of pleasure.

After some slow going up the stairs, Killian had Elusia at her door. Once inside Killian was all business.

"Elusia, we haven't time for niceties, so I will get right to the point. I am one of the Lodge's Healers, and also have been gifted with some psychic abilities. I looked into your hip would with all the gifts at my disposal. I saw everything that happened that night. You can feel safe telling me anything, and it will not go further than you and I. I will tell you that I think I can heal this wound." Killian laid her hand on Elusia's now bleeding hip. "But, I will be needing help from you if I am to be of any use to you around this wound," Killian lays her hand on Elusia's heart, and pulls back at the jerk from the traveler. "I will say, Elusia, that I can assure you, This second wound is far more threatening to your life than the hip wound will ever be. Now, while you ponder all of that I just told ya, let me lay ya down and get to work on that leg."

Killian sensed a myriad of emotion swirling in the traveler as she laid her down, and began to cut the clothes off of her. Killian knew she needed time to think before she would consider speaking of the night, or of the loss she has suffered. Killian thought of her horse Flame, and how desperate she would be if anyone had killed her in the same fashion. The Healer knew that Elusia had a strong spirit inside of her, but also knew that unless she dealt with this, and soon, the grief could consume her.

Killian had already gotten Tris to bring her healer's kit up to the room, and Tris had taken the extra step of laying all the tools out, and acquiring water, and bandages, and everything else Killian would need for this tough task ahead. She got to work. It was going to be a long night, and what state her patient would be in when she finally left her would be mostly up to the patient at this point. Killian said a prayer to Grace as she exposed the wound, praying for a steady hand to do the repairs needed to make this woman whole again, physically, and hopefully spiritually as well.

Quiet Thoughts of Home, Love…and Lots of Pain
Part 3, by Elusia

"Elusia, we haven't time for niceties, so I will get right to the point. I am one of the Lodge's Healers, and also have been gifted with some psychic abilities. I looked into your hip would with all the gifts at my disposal. I saw everything that happened that night. You can feel safe telling me anything, and it will not go further than you and I. I will tell you that I think I can heal this wound." Killian laid her hand on Elusia's now bleeding hip. "But, I will be needing help from you if I am to be of any use to you around this wound," Killian lays her hand on Elusia's heart, and pulls back at the jerk from the traveler. "I will say, Elusia, that I can assure you, This second wound is far more threatening to your life than the hip wound wil ever be. Now, while you ponder all of that I just told ya, let me lay ya down and get to work on that leg."

More by instinct than any true emotional response, Elusia pulled away from Killian's gentle touch over her heart. She didn't trust easily, especially anymore, and listened as Killian described the dangers of her wounds if left untreated. She knew the one helping her had the vision. It was a revered ability amongst her people and she was glad to see it here in the Lodge.

Elusia's own vision was becoming slightly blurred as felt the fever within her escalating, a result of prolonged pain left mostly unattended. A trembling hand reached for her medicine bag and emptied the contents onto a bedside table. "If you can find anything of use in here, you're more than welcome to it." Finding her abalone shell and sage stick, she steadied her hand as she lit the sage and inhaled the fragrant smoke, also leaving the shell on the table along with the contents of her bag.

Wiping the back of her hand over her suddenly sweating forehead, Elusia crossed the room to the window, almost frantically pushing it open and breathing in several lungfuls of cool evening air. Her shoulders hunched as she leaned on the window sill and hung her head forward, letting the gentle breeze wash over her flushed body. Raising her head, the Amazon stared out across the scenic beauty of this place, listening to Killian busy in the room behind her. Eyes changed as memories of old wounds worked their way into her thoughts. "My hip...unfortunately there's so much more." Locking her jaw in determination, Elusia refused to let herself be destroyed by past events and decided to accept the kindness offered by the one here in the room with her. She chided herself, "let yourself get fixed up first...then deal with the difficult things later."

Finally, with the decision made to let someone help her, Elusia slowly moved towards the bed and Killian, offering her a sincere smile of thanks.

Killian sensed a myriad of emotion swirling in the traveler as she laid her down, and began to cut the clothes off of her. Killian knew she needed time to think before she would consider speaking of the night, or of the loss she has suffered. Killian thought of her horse Flame, and how desperate she would be if anyone had killed her in the same fashion. The Healer knew that Elusia had a strong spirit inside of her, but also knew that unless she dealt with this, and soon, the grief could consume her.

Killian had already gotten Tris to bring her healer's kit up to the room, and Tris had taken the extra step of laying all the tools out, and acquiring water, and bandages, and everything else Killian would need for this tough task ahead. She got to work. It was going to be a long night, and what state her patient would be in when she finally left her would be mostly up to the patient at this point. Killian said a prayer to Grace as she exposed the wound, praying for a steady hand to do the repairs needed to make this woman whole again, physically, and hopefully spiritually as well.

Elusia was more than grateful at Killian's healing abilities and had thanked her profusely. Her hip wound had been tended to daily with clean dressings. Up until this point, Killian had been her primary source of human contact while in the Lodge. It had been nearly two weeks since her fever had finally broken and she was spending most of her time roaming the grounds or in her room. She realized she must seem very aloof and didn't want the women here to think her ungrateful or haughty.

After a good hour of practicing with her throwing knives during one of her outside jaunts, she decided to make her way back into the Lodge for a refreshment and then some much needed socializing. She was half-way through her drink when a woman approached her side. Elusia turned and smiled in surprise. "Ah yes, I remember this one well," thought the smirking Amazon. The beauty, who for some reason Elusia nicknamed Leaf, was from a neighboring town and had stayed with Elusia at the local inn a couple moon's ago. She pulled a chair next to Elusia and leaned in close, talking in low tones so only the two of them could hear the hushed words.

The longer Leaf talked, the deadlier Elusia's eyes turned. Leaf seemed to finish and Elusia pulled the woman closer to her and spoke softly into her ear. The woman nodded quickly and rose from the chair after being handed a key by Elusia and headed up the stairs. She came back shortly after with Elusia's bag and weapons in hand. Without another word, both women exited the main entrance of the Lodge, Leaf stepping up her pace to keep up with the long, obviously determined strides of the deadly looking Amazon.

Add on, by Aria

Aria had a nose for two things… real jewelry and human drama and she could smell either at 20 paces.

Though the Lady pretended to look deep in thought as she nursed her cup of tea, she was actually following the interactions of these two women quite closely. It was a given that they had some palpable history between them. Try as she might she could not figure out who led whom in this scenario.

Elusia acted like she might be the submissive one, but then her eyes looked a little too rebellious, thought the Lady. Running her finger around the rim of her teacup she watched as the “other woman” came back downstairs with her new Sister’s bag and weapon. Without saying a word, they were gone.

Aria eyed Klancy who was at the other end of the bar savoring her root beer. Neither of them spoke a word to each other, but both knew they would have to keep an eye on this situation. Something about the way Leaf and Elusia reacted off of each other spelled trouble.

Quiet Thoughts of Home, Love…and Lots of Pain
Part 4, by Elusia

Now outside the Lodge, Elusia swung up onto the extra horse Leaf had wisely brought along with her. She bent down from her position in the saddle to retrieve the weapons Leaf was holding up to her. Fitting them into their various holding places, she quietly thought of what lay ahead. The smallest hint of a smirk touched her lips. The agile Leaf lifted herself onto her own horse and then turned him in the same direction Elusia was already heading.

Along the way to their destination, Leaf explained more details of her message to a silent Elusia. Two weeks ago, a man covered in fresh bruises had come to the Inn where Leaf worked, looking for lodging and hastily explaining that he would be staying a while. As is typical of Inns, word spread fairly quickly of the newly arrived guest and the nature of his character. Leaf explained that she had seen more than her share of immoral visitors at the Inn, but this one had unnerved her the moment she laid eyes on him. Word finally came to her that he was a suspected rapist and murderer…and not always in that order.

Disgusted, Elusia turned to look at Leaf. "But how did you know it was the same man who attacked me that night and killed Nakoma?"

"Because I overheard him bragging about it," explained Leaf. Despite the tensing of the woman beside her, Leaf continued, "He seems to be recruiting men like himself. Whether for a small army or what, I don’t know. Some of the men were hassling him about the reasons for his bruises and he admitted to confronting a ‘wildcat.’ He laughed as he told what happened that night and gave them a lewd, physical description of the ‘wildcat.’ I had a sinking feeling in my stomach…his description, though obscene, fit you perfectly. He…also mentioned killing the woman’s black horse…"

Leaf risked a look at Elusia and noted the angry woman’s jaw working beneath the skin. Sighing, she decided to continue. "You had left my Inn not too long before and I knew you were heading to the Lodge. There was no doubt in my mind that it was you he spoke of, so I left immediately to come find you." She reached across the distance between them and gently touched Elusia’s shoulder. "I was so relieved to find you and see that you were well."

Elusia reached her hand up and covered the top of Leaf’s that was still resting on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze, even as her eyes narrowed. "I’ll be well again, my dear Leaf…very soon." Leaf chewed nervously a few times on the inside of her lip, but gave an answering nod as they prepared for the final trek back to her Inn.

Quiet Thoughts of Home, Love…and Lots of Pain
Part 5, by Elusia

The traveling pair had finally stopped within a few hours distance from the Inn where Leaf worked and lived. Elusia knew a place where Leaf could stay and be safe – a longtime, trusted friend had a home and was happy to allow Leaf a room. Although Leaf had initially refused to stay behind, Elusia had angrily insisted and the lass knew better than to push the patience of the already livid Amazon. Once in the room, Leaf set about quickly and quietly unpacking her gear while Elusia rechecked her weapons. She cast a sideways glance at Leaf’s movements and sighed to herself.

Walking towards the busy woman, Elusia regretted her earlier actions. She stopped behind the clearly agitated lass and looking over the smaller woman’s shoulder, saw that she was pulling at a stubborn knot on a bag, the frustrated movements only making the knot more complicated. Elusia slowly wrapped her arms around Leaf from behind and felt her momentarily tensing before relaxing back against her and dropping the now forgotten bag.

"I apologize that I was so harsh earlier." The Amazon’s sure hands caressed across Leaf’s midriff, holding her closer. "I just can’t put you in harm’s way. You’re not a Warrior and this is not your fight. I promise, I’ll handle it…and then I’ll return to see you safely back." A relieved smile touched her lips as she felt Leaf’s gentle hands glide across the arms holding her. Turning the woman to face her, Elusia cupped the beautiful face in her hands. Leaning down, she brushed her lips lightly against the soft, shuddering ones lifted towards her.

Smiling at the woman’s sweet response, Elusia pulled her into a fierce embrace, holding her while she talked in hushed tones. "Oh my dear Leaf, I do love how you shiver at the slightest touch, just like I notice a little leaf fluttering in a breeze. Thank you for coming to me at the Lodge. You know this man…and his recruits…have to be stopped." Leaf’s answer was another gentle kiss with the whispered words of, "I know. Please be careful." Elusia lifted a delicate hand and placed a kiss on top and with a gentle, assuring squeeze. "Always. I have to go. I need to be there by nightfall." Knowing nothing else could be said, she let go of the reluctant lady and made a quick exit.

Several hours later, Elusia rolled her head and shoulders, working out the kinks from staying in one position for so long, yet her eyes never wavered from her target. From the cover of trees, she watched through the windows of the Inn, watched the men drinking and listened to their muted, but rowdy voices escaping the walls. Her attention was focused on one in particular as he wiped the excess liquor from his chin and slapped a meaty hand onto the back of one of his laughing comrades. Her fist clenched around the handle of her dagger. Flashing images of Nakoma collapsing and his anguished sounds flooded her memory. Then, Leaf’s description of this man as a murderer and rapist joined those memories, hardening her resolve.

The sound of a door creaking open caused Elusia’s head to jerk and her senses heightened. A deadly calm seemed to settle over her as she watched her target head to a secluded spot around the back corner of the Inn. "Perfect," she thought, as she leaped from her position in the tree and landed nearly soundlessly. Without disturbing a pebble on the ground, the Amazon rounded the corner and watched the back of the scum who killed Nakoma and gashed her hip. At the sound of his zipper, she crept forward and with an iron grip, covered his mouth with her left hand.

"Good choice. A man should never be caught dead with his pants down." Feeling him tense and a noise trying to escape from behind her hand, her hold only tightened as she plunged the dagger up to the hilt into the right side of his neck. The hand never loosened over his mouth as she felt him jolt violently several times, then slide to the ground. Not until he lay motionless, face down, did she pry her hand from underneath him, pulling the blade from his neck at the same time. She looked down for a few moments at her right arm and weapon, covered in his blood. Leaving the man where he lay, she moved to the window next to the Inn’s entrance and stared in at the rest of the men. If they had seen the Amazon watching them, seen the look on her face, they would have created their own exit out of the Inn. She wasn’t going to give them that opportunity, but she would give them a choice. They only saw the door open, her entrance, and the door shutting behind her.

The pink hues of dawn were filtering through the window of the room where Leaf lay, still awake. Sleep had eluded her the whole night, her mind busy with possibilities of Elusia’s fate. Hearing the door to her room open, she jolted into a sitting position and swung her legs so they hung from the side of the bed. Her eyes widened and the only sound in the stilled room was Leaf’s intake of breath at the sight before her. Elusia stood motionless in the doorway, most of her exposed skin covered in dried blood and a faraway look in her eyes.

As Leaf stood to approach her, the spent Amazon spoke quietly, causing Leaf to halt, "I killed the man who attacked me and killed Nakoma. The rest of them…I gave them a choice. Most of them made the wrong one." There was no joy of revenge in her voice, only hints of sadness escaping through the empty tones.

Leaf allowed herself to partially relax, at least relieved to know the blood was not Elusia’s own. She slowly walked towards the exhausted woman and watched as weapons and a bag were dropped carelessly to the floor. Her heart ached for the Warrior and what she must be feeling. Elusia was a fierce Amazon and skillful fighter, but never took delight in deadly battles. "Let me get you cleaned up and we’ll stay here until tomorrow." Elusia merely nodded and began working the laces loose on her top and dropped the bloodstained material on top of her other belongings. Her brow knotted and voice trembled slightly, "Gods, there’s so much blood."

The two lay in bed together after the long bath. Leaf had washed the signs of carnage from Elusia’s skin, but the Amazon still felt like it had soaked in and would stay forever. She didn’t regret what she had done, but knew the emotional price was inevitable. Moving into Leaf’s arms, she allowed herself to be held…for the first time in a very long time.

Quiet Thoughts of Home, Love…and Lots of Pain
Conclusion, by Elusia

I lay on my side, my arm tucked firmly around the middle of Leaf's sleeping, exquisitely nude form. We had taken a bath together and fallen into bed several hours ago. My agreement to stay the night and leave the next morning had turned into several days. Thankfully, she hadn't pressured me to discuss what was going on in my head. She seemed to know that I had to come to terms on my own with what I had done back at her Inn. Just having her nearby was comfort enough.

I heard a sleepy whimper and held Leaf closer to my form, smiling as her breath evened back out and watching the slow rise and fall of her chest. I couldn't help but envy her peacefulness. My dreams the past few nights, when I was able to relax enough to sleep, had been filled with recurrent images and sounds -- spilled, flowing blood, crush of bones, pain-filled screams followed by the rattle in the throat, the eyes of many widening as realization of death set in. I distinctly remember the last one I had struck down. By then, I was completely immersed in a quiet and quick wave of destruction. But as the last man slumped against me, my sword impaled through him completely, I was caught by the sight of his pupils slowly dilating. I was the only living thing left in the Inn. Everyone else who didn't deserve or wish to take on my vengeance had already disappeared, leaving a fearful silence that was somehow deafening to my ears.

I may have been the only living being standing, yet as I left the bloody scene, I had never felt more dead.

If it hadn't have been for Leaf, I'm not sure what my next actions may have been. Knowing I had a responsibility for her was the only thing that kept me going in the direction of my friend's home where she waited for me.

I ran my hand softly down her hip and buried my face in her recently washed hair, her scent having the desired effect of calming me. I know she must feel like she's had to tread carefully around me the past few days, my moods going from edgy to brooding to outright anger. I was submerged in darkness and yet she was willing to stay close and see me through it.

Leaf truly is a remarkable woman. She knows me well enough to be certain that I can do what needs to be done, yet knows too that I don't revel in the aftermath. We both knew our time together would be brief. I love Leaf and I have an intense passion for her, but it was no secret between us that my capacity to open myself fully was restrained for now. I also longed to return to the Lodge and be amongst my Kindred. My first arrival there had unquestionably felt like coming home after wandering aimlessly, despite the physical predicaments I had been in. In fact, Killian's tender and enchanted comfort to my external and internal wounds only helped to convince me that I had chosen wisely in heeding their shelter.

Before we parted ways, however, I wanted to express my gratitude to Leaf, to try to show her what it meant to me that she sought me out at the Lodge and her recent stay with me. Trailing the tips of my fingers up her side, I smiled and thought that it would be a rewarding debt for both of us, although I wanted the focus of physical pleasure to be mostly hers. My pleasure would be in knowing I could give her only a fraction of what she deserved.

Continuing to trail my fingers over her exposed, warm flesh, I watched the slightest of tremors move through her body and a little sigh escape her lips. Rolling her head to look at me over her shoulder, she smiled slowly and I responded in kind. Gently maneuvering her onto her back, I remained on my side and let my eyes travel slowly down the whole length of her. Already, I saw the tightening of her darkened nipples and the heightened rise of her chest as her breathing grew slightly labored.

I ran a finger down her jaw line and across her parted lips, then let it trail softly down the curve of her throat. I couldn't seem to control the movement of my fingers as they caressed across her collar bones and also couldn't control the heat that was quickly setting my skin on fire.

"Mmm, Leaf, you are such a beauty. I've waited long enough to touch you." My voice sounded raspy and heavy with desire, even to my own ears.

"Then please don't wait any longer," she responded, pulling me down to her, our lips meeting in a fierce, long awaited kiss. I thrust my tongue past her parted lips and moaned deep in my throat at the feel of our tongues sliding against one another. My hands had moved upward, one cupping the back of her neck, the other clutching her hair, holding her close to me as I ravaged her mouth. I settled myself more fully against her and felt her legs part and the insides of her thighs clutching against my hips.

Finally tearing my lips away with a harsh gasp, I looked down at her, my eyes feeling heavy. Her lips seemed a little swollen, probably from the pressure of the bites I had taken. I dropped my forehead against hers and closed my eyes, trying to collect myself so I could have enough patience to focus on her pleasure. I felt her breath against my face and her hands softly stroking my tensed backside.

Her response proved to me that she knew I was trying to go against my instinct to take her hard and fast. Images flashed through my mind of our previous times together and I held back a growl as I remembered how Leaf looked when tied, her whole body jerking underneath my demanding thrusts. I sat up into a partial kneeling position between her legs and clasped her hands in mine, quickly pinning her arms over her head.

"Hold onto the bedrail. Don't release it to touch me...not right now."

I watched her hands curl around the bar and clasp tightly and I flattened my hands and firmly ran them down her arms and immediately to her upraised breasts. We both groaned as I spread my hands wide and grasped them both. Watching her flesh bulge through my fingers, I wondered if I could restrain my darkness enough to pull this off. My thumbs circled her swollen nipples, her shoulders pressing into the bed as she lifted towards me.

Her passionate responses were getting to me. Snarling, I dropped down and harshly pulled as much of one breast into my mouth as possible, sucking hard. She jerked and let out a loud shriek, further enflaming me. Her other breast was being handled roughly, the tips of my fingers sinking into her softness.

While I worked my tongue, lips, and teeth against her, I suddenly became aware of a hand clutching the back of my head. Growling against her flesh, I sat up quickly and grasped her hand in mine in a steel grip. Her eyes widened and her breath seemed to be caught in her throat, that is, until I reddened the side of her breast with my free hand, the painful slap forcing a yelp from her, followed by a scared whimper.

I still clutched her formerly roving hand as I lowered myself an inch from her face, my voice dark. "You've experienced the pain I can inflict before...and you welcomed it. Trust me, you will NOT welcome the pain I'm capable of right now." I shoved her arm back up. "This is my first and only warning, Leaf. Do not defy me this time. I do not wish to hurt you..." My words were cut off, partially by her terrified look, partially by the more brutal things I knew I could say and do.

I waited until she was settled back into her former position. My quick rising anger faded some as I forced myself to remember my intentions. I didn't want to see fear in her eyes this night, only pleasure. I leaned over her and softly caressed her face with my lips, stopping at her mouth and murmuring, "Relax now...just let me touch you."

She nodded her approval, so I slipped my mouth down her throat, softly biting and running my tongue along her heated flesh. Even though she twisted delicately beneath me, I knew she would do as I said. Once again, I tasted her breasts...more carefully. At the same time, I ran my hands down her sides and her hips raised in response. Nuzzling her breasts, I smiled at her sweet responses and continued my trek downward.

I told her to lift her hips high and as she did so, I slipped a pillow underneath her, guiding her back down, as the same time, pushing her legs apart. The sight of her bared pussy, glistening and open to me, increased my hunger. Looking up her flushed body and meeting her pleading eyes, I decided I couldn't wait another second.

I pushed the top of my shoulders against the back of her thighs and immediately drove my tongue forward, spearing into her opening as far I could go. Her body went rigid for a moment and then shook as I felt her insides clutch at my slow thrusting tongue. Gods, her taste...her scent...I loved the feel of her soft silkiness against my mouth.

Wrapping my arms around her legs, I held her firmly in place, wanting to consume her. I could feel the muscles on the top of her thighs clenching underneath my hands when I moved my tongue from within her and moved upward, then her soft whimper as I circled her clit. I paused long enough to gaze at it and could actually see the swollen nub pulsing, her wetness pouring from her.

With a deep growl, I wrapped my lips around the area of her clit and sucked deeply, my tongue lashing relentlessly. She squirmed violently beneath me and cried out, whether for more contact or seeking less pressure, I wasn't sure. Either way, it didn't matter. I wasn't about to lose contact, so I pressed my fingers harder into her legs and continued devouring her clit.

I don't think I had ever been so starved for anything in my life as I was at this moment. All the hurt that had plagued me for so long was reducing to a scar instead of an open wound, and I found a new strength filling me as I feasted between her trembling legs.

The trembling started to combine with drawn out tensing of her entire body, and I only dug further into her slickened pussy. I heard her draw in several shaky breaths and I furiously moved my mouth side to side, pulling and pummeling her clit with harsh jabs of my tongue. As she raised her hips and screamed out my name in a long wailing cry, I held her down with the force of my hands and mouth, never losing my connection with her gushing warmth.

As I licked along her quivering length, I raised my eyes to look up her body. Just as I expected, she still held onto the bedrail, though not as tightly as before. Her breasts moved on her chest as she tried to regain her breath, and her eyes were closed as she bit at her bottom lip. I could only smirk and do what she least expected. I continued.

When I placed my mouth firmly back around her withdrawing clit, Leaf raised her head as much as possible and looked down at me with a gasp and eyes gone wide. My gaze met hers as I ran the flat of my tongue along her hypersensitive clit and she groaned while watching my movements. Apparently it seemed too difficult for her to keep her head up, as I watched her eyes roll back and flutter before her head moved back down. Her movements and sounds were more pronounced than before and I moaned loudly into her, the vibrations rushing through her pussy. She thrust up into my mouth and screamed her second release. I wished I could see her entire body at that moment, but was not too disappointed as I was more caught up in the convulsions against my mouth.

I couldn't stop. I never let up urgent movement of my mouth against her. Looking up, I saw her wince and whimpers and groans slip past her lips. Her breathless voice shook as she tried to peer down at me. ", I don't think I can..." She yelped as I sunk my teeth further around her clit and at the same time, slapped my hand hard against the outside of her thigh.

"You will," I growled against her and went at her with an eagerness for more. Her body twisted madly and I felt the back of her thighs slide wetly over my tensed shoulders. Gods, she was starting to sweat profusely and her heat served to take my own higher.

Much later, an ache started to spread through my jaw from my ceaseless attentions to her, but my need for her essence was greater than any physical discomfort. I had even just recently became aware of her hands clutching my head. Even though it registered in the back of my mind that I told her not to do this, I let it pass. I was so caught up in her sounds, the way her body would tense and shake, how her nails would scrape my scalp and pull my hair as she rode wave after wave of pleasure.

Again and again she had screamed out my name, howls of pleasure, and the occasional plea for me to stop. When I felt her incredible body thrash beneath me and her moans break into heaving sobs, I finally pulled my mouth away from her, gasping against her soaked and shuddering flesh. We were both doused in sweat as I crawled up towards her.

Her sobbing continued and I watched her tears slip down the sides of her face. Slowly, I moved my mouth to catch them, tasting their salty and warm flavor. Whispering words of endearment as I moved to her mouth, I shared her taste with her. She weakly wrapped her arms around my back and stroked my slickened back. She finally managed a shaky smile against my lips. I moved back a little to look down at her, my hand cupping her face.

"Elusia...I didn't know if I was going to survive that." We both chuckled and I kissed her softly again.

My right hand moved down her side and I moved it between us, cupping her mound in my palm, giving it a little squeeze and watched her jolt in response.

"Shhh, my little Leaf. I'm well aware of your limits and you haven't reached yours just yet." With that, I pushed three fingers into her tightness and gasped at her response. Her head arched back and her mouth fell open before clenching into a hiss. I knew she was super sensitive right now, and as far as I was concerned, that was perfect.

Burying my face into the crook of her neck, I straddled one of her legs while I worked my three fingers in and out of her. Gods, how she clutched me! "Hold onto me, baby," I whispered against her neck. I felt her arms tighten around me and I narrowed my fingers together and pushed four slowly into her. Her head lifted and I felt her teeth sink into my shoulder and her nails press into my back.

"That's feel so hot and wet...I had to be inside you and feel you around my hand." She whimpered at my use of the word "hand" and I could feel her forcing herself to relax beneath me.

"Touch yourself for me, Leaf," I quietly commanded. I watched her hand move between us and two of her fingers rub alongside the clit I had ravaged just moments ago. My hand had constantly been moving and I curled my fingers as I reached deep into her, giving that sensitive spot within her direct strokes. I kept it up for a moment and felt a rush of wetness around my hand, going down my wrist. I leaned up and smiled down at her. She looked up at me, her eyes half closed...her breath shallow. Pulling out until the tips of my fingers were at her entrance, I fit my thumb into my palm and slowly started pushing my hand into her, watching her face the whole time.

The mixed looks of pain and pleasure caused a shudder to pass through me and I tightened my arm muscle as I pushed forward, feeling my hand pass through the tight barriers and become surrounded in her wet heat.

"Don't stop moving your fingers," I whispered at her. She swallowed as I gently moved her hair that had stuck to her face and gently flexed and thrust my hand within her. I rested myself on her thigh and could feel my own wetness flooding her skin. I desperately wanted to move to seek my own release, but forced myself lower half still to concentrate on her.

I maintained the gentle pace until I felt her relax more and her own fingers started to move more rapidly against herself. Her free hand gripped the arm I was using to guide my hand within her and she looked into my eyes. "Please...take me...hard. I need you to..."

I didn't let her finish and listened to her cry and harsh breathing as I flexed my arm and began punching into her gripping hole. Her whole body pounded into the bed and moved with the strength of my thrusts. I watched the responses play across her features the whole time, only dragging my eyes away to occasionally look down at my hand filling her...and her own fingers furiously massaging her clit.

Her head flew from side to side as her body tensed and her hair splayed once again across her face. I thought there couldn't be a more beautiful sight. She arched her head back and lifted her shoulders, the tendons in her neck tightening and I watched the red flush spread across her skin. Her nails scratched harshly down my arm, but I didn't even notice...because she was cumming hard all over my hand, clenching so tight around it.

She collapsed against the bed and rolled her head slowly from side to side, her body spent. Once again, her breathless whimpers turned into sobs and I pulled her into my free arm, comforting her. Her crying quieted some as I kissed her gently.

"Relax now, baby," I told her softly. I kept my mouth pressed to hers while I carefully removed my hand from within her. She whimpered against my lips, but held still. When my hand was completely withdrawn, I moved onto my back and helped her position herself against me. Wrapping my arms around her, we both sighed deeply and I once again moved her hair back from her face, caressing it.

"Don't you need anything?" Leaf asked in an tired voice. I only pulled her tighter to me. "No, not this time, sweet Leaf. I know you're exhausted and you've given me exactly what I needed tonight. I'll stay with you and hold you until morning. Just sleep now." I felt her nod against me and a gentle kiss against my neck. It wasn't long before I felt her body completely relax and her breathing slow as she drifted off. I continued to caress and hold her against me until I myself finally succumbed to the most restful sleep I'd had in a very long time.

Leaf and I were back to her village by mid-afternoon the next day. After checking to make sure her return home was safe, we took our time leaving each other. We knew this wouldn't be the last time we saw each other, not by a long shot. Besides, she had insisted I take one of the horses back to the Lodge with me. She gave me a promising smile and said that one day she would come for it. I returned her smile with a lingering kiss and embrace, telling her I would look forward to it.

I made my way back to the Lodge with a slow, but consistent pace. Being amongst my Kindred again made my soul calmer, yet filled me with anticipation too. I shifted atop the saddle once again. "Damn, denying myself last night is just doing wonders for me today," I half grumbled. Still, I smiled as the Lodge and its beautiful surroundings came into sight. This time, I don't think I'd feel like a guest in an unknown place; instead, I was sure it would be a place I'd be calling home. Not just that, but my fellow Lodgers would finally get a taste of the real Elusia.

"Oops, did I say taste? Bad Elusia," I jokingly admonished myself and urged my borrowed horse into a harder gallop.


The End - By Elusia, Killian, Ikarias, & Aria

Main Library Stories

Lodge Entrance