Kindred Spirit Lodge Presents

 Myrna, Memories and Moments in Time

By Lady Ally & Picifico


Picifico thought to herself what a beautiful day it was turning out to be. When she dragged herself out of bed this morning it looked like it might rain.  Fortunately, by mid morning the sun had won the battle with the dreary clouds, and was spreading its soothing warmth over her home. Being stuck inside, doing chores, on a day like today was tough.  She sighed, thinking of the freedom she had when she was on the road, she could come and go as she pleased, a small part of her missed that.  A bright smile reappeared on her face though when she truly looked at the trade off; here she was, surrounded by family, it was not even a close contest.

She only had one more load of towels to take to the laundry then she would be able to take a quick break for a bite to eat.  When she started to smell the wonderful scents coming from the kitchen she put it into overdrive.  It was a good thing everyone was already awake, the sounds coming from her stomach might scare a few from their beds.  Normally, she would have taken the load of towels she had in two trips, but food was fast becoming a necessity.  Picifico never saw the human wall she ran into for the pile of towels.  Cursing herself, she tried not to look up, just her luck it would be Sirius or Klancy.  Keeping her eyes on the job of retrieving all the towels, she wished whoever it was, would say something.  Just as she was about to face the music and apologize for her carelessness, a familiar voice touched her heart.

“Well girl, have you lost your manners?  I thought I taught you better than that.”

Picifico looked up not daring to hope.  It couldn’t be, it was…

“MYRNA!  What are you doing here? How, when, why…”

“Hush girl. Now come give this old woman one of those wonderful hugs of yours.”

Picifico didn’t have to be asked twice.  Towels forgotten, she enveloped the older women in her arms.  Not all her memories had returned, but the ones that had shown how much this woman had given her over the years.  Myrna’s patience was legendary, as was her kind heart, both served to make Picifico’s early life one filled with love and understanding.  That love could be felt is this woman’s deceiving strength, she may be over eighty winters old, but Picifico would challenge even the bravest of warriors to best her in strength of pride or a battle of wills.  She was one of a kind, Picifico smiled to herself thinking that the world was lucky indeed.  Reluctantly, Picifico loosened her hold on her friend and mentor.  Stepping back, she found herself not able to find any words.  Fortunately for her, Myrna never had or would ever have that problem.

“Well girl, I am glad to see you are in one piece.  From that Gods be dammed letter you sent me, I was envisioning any number of horrors were happening to you.  Is all well with you or not?”

“Yes everything has turned out just fine.  How did you get here, and how did you find me?”

A small smile turned the corner of the older woman’s lips when she answered, “Well to start with, I rode a horse, and secondly, a marvelous example of beauty, with an affinity for the color purple, pointed me in the right direction.”

Picifico smiled to herself when she asked, “I don’t suppose her name was Lady Alison was it?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I think it was.  At first I didn’t think she was going to tell me where you were.  When I told her who I was she was more than happy to help.  I sure hope you have sampled a piece of that, a fine woman she is.”


“What? You can’t tell me you haven’t noticed.”

“That’s not the point, she is… well, just please don’t talk about her or any of the other women here that way, please!  They are special, not the type to be disrespected that way.”

Myrna smiled to herself, it was nice to see Picifico with a little of her old bite back.

“Have no worries girl, I will be on my best behavior.  Wouldn’t want to embarrass you now, would I?  While we are on the subject, I saw a gorgeous little blonde, have you….”


The old woman broke out in laughter, how she had missed teasing her girl.

“Calm down girl, no harm, no foul.  Now it looks like you have quite the mess here, let’s get it cleaned up, so I can sit you down and find out what in bloody Hades is going on.”

The two women picked up all the towels and headed to the laundry in relative silence.  Picifico knew Myrna wasn’t one to chat while completing any task.  If she wanted to talk to you she wanted your undivided attention.  Once the towels were delivered to the laundry they went to get a bite to eat.  Picifico knew she would have to tell Myrna exactly what happened, she had never been able to keep anything from her.  She had a knack for seeing the truth in Picifico’s eyes.

The meal was fantastic and Myrna was pleasantly surprised that food that “she” had not prepared was actually very good.  She liked what she saw of Picifico’s new home; it was well organized and very clean. When she had commented about this, Picifico told her Lady Alison was a very big reason things ran so smoothly around the Lodge.  Myrna mused to herself that she might talk to this woman and give her a few pointers.  Someone so young could always use the wisdom of one such as herself.  But for the moment she had more pressing matters to deal with.  Her young friend was in or had been in some kind of trouble and she was going to find out exactly what it was.  She let Picifico fidget with the remnants of her meal for a few moments longer then cleared her throat and began her questioning.

“Ok girl, enough stalling.  It’s obvious you are not going to start this conversation.  Now out with it. What was that letter all about?”

Picifico kept her eyes glued to the table. Now that the moment of truth had arrived, she found herself very hesitant to discuss her run in with Shea.  Her voice was barely a whisper when she began to speak.

“Myrna I guess the best…”

“Speak up girl, and you had better look me in the eyes this second before I remind you why I have a bad shoulder!”

Picifico jumped at Myrna’s harsh words, the only time she could remember her speaking this way was when she was upset.  She quickly looked into the blazing blue eyes and started talking.

“Sorry Myrna, I did not mean to show any disrespect, it’s just a little hard to talk about.”

Myrna’s eyes showed the concern that Picifico now heard in her voice.

“That’s alright child, I’m just a little on edge is all.  Now tell me what has happened to upset you so.”

Picifico proceeded to tell her tale, starting with her gift of a few precious memories right up to Lady Alison’s taking Shea’s head.  Myrna listened patiently and occasionally asked her to clarify some detail or another.  When Picifico finished she could see the fire in the old woman’s eyes, something told her the storm known as Myrna was about to blow in.

Myrna’s voice was low and controlled when she spoke. “I have two more questions for you girl.  First where is your room located?”

That was the last question Picifico thought was coming, but she was a little relieved.

“It’s up those stairs and….”

“That’s all I need to know for now.  My next question is a little more important.  WHY…WHY would you run off like that?  Are you daft girl? I taught you better than that!”

“I just….”

“Ah, ah, ah, I will get my answer when we are in your room.  That will give you time to think about what an idiotic thing you have done!”

Before Picifico could say a word, Myrna was on her feet and had her by the ear, pulling her towards the stairs.  She couldn’t believe what was happening, only children were dragged to their room by their ears.  What was even more embarrassing was she was going right along with it, in front of half the women in the lodge.  She was halfway to the stairs when she recovered her ability to speak.

“MYRNA, I …”

“Not a word girl or I just might tan your hide right in this very spot!”

Picifico clamped her mouth shut; she knew that tone of voice.  All she could do was pray the ground would open up and swallow her.

Her ear still firmly in Myrna’s grip, Picifico directed her to her room.  Once inside, with the door firmly shut, her ear was finally set free from the vise known as Myrna.  She had no idea what to say or do so she just stood there.

“Picifico… don’t stand there like an idiot, take that jersey off…now!”

“But I thought?”

“Oh for Hades sake girl.  I’m too old to tan your hide and from what you told me Lady Alison took care of that, a right fine job she did too, I might add.  I just want to take a look at your back and make sure there is no infection setting in.  Are any of the women here healers?  If there is an infection I will need some supplies to make a poultice.”

Picifico removed her shirt and let Myrna examine the marks.  Thankfully Myrna confirmed that they were almost completely healed and would not need any further attention.  Once that was taken care of Picifico put her shirt back on and the two women settled into a very long conversation, mostly revolving around how foolish Picifico had been. 

Picifico could not help the smile that had taken up residence on her features, the longer she sat with her old friend, the more relaxed she had become.  It didn’t seem to matter that they were discussing Shea; Myrna seemed to have a way of getting her to look at the positive side of the situation.  Without realizing it, Picifico’s mind began to wander to times in the past that she would spend hours just like this, sitting in a room telling Myrna just how foolish she had been concerning one event or another.  A particular story, of her and Brenna’s favorite mare, started to creep into her mind when she was brought back to the present.

“Picifico…Picifico…GIRL?  Just where is your active mind wondering to now?”

Sheepishly, Picifico blinked a few times and gave her head a bit of a shake.

“Sorry, Myrna, was just thinking about Brenna.”

Sadness seemed to cloud Myrna’s eyes at the mention Brenna’s name, but true to her nature, it was not evident in her actions or her words.

“Ahhhhh, I see. Do you miss her, lass?”

Just as Picifico began to contemplate Myrna’s question, the door to the room opened.   Standing in the doorway was her Warrior. For just a split second, Picifico felt guilty that they had been discussing Brenna, as a result, she seemed to forget her manners and just sat there, looking back and forth from Lady A to Myrna.

Alison finished what She was doing, stopped by the kitchen to make sure it was still standing and then stepped into the main room expecting to find Picifico entertaining her guest. Looking around Alison saw no one...surely the woman had not left yet, not before the two of them had a chance to speak about Picifico. Maybe they had gone for a walk to chat and catch up.

Alison made Her way to the rooms She and Her littling shared and opened the door. She watched as Picifico had some trouble with her vision, looking back and forth from Myrna to Her.

"Okay, Myrna. How did you do it? How did you render her speechless?"

Alison crossed to where Picifico sat and placed a soft kiss upon her lips before turning to their guest.

"I trust she has not been telling you too many bad things about Me."

Myrna’s first reaction was to demand this woman keep her hands to herself. In her mind only one woman was allowed to touch Picifico.  Remembering where she was, Myrna quickly regained her composure and stood to greet the impressive looking woman that now stood beside her Picifico. With a genuine smile she extended her hand.

“You have nothing to fear, our young charge has had nothing but praise for you.  I know my girl, if she had a beef about you, I would be that first to know.  It is a pleasure to be formally introduced to such a fine woman as yourself.”

On that note, Myrna gave Picifico one of those looks that said, “We are going to talk about your lack of manners…later”.

Alison felt a bristling of the air for a brief moment when She kissed Her littling then it was gone. Alison graciously greeted the older woman and made one small correction to the woman's thinking.

"Picifico knows that if she has a beef with Me, as you put it, I am the first she is to tell and believe Me, she has done so on more than one occasion. My littling is definitely a feisty wench. I have taken the liberty of having a room made up for you. I am sure you and I will have much to discuss in regards to this beautiful creature."

Myrna’s eyes lit up and the smile widened, she liked this woman already.

“That she is. From what she tells me, she has kept you on your toes from the moment she set foot in your beautiful home.  I believe you are right. I have many questions concerning my girl’s new home and I am betting you have a few concerning her.  She has told me some of her memories have come back, unfortunately, not all.  It is a shame; Picifico has had a life filled with adventure and love. I can only hope that one day she will remember all of it.”

Pausing briefly, Myrna looked towards the small woman that still sat motionless in her chair. At that moment Myrna’s genuine smile turned into a bit of a smirk.

“One thing I am thankful for is that she remembered how to release that extraordinary tongue of hers.  It would have been a shame if you had not experienced that particular talent.”

Picifico found her tongue, in more ways than one, the moment she heard Myrna’s words.


“Hush girl. After all, I was the one who taught you how to use it.”

Not being able to hold it back, Myrna began to laugh.  In between chuckles she once again spoke directly to Lady Alison, “She is so much fun to tease. I am sure you have discovered she turns a wonderful shade of red when she is embarrassed.”

Lady Alison almost howled with laughter. "I have indeed discovered that about her and keep telling her she looks so good in that shade."

Alison gave Myrna a wink, "I thank you for teaching her to use it so well, too."

They both laughed as Picifico reddened yet again.

"I would be grateful for anything you should choose to share with Me about her. I hate that there are things she has no memory of and one I wish she didn't."

A little of the mirth disappeared from Myrna’s eyes for a moment before she began to speak, “Yes, it is a tragedy that she has missing so many of her memories.  I am looking forward to sharing some of them with you. Picifico’s life has been a full one despite her age.  When life wasn’t keeping her busy and happy she always found a way to find some kind of trouble.  Her pranks are legendary back home, in a sadistic sort a way, I miss them.”

Again Myrna began to laugh, one of those laughs that infected a room with joy. 

A little indignantly Picifico piped up. “Uhhhhh, excuse me ladies, but have you forgotten I am still in the room?”

Still laughing Myrna turned to Picifico, “No dear I have not, but I think it might be a good time for you to run and get your lovely Warrior and myself some refreshments and then make yourself scarce for a few hours.  We have much to discuss and if I know you, and I do, you will not want to be sitting here while we swap stories of your adventures.  Now scoot.”

Picifico did not move, she was torn between wanting to get out of the room and somehow preventing the future Picifico / the prankster stories from seeing the light of day.

As Picifico stood there, Myrna realized what she had just done.

“Forgive me, Lady Alison, I was not thinking.”

"There is nothing to forgive and you have a couple right fine ideas there."

Alison turned to Picifico, "Do as she said littling. I am most anxious to hear tales from your past and to share a few."

Alison leaned in close and whispered softly in Picifico's ear, "I promise you, she will be proud of you littling and I shall reward your giving us this time."

Trepidation and anticipation fought for supremacy, as Picifico softly kissed Lady A’s lips, then gently kissed Myrna’s cheek.  Hesitantly she left the room, wondering if she was going to regret the fact that Lady A and Myrna looked like they were becoming fast friends.


Quickly Picifico went to the kitchen to put together refreshments for the two most important women in her life. As she left the kitchen she had to smile when she noticed a bit of flour still in the corner of the room.  Chuckling to herself, she had to shake her head when she thought about the mess Scath had masterfully created.

When she arrived back at the room, the two women were laughing loudly. Picifico did not like the sound of that, not one bit, especially when it seemed that when she walked in the room they both laughed even harder.  Hoping she was not as red as she felt, Picifico placed the tray on the table between the two.

“Here ya go Ladies. I am going to go for a ride and give you some privacy.  It has been far too long since I took Kratos out for a good long ride.”

Lady Alison and Myrna, both watched Picifico leave and then busted out laughing again. The look on Picifico's face had been priceless when she came in and found them laughing.

"Now that we are alone, Myrna, I wish to thank you for being the one presence she seems not to have forgotten. She loves you and has spoken of you fondly on several occasions. I find it hard to believe though that you would ever cause trouble." Lady Alison delivered the last with a wink as She handed Myrna a cup of tea and then sat down with Her own.

Hearing laughter erupt the moment the door closed behind her only heightened Picifico fears that she would have no secrets by day’s end. 

The moment Picifico entered the barn and was greeted by Kratos familiar nicker, her mood improved a little.

“Well, at least I don’t have to worry about you telling any tales girl.”

Snuggling in for one of Kratos’ patented horse hugs, Picifico brushed her friend down, then saddled her up.  Still a little cranky, the small woman led Kratos from the barn and then hopped on the saddle.  With a yip, woman and horse were soon just a dust cloud in the distance.

About a candle mark later, Picifico found a small clearing and sent Kratos off to graze.  She had needed some alone time; she enjoyed the wind in her hair and the freedom of the ride.  Picifico pondered just what was being said back in her room at the Lodge.  In a way she was a little jealous of Lady A, She would soon hear about Picifico’s past. It saddened her that she would never get the chance to know her Warrior that way, she understood Lady A’s not wanting to talk about that part of Her life.  From what she knew it was not a pleasant time in Her life, but a large part of Picifico still wanted to understand her lover in all ways.

Settling in for a snooze beside a comfortable oak tree, Picifico whispered a prayer to Aphrodite.

“You know I don’t do this often, but you seem to be watching over my Lady and I, so I will give it a shot.  If you could find a way for me to understand my Warrior, I would be forever in your debt.”

A shape slowly took form in front of Picifico's eyes, the shape of a woman, shimmering as the light hit her, until there stood the Lady Muen in all her glory.

"I have been sent to you, little one."

Picifico almost came out of her skin when whatever or whoever it was appeared out of nowhere.  Automatically she drew her sword and stood ready for whatever came next.

“FOR THE LOVE OF ARTEMIS!!!! Not again! Do I have a target on me somewhere that says I am looking for trouble or the bizarre?”

Picifico waited for the woman to speak, as she did her eyes looked for Kratos.  She was not going to stick around if this woman meant her any harm.  Picifico was surprised to see Kratos lazily nibbling at some tender grass.  Seeing that, she relaxed a bit, normally Kratos was at her side the moment trouble arrived.

“Ok…whoever you are, what do you want?”

"It is you who called for me, little one. Do you not seek answers about your warrior?” The woman studied the fiery lass for a moment and knew why she had stolen Alison's heart.

“Called you? And just who are you?”

Muen smiled tenderly, "I am the one who can give you the answers you seek about one we both love. If you do not now wish those answers, I shall depart. It is up to you."

Picifico lowered her sword; something about this woman touched her soul.  The tenderness and strength in her piercing, green eyes, told the smaller woman she was in the presence of someone or something, she could trust.

“No, please don’t go.  I am sorry, it is just I have grown a little suspicious of unexpected visitors.  I won’t get into it, but suffice it to say, I have good reason to be a little leery.  You said you loved Lady Alison, so you know her?  Can you tell me why She is so closed mouth about a lot of Her past?  Why did you come here?  Who are you?  What do you want in return for this information?  Because believe me, I am not willing to make any bargains that might put Lady A in any kind of danger.”

Picifico forced herself to stop talking, even though she now felt excited at the prospect of learning about her lover. 

"Child, I would never ask you to place Alison in harm's way. I want nothing from you except your word that you will continue to care for her and love her. She is precious to me."

She sat down in front of the woman, "I am Muen, and I can tell you many things about her."

The shock of hearing who this woman was, prevented the need for Picifico to sit.  Her knees buckled as she dropped her sword.  Try as she might, the only sound that came out of her mouth, after that was a choked whisper.

“Muen? By the Gods! Yes you have my word and my promise to protect her heart with my life.”

"I see you have heard of me, little one. I assure you that I intend you no harm. Now, why don't you ask me what you wish to know?"

Her voice slowly coming back, Picifico studied the woman sitting before her.

“I guess I just want to know Her like She knows me. As we speak, She is talking to Myrna, learning of my past and heaven knows what else and there are so many things I don’t know about Her.  Now that I think about it, I believe I just want to know how to make Her happy and maybe a little about Her past…” a wicked little grin appeared on Picifico’s face, “…and maybe a few stories that She might not want me to know about.”

Muen's emerald eyes sparkled as she listened to the woman. "Will you trust me, little one?"


Two things touched the smaller woman, one was the name Muen used; for some reason, Picifico knew it was an honor to be called “little one” by this woman and two, Muen’s eyes, they had a speck of mischief which Picifico liked, they also seemed to soothe her soul.

“Yes, I will trust you.”

Muen smiled and reached out, taking both of the woman's hands in hers, feeling the warmth in them and the gentle strength. Muen held Picifico's eyes with her own and allowed the woman to bear witness to her life with Alison.

Picifico saw how Muen had first found Alison, staked out naked to the ground, beaten, bloodied, how she had tended her broken body and how she mended her broken soul. Muen did not hold anything back, none of the bad and most assuredly none of the good. Picifico saw the shape her warrior was in when Muen found her, saw the nightmares that woke her screaming and sweating for weeks; thru it all Muen was there.

Picifico watched as Alison healed and as she was trained by Muen to be her submissive and how that changed and grew until the day they exchanged rings and Alison became heir to all that was Muen’s. Muen showed Picifico conversations between Muen and Ikarias and it went a long way towards explaining the bond that existed between the half dragon and her warrior. Muen even went so far as to show her Alison’s early days learning the art of using the blowgun, including Alison’s own attempts at dart swallowing and giving herself headaches.

Much of what Muen showed her seemed to be sped up, occasionally a particular event or conversation played out at a much slower pace allowing Picifico an even deeper look into the woman who was her warrior and into the woman who had put her back together from less than scratch. Picifico witnessed the struggle her warrior had with trusting anyone and how with patience and love Muen had won that battle and Alison’s fractured heart and soul and her undying love.

Muen reached out with one hand and softly caressed Picifico’s face bringing her back to the present. “Now little one, you have seen our time together and you know everything about her that I do. I treasure her, so I have one question for you. Do you love her, truly, deeply from every corner of your soul?” Muen sat back and waited.

Picifico took a few moments to get her bearings; everything Muen had showed her was a little overwhelming. Not only did she see Lady Alison’s early life through Muen’s eyes, it almost felt as if Muen’s emotions came across as well. When everything settled in, Picifico realized why Lady A held this woman so close to Her heart. The mystical woman that sat across from Picifico loved Lady Alison fiercely and without reservation. 

Muen’s question was an easy one to answer; it hardly needed more than a moment’s thought to answer. Just before Picifico spoke she hesitated, not sure if she should be completely honest. The smaller woman looked into those beautiful green eyes and knew what needed to be said. 

“You ask if I love Lady A with all my heart, truly I do, but I can not lie to you and tell you that I love Her with all my soul. Just as you will always hold a piece of Lady Alison’s soul, Brenna will hold a piece of mine.” 

Muen chuckled softly and smiled, "Little one, your honesty will carry you a long way with her, and with me as well. Though I have moved to a different state of being, I do look in on her from time to time and I have done so since you came into her life. She loves you and trusts you and for me to be able to say that about her is indeed something special. This Brenna you speak of must have been one very special woman to capture a part of your soul. I know of only one other that Alison trusts completely and that would be Ikarias, a special creature in her own right. Have you gotten to know her?" 

“Brenna was special. Our relationship was a complicated one, but it was also very intense. I can not remember all of our time together, but I remember enough.” 

As the words came from her mouth, Picifico heard Brenna’s words echo through her mind, “I may own your body Picifico, but you own my heart. I truly believe your hold on me is stronger than anything on this earth. Never forget I will love you in this life and the next.” A warm feeling washed over Picifico, this was another new memory, one she would always cherish. 

It was impossible to hold back the grin or the deep shade of red that washed over her face. For some reason, the first thing that came to mind when Picifico thought of the intriguing half dragon was a certain home movie. 

“I know Ikarias, yes, but I have not had the opportunity to really sit down and talk with her. She seems like a wonderful woman. It is obvious that she cares for Lady A and that is enough for me. I am sure, as time goes by, I will get to know her better, at least I hope so.” 

Muen looked deeply into Picifico's eyes for a moment and smiled softly, "Little one, I am also here to let you know that love never, ever dies. Those of us who have gone on to the next world, take it with us. As for Ikarias, she was the only one in those early days that Alison would even allow near her and the only one I would trust her with. She has one of the most warped senses of humor I have ever encountered and can be quite the charmer. If I had to place Alison's life in someone's hands it would be Ikarias', now there is one, little one. If you do get the chance to sit down with the half-dragon it would be time well spent I assure you. Is she still as raunchy as she used to be?" 

Picifico choked on the air she was breathing at Muen’s final words. If there was ever an understatement, those last words topped the list.  

“I am not sure what she used to be like, but the woman I know now, most definitely leans towards the raunchy side of things.” 

Muen laughed heartily, "Child, she could be the randiest of creatures and the best part was she could definitely back up her naughty ideas. She is, shall we say, multi-talented and skilled in many areas. I also know that after I crossed over she did not leave Alison's side for quite some time." 

The laughter that came from Muen was infectious, soon the two women were both laughing. When Picifico finally managed to stop, she sobered rather quickly. She suddenly realized that not only was she sitting in the woods talking to a spirit, she was laughing with her. The next question that came to her was one she really did not want to ask, the answer could very well put her in a very tough spot. 

“Muen…can I tell Lady A that I have spoken to you and will She believe me if I do?” 

"Yes, little one, you may indeed tell her you have spoken to me and considering you will go back smelling of gardenias, when there are none within 100 miles, she will indeed believe you. In fact, do not be surprised if she doesn't know it as soon as she hugs you. I am very happy she found someone who cares for her as much as you do." 

Relief washed over Picifico, the thought of keeping this from Lady A was not a pleasant one. 

“Thank you Muen, for everything. I was feeling a little out of sorts, thinking that I would never know this part of my Warrior’s life. For some reason it was important to me.” 

Without even thinking, Picifico leaned over and enveloped the taller woman in a hug that was filled with joy. 

Muen held the smaller woman to her, the scent of gardenias filling the air, seeming to permeate every pore of Picifico's body.  

"Thank you Picifico for loving her and for taking care of the gentle soul inside of her." 

Muen released Picifico and stood, "My time here grows short, little one, but know this, if there ever comes a time when you have need of me, all you have to do is speak my name and I will find you. Now, I think you should be returning before she grows concerned." 

Muen's form began to fade, shimmering in the light and as she faded back beyond the veil, Picifico heard her say, "Remember, the love never dies." 

Picifico watched as Muen disappeared, the hair on the back of her neck bristled as a shiver ran down her spine. Moments after the beautiful woman was gone Picifico whispered to the wind. 

“Peace be with you Muen and again…thank you for your gift.” 


Before she had a chance to call her friend from the clearing, Kratos was at Picifico’s side. If she didn’t know any better she would have guess that her four-legged friend almost had a smug look on her majestic face. 

It wasn’t long before the two friends were back on the trail, heading for home. The trip went by quickly, Picifico was so caught up with all the memories she had acquired she hardly noticed as Kratos found her way back to the Lodge. As she approached the barn, the small woman wondered just what Lady Alison and Myrna had been discussing in her absence. Knowing Myrna, Picifico was sure Lady A was getting an earful. The animals looked in Picifico’s direction as her hearty laugh filled every corner of the barn.  

Alison and Myrna had talked for hours, trading stories back and forth about the one they both loved. Alison learned many things She did not know and got confirmation about some things She had suspected. After their talk, Myrna went to lie down, the trip to the Lodge taking its toll on her elderly body. Alison had shown her to the room that was made up for her and bid her a good rest, promising that the three of them would have dinner together later. Alison returned to their room, praying to the Gods that someday, somehow, Her littling would get back those memories that eluded her. Alison sat down in Her chair, staring into the fire, waiting for Picifico to return from her ride. She had to chuckle when She thought about Myrna telling Her about the time Picifico turned the older woman’s feet purple…Myrna had laughed loudly when Alison told her about Aria’s adventures into purple piggies land. She had gotten a rather big kick out of hearing about Picifico’s punishment for that little joke too.

Alison genuinely liked Myrna. Though the woman was elderly, she had the spirit and spunk of timeless youth. It was easy to see the impact she had had on Picifico, they both shared the same feistiness and love of life…not to mention a twisted sense of humor. Myrna truly loved Her littling and cared about what happened to her. At times during their talk, Alison couldn’t help but feel like she was being interrogated. Was only natural for Myrna to want to check Her out, she did after all love Picifico and had known her far longer than Alison. She only hoped the older woman found her worthy of Picifico. She thought it a good sign when Myrna placed a soft kiss upon Her cheek after being shown to her room.

After a thorough brushing and a treat for her friend, Picifico made her way to the Lodge with a bounce in her step.  There were so many things she wanted to talk to Lady A about, her mind reeled with questions.  Just before she stepped into the main hall the small woman stopped, it hit her that Lady A may be thinking the same thing.  Picifico’s heart raced when she thought about what Myrna might have told Lady A.  So much of her past was still lost to her and she hoped her Warrior would not be disappointed with what She learned.  Picifico gave herself a gentle, mental nudge and headed for her room.

Lady Alison sat in front of the fire, staring into the flames, waiting for Her littling to return. It never felt right when the woman was gone, She never felt right. She knew it was because when Picifico was gone, so was Her heart. She rose and added a couple more logs to the fire and stretched hearing and feeling Her back pop. The room seemed so empty without Her littling's presence.

"Where are you, wench?" Alison asked the room softly.

Picifico, walked into the room just in time to hear Lady A ask where she was.  With a mischievous grin she quietly crept up behind the Warrior as She fed the fire and gently placed her hands over Lady Alison’s beautiful eyes.  With a light kiss to the back of her lover’s neck, Picifico wrapped her body around Lady Alison.

“Hmmmmmmmm, I am right here, my Warrior. Right where I should be, at Your side.”

Lady Alison leaned back against Her littling for a moment, and then turned to wrap Her arms around her. Alison's eyes widened as the scent of gardenias washed over Her.

"It appears I am not the only one who was having company, littling."

Alison knew that scent and knew it well. There was only one way Picifico could smell like that, she had been in the presence of the Lady Muen.... very interesting.

A little surprised by Lady A’s statement, Picifico stepped back.

“Ahhhhh…ya…ahhhh…had a kind of unusual day.  How did You know?”

"The scent of gardenias, littling. In case you haven't noticed, we don't have any growing anywhere around here. It was Muen's favorite flower."

A wave of missing her went thru the warrior. Even after all these years, She still missed her. Alison would not trade Picifico for anything, but that didn't stop the wave of momentary longing.

"Care to tell Me what happened?"

Briefly, Picifico described her experience with Muen, making sure to explain why she thought the majestic woman gifted her with the memories and the brief gift of her presence.  The one question that seemed to be at the forefront of Picifico’s thought finally made its way to her lips.

“Muen showed me so much of your time together, I was a little overwhelmed, but something that stands out, are some of the ones concerning Ikarias.  I never knew you two had such a history.”

Picifico could not hold back the grin when she finished her statement.

“I thought I was good at getting myself into some tight spots. Ikarias seems to be a master of it.”

It warmed Alison's heart that Muen would come to the mention of Ikarias' name a wicked grin spread across Alison's face. To say they had a history was putting it mildly.

"In those early days, littling, there were only two I felt totally safe with, the Lady Muen and the half-dragon Ikarias. She did something for which I will always be grateful...there is more to her than just the lusty, lewd wonder you have seen. She was indeed good at finding trouble, but always seemed to find a way out, too. So what did Muen show you littling?"

“I think I understand why You trust Ikarias, what she did to the men that hurt You was extraordinary, to say the least.”

Picifico paused then smiled, “There were so many things that happened between you two, I cannot help but smile. I have a feeling it is going to be fun to watch Ikarias’ reaction to a few slips of the tongue that I think I may have over the next few weeks.   I know Muen really cared for Ikarias, it was evident in the feelings I had when Muen showed me some of the past.  One night in particular stood out in Muen’s memories.  I am betting You remember the night Ikarias was caught spying on You and Muen?” A full belly laugh came from Picifico as the final words made there way across her lips.


Alison couldn't help but feel a surge of love for the half dragon when Picifico mentioned what Ikarias had done to avenge Her...knowing they had died slowly and painfully and without their penises, helped bring closure to Alison and allowed Her to move forward, slow though it may have been. When Picifico spoke of that certain night, Alison laughed right along with her.

"Oh, indeed I do remember it...quite fondly as a matter of fact. Not many can order Ikarias to do anything and have her do it, but Muen could and when she was caught and Muen ordered her to undress and sit in the chair by the bed, she did so. I can still see Muen securing her to the chair. We took great delight in teasing the hell out of her by first making her watch as Muen and I enjoyed each other and then by both of us teasing the hell out of her.  It was a night to remember for sure. Just what else did she show you littling? I hope she kept some things from you, though."

The sparkle in Picifico’s eyes was a clear sign that as far as she could tell, Muen had not left much out, if anything.

“One thing Muen seemed to take particular delight in showing me was You learning to use the blow gun.  Seems I am not the only one that tried to swallow one of her training darts.  At least I haven’t tried experiencing the effects of the pain darts first hand.” 

Just to be on the safe side, Picifico put the desk between her and Lady A, and with a shit eating grin Picifico added, “And by the way, have You managed to shoot any more unsuspecting farmers’ wives lately?” 

"I should have known she wouldn't be able to resist sharing those unpleasant episodes. I told you when you did it that I had done it too, did you think I was kidding? As for the dart incident, now you know why I am so adamant about using extreme care when handling them. Trust Me littling, it is not an experience you want or need to have."

Farmer's wife? Farmer's wife!

"It was an accident, well sort of. If I had been paying attention to where she was and not looking at one of her voluptuous grown daughters, I wouldn't have pegged her. She needed a nap anyway."

“Ah ha…so You were a letch even then.”

Picifico put a little more distance between her and the now slightly embarrassed Warrior. 

“Wonder what would happen if I told Klancy the real reason one of her crew fell asleep on the job and sent her ship into dry dock for over a week?  Think I should tell her?” With the last statement Picifico inched towards the door, “Or maybe I should explain to DJ that she was not over-tired that time she fell asleep in the Library only to wake up with the impression of a chakrum on her forehead that would not go away for two days.”

At this point, Picifico was laughing so hard she was having a hard time standing.

The wench was definitely feeling her oats and when she stopped to catch her breath from laughing so hard, Alison flew across the room and scooped Picifico up in Her arms, made Her way to Her favorite chair and sat down, quickly flipping Picifico over Her lap. Alison proceeded to deliver a rather erotic spanking, stopping just short of granting relief. She pulled Picifico up so that the wench was straddling Her thighs and then pulled her close and kissed her passionately.

"If you tell either of them, I shall keep you hovering on the edge for days, littling. Your choice."

Picifico pondered her options, the burning sensation that was coming from her butt and the obvious signs of arousal that had developed between her legs, left her just a little flustered.  When she looked into Lady Alison’s eyes the small submissive knew that this was not an idle threat.

With a small glint of mischief in her eyes, Picifico could barely hold a straight face when she responded.

“Yes Mistress, not a word to the other Lodgers…I promise.”

Lady Alison looked deep into Picifico's eyes, "I am serious littling. One peep and I shall make it My mission to keep you just as wet and wanting as humanly possible. I am quite sure I will enjoy it a great deal more than you will."

The smaller woman squirmed for a moment, as the shocks of pleasure shot through her, Picifico leaned forward and gently kissed her Warrior. Then whispered into her ear.

“Not a word, my Lady…I promise.”

Alison pulled Picifico tight against Her chest and kissed her until She heard the wench moan.

"Wise choice littling. Besides, you wouldn't want to miss out on..." Lady Alison's words were lost against Picifico's neck as She kissed and nibbled it softly. Of course, She couldn't resist raking Her nails gently over Picifico's still red ass.

Even though one part of Picifico wanted to play a bit her curiosity was getting the best of her.  Lady Alison had spent an entire afternoon with Myrna and that could only mean one thing.  Lady A had been listening to some tales of her own.

“Ahhhh…Lady A, do you mind if I ask you what you and Myrna talked about all afternoon?  I have a feeling most of the conversation centered on me but would you mind telling me a few of the details?”

Lady Alison chuckled softly as She pulled Picifico fully into Her lap. "I tell you one thing littling, that woman is a definite force of nature and not to be taken lightly. She also loves you very much, as do I. We had a most pleasant conversation, well after she finished interrogating Me, that is."

Alison softly ran Her fingers thru Picifico's hair as they sat there, Alison could still smell gardenias, though it was fading.

"I told her how much you have grown littling, how very proud I am of you and how much I love you. I did of course tell her about you turning Aria's feet purple and about trying to swallow darts, but for the most part I think she was quite pleased." Alison took a moment and softly kissed Her littling.

"I learned much about your earlier life littling...some good, some bad. By the way, if you ever put itching powder in My boots you will not be able to sit for a month." A slow grin spread across Alison's face after She spoke.

One eyebrow rose when Picifico heard Lady Alison’s last comment.

“I took the powder out of Kaie’s boots, why do you think I would do that to you?”

"Let's just say a little bird told Me about you doing it to her. I can't believe you did that to that sweet woman."

Alison grew more serious, "I hope I have met with her approval littling."

Picifico searched her limited memory for something but for the life of her she could not recall doing something like that to Myrna.  Picifico made a mental note to apologize to her when she had a chance.

“I am sure she is quite impressed with you Lady Alison, how could she not be?”

A brilliant smile covered Picifico entire face as she looked into her Warriors caring eyes.”

"You didn't hear her grilling Me, littling. I thought she was going to ask Me for references. It is quite evident she played a major role in your life and that she cares very deeply for you. We spoke briefly of Brenna and that time. I wish I could give you back those memories littling...I would do it in a heartbeat."

Lady Alison softly caressed Her littling's face, "I do so love it when you smile My beloved."

Her eyes closed slowly as Picifico leaned into Lady Alison’s hand, a quiet moan coming from her lips as she did.  After a moment of just savoring the wonderful feeling of contentment Picifico tenderly kissed her Warrior’s palm.

Lady Alison stood, Picifico in Her arms and made Her way to the bed. She fell back on it, taking Her wench with her. Alison looked down into her eyes, "You know what kissing My palms does to Me wench. Perhaps it is time I remind you of just who the warrior in this room is."

Alison pulled Picifico's arms above her head, holding them there with one hand, the other moving to firmly squeeze one nipple and then the other. She placed one leg between Picifico's and ground it firmly against her mound.

Picifico groaned loudly, almost instantly she felt the moisture between her legs begin to soak the leather of Lady A’s muscular thigh.  By the look in her Warrior’s eyes Picifico knew she was in for a very pleasant ride.  With growing need Picifico arched her back and pressed even herself toward Lady A.

"Awful anxious littling. I will decide what you get and when." Lady Alison captured Picifico's lips in a fierce kiss as She restrained Picifico's arms above her head. Alison slid from the bed and very slowly and erotically stripped for Her wench. Knowing the effect it had on Her littling, Lady Alison began softly running Her hands over Her own body; Her eyes never leaving Picifico's face.

Picifico watched as her Warrior tormented her, every movement sending shivers down her spine.  Even as her heart rate increased Picifico pulled at her restraints, she knew they would not allow her to move but she had to know.  Every fiber of her being wanted to reach out and touch the soft skin that Lady Alison's fingers were now so seductively caressing.  

Lady Alison continued Her slow erotic torturing of not only Herself but also Her wench. Alison knew full well what not being able to touch did to Picifico and She was taking full advantage of it. When Alison rolled both nipples between Her fingers two moans softly sounded in the room. Reaching down Alison rolled both of Picifico’s firmly as well, smiling as the wench once more pulled at her restraints.

“Problem, littling?”

Lightning bolts of pleasure shot though Picifico, only being able to move her upper body slightly in either direction intensified her excitement.  One part of her wanted to pull away from Lady A's tormenting fingers while another part of her ached to lean into the touch.

"Please Lady A, I need to touch you, if only for a moment."

The stain of the bondage was apparent in the pitch of the smaller woman's voice..  Sweat was already forming on Picifico's brow, she knew she would be begging very soon if Lady Alison did not allow her to touch her. 

“Come, come littling, you know one moment is never enough for you.” Lady Alison bent down and captured one hard nipple between Her lips and slowly, teasingly sucked it into Her warm wet mouth. She spent many moments lavishing it attentively before moving to do the same to the other one. Over and over, the warrior moved from one to the other until She slid one hand slowly down Picifico’s stomach and pressed it firmly against the wench’s heated core.

Picifico's moan came from the depths of her soul, the sound almost resembling a growl to anyone that did not know better.  The sheen of perspiration that had covered her brow now became drops of sweat that threatened to drip down her face.  Picifico could only arch her back as a plea for her Warrior to continue, speech was not even an option anymore.  

Lady Alison looked down into Her wench’s eyes and saw a fire burning in them She was quite familiar with and it was a fire She planned on putting out…eventually. Alison slid purposefully down Picifico’s body, stopping only when Her tongue swiped slowly over Her wench’s clit. Very slowly, Alison feasted upon Her wench until her moans took on a more urgent tone and then the warrior roughly drove three fingers deep inside her as She began purring against the woman’s clit, Her tongue pressing and twirling over it.

The instant Picifico felt Lady Alison enter her the tremors of her imminent release began pulsing though her small body; the moans of pleasure quickly became cries of need.

"By the Gods, Yessssss, ohhhhhhh Gods M'Lady, Yessssss!!!!!"

Picifico did not even realize just how loud her cries had become, the only thing that circled in her mind was the wanting of her Warrior and need for more. 

Three became four and the warrior feasted still, Her wench’s cries of pleasure music to Her ears and Her soul. Four became all and Alison growled against Picifico as She felt the wench wrap around Her hand. Alison began twisting Her hand inside of Her wench as She began thrusting in and out, deeply and firmly. She slid Her free hand up and began teasing Her littling’s hard nipples.

The last few weeks of torment and misery washed away as Picifico let the wonderful feeling of her Warrior inside her wash over her.  Almost the instant she felt Lady A fill her completely Picifico's body ached for release. 

"Pleaaaasse…By the Godsssssss Pleassssse!!! Lady A….I can't …..Pleasssseeeee!!!!!!"

Picifico's cries could be heard by all the inhabited the Lodge…to most it was a familiar cry but to one it was not quite so familiar.

Lady Alison was tempted to stop right where She was…just so She could start again, but She did so love the sounds of Her littling’s release. Alison peered over Her wench’s mound, their eyes meeting and She simply gave a little nod of Her head and sucked Her littling’s clit in deeply. Picifico’s cries of release sounded thru the lodge, filling Lady Alison’s heart.

Alison was just about to begin again when the door to their room burst open, a shaken Myrna standing there. The look of fear on her face quickly turned to embarrassment as she realized what was going on. After hurried apologies Myrna turned to leave and grabbed her chest, a cry of shock and pain coming from her as she fell to the floor. Alison and picifico raced over to her and gently moved her to the bed they had just been making love in.

“You must take me home and you must assume my seat, girl.” With those words Myrna’s eyes closed, never to open again.

Picifico’s anguished cry tore at Alison’s heart, even as Her own was breaking. She had always known the day would come when picifico left, now She knew how and when. The knowing did not make the pain any less for either of them, but they both knew it was time for picifico to return to her home far away.

Together they prepared for picifico to leave and take Myrna’s body back to her homeland. Lady Alison could see in picifico’s eyes how it tore at her but both knew she had to go. Between final kisses and spilling tears, warrior and wench packed picifico’s things and loaded them on the cart bearing Myrna’s body. Lady Alison made sure picifico had money for the journey and darts for her blowgun, actually was the blowgun picifico had made Her. Alison hoped it would serve her well and keep her from harm and remind her that she had been well and truly loved.

Once the cart was loaded there was nothing left except that which they dreaded the most…their final parting. With a tender kiss and a hug neither wanted to end they said goodbye to each other, tears showing in both their eyes. Lady Alison stood there and watched as picifico climbed aboard the cart and began the long trek home with Myrna’s body. She did not move until She could no longer see the cart. With tears streaming down Her face Alison re-entered the lodge, walked up the steps into Her room and slammed the door.


Pointe finale - by Lady Alison and Picifico

Lady Alison's Index

Main Library Stories

Lodge Entrance